Hi At',
I won't respond to your points individually but, collectively, by disagreeing with my post you are saying in effect that you think it's perfectly acceptable for MPs to:
1. Take control of the government process.
2. Agree to a manifesto pledge in order to gain election and then do something completely different when in office.
Those were the two points I made in my last post and if that's your idea of democracy - then I pray for the sake of the country that you never go into politics!
I do agree with you that this whole fiasco is in the hands of "some very extreme and dangerous people". Said extreme and dangerous people are those MPs who have zero humility and zero probity who, for example, vote for Article 50 one day and then take no-deal off the table the next. Or vote against taking no-deal off the table and then stand up at the dispatch box and say no-deal would be a disaster (Philip Hammond take note). 'Go figure' is the American expression that springs to mind. The democracy that I talk about is very simple and centres around the long established custom of MPs living up to their title and behaving honourably. That so few of them adhere to this is the prime reason why we're in this mess. The situation is now so bad, that the charlatans that you support (e.g. Sir Vince Cable) have even managed to hoodwink you and half the country into believing that the few MPs who are behaving honourably by sticking to the pledges they made in the referendum and two general elections - are the extreme and dangerous people. Talk about hypocrisy and the pot calling the kettle black - unbelievable! I'm sorry to say At', if either of us has been hoodwinked, it is you and not me.