Brexit and the Consequences


BUT Everytink bout big RED bus was true! 🙂
Various petitions debated by MPs. Over 2 hrs spelling out what the legal position is and what the people voted for and what they didn't vote for, inc the whole of this so called negotiation. Some good speakers if you have the time. They also explain why a second referendum won't happen. In addition, they go as far as insinuating that there is an establishment stitch up to try and keep us as good as in the EU.
guys ......dont take anything off the table .........rules are there to be changed or broken as needed ..........

fascinating to see Boris and Nigel warming up in the sidelines now though !!!!............that definitely tells me a 2nd referendum is on the cards........hopefully this time we will have some hard and focused hitters on the remain side

although in truth I have given up worrying about what we do as its already a bloody economic and political disaster ........I would have happily taken Teresas half baked deal.......just to get some stability back to UK business and the economy


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guys ......dont take anything off the table .........rules are there to be changed or broken .......I would have happily taken Teresas half baked deal.......just to get some stability back to UK business and the economy


Absolutely, just the sort of pragmatism that makes us who we are and which made our country great. Bugger idealists - they are more trouble than they are worth.
TM could step down. She needs a long holiday. She has aged a lot in the last couple of years. She's beginning to look like Gollum to me. Already has the walk. Give her couple of more months holding on to power and be interesting to see how she turns out.

Power is most intoxicating, for those who wield it for personal gain. She has lost her sensible faculties. I have to laugh at the people who claim she has done her best in a difficult position. Much like Thatcher split nation and more than likely introduce Corbyn to the nation.

As for Moggy and his crew, with the benefit of hindsight, they too were premature in their lust for power.

Perhaps, we'll end up with another hung parliament, with Labour and LibDems coming to some sort of coalition government.

Hi At',
TM could step down. She needs a long holiday. She has aged a lot in the last couple of years. She's beginning to look like Gollum to me. Already has the walk. Give her couple of more months holding on to power and be interesting to see how she turns out.
If Mrs. May had an ounce of honour she'd resign.

Power is most intoxicating, for those who wield it for personal gain. She has lost her sensible faculties. I have to laugh at the people who claim she has done her best in a difficult position. Much like Thatcher split nation and more than likely introduce Corbyn to the nation.
Agreed with you about TM - but I can't see Corbyn getting in to No. 10.

As for Moggy and his crew, with the benefit of hindsight, they too were premature in their lust for power.
Moggy has no "lust for power". He's always ruled himself out of becoming PM. His only interest is in ensuring that the Government sticks to what it has consistently and repeatedly said it would do since the referendum - to ensure the longevity of our supposed democratic political system. And if he fails in his honourable endeavour, then the country will be plunged into a crisis that will make the current impasse look like a minor scuffle in a school playground.

Perhaps, we'll end up with another hung parliament, with Labour and LibDems coming to some sort of coalition government.
If Brexit isn't delivered before the next general election, then either UKIP or Nigel Farage's new party will swoop in to cause the biggest upset in British political history. One thing's for sure - the Lib Dem's are a spent force, they're history.
The present shambles could spell the end of British Democracy as we thought we knew it.
Just consider what the worse alternatives are:-
1. American style capitalism. Perhaps Sugar or Branson would take over.
2. Corbyn's vision of Socialism, which means trade unionism who own them.
3. Some ghastly extremist group using force and intimidation not seen here since Henry VIII.
I'm not particularly that bothered about which party or leader takes over after Brexit.. Lets take one thing at a time. Brexit is the biggest thing to happen in a long time, It must be done right and honour the referendum, Leaders and parties can be voted in/out after 4-5 years, with the EU you cant just go back in.. If we did leave on WTO then im sure a great deal could be achieved as soon as possible when there's no time constraints or pressure in order to suit both sides. Unfortunately, like in a general election, there has to be loosing sides, You cannot make concessions to please them, which is what TM has tried to do..
I'm not particularly that bothered about which party or leader takes over after Brexit.. Lets take one thing at a time. Brexit is the biggest thing to happen in a long time, It must be done right and honour the referendum, Leaders and parties can be voted in/out after 4-5 years, with the EU you cant just go back in.. If we did leave on WTO then im sure a great deal could be achieved as soon as possible when there's no time constraints or pressure in order to suit both sides. Unfortunately, like in a general election, there has to be loosing sides, You cannot make concessions to please them, which is what TM has tried to do..

Yeah but it does matter who's in charge after a WTO outcome. Labour would spend the next term crying about going back in, whereas the Tories, after some blood letting, would form a policy to take advantage of the new situation.

I guess that's why the Tories are way ahead in the polls. Whatever the outcome, the default position for voters comes down to competence. I know I know, doesn't say much for how the voters view Labour 😆
Don't get me wrong CV, would hate to see corbin or Labour in, But the main priority is a proper brexit. Though, i am starting to warm to the DUP for various reasons ...😆
I'm not particularly that bothered about which party or leader takes over after Brexit.. Lets take one thing at a time. Brexit is the biggest thing to happen in a long time, It must be done right and honour the referendum, Leaders and parties can be voted in/out after 4-5 years, with the EU you cant just go back in.. If we did leave on WTO then im sure a great deal could be achieved as soon as possible when there's no time constraints or pressure in order to suit both sides. Unfortunately, like in a general election, there has to be loosing sides, You cannot make concessions to please them, which is what TM has tried to do..

It’s the nature of a deal that there have to be compromises. Like any messy divorce if you are a glass half full type of person you shake hands, smile sweetly and focus on the things you got that you wanted, if you are a glass half empty type then you shake your fist and focus on the things you didn't get.
The compromises i was referring to Jon was, I don't think its right concocting a deal whereby you negotiate to please those who lost the referendum as well.. It would never happen in a general election.
The compromises i was referring to Jon was, I don't think its right concocting a deal whereby you negotiate to please those who lost the referendum as well.. It would never happen in a general election.

I suppose that’s an outside possibility but I don’t think she was trying to please remainers. More likely, in my view, is that she had a desperately weak hand to play and although she played what she had badly she was never going to take many tricks with most of the honour cards in the EU’s hand.