Those are my thoughts also.
Corbyn straight after the vote said " the PM needs to take No Deal off the table before Labour will consider talks". Is he completely stark raving bonkers ! He knows only too well that parliament has already agreed and voted through the default position, which is No Deal in the event that a deal cannot be reached with the EU. He simply can't say that he wants No Deal ruled out because unless there is a deal passed by parliament, then the talks backstop is No Deal. He's just a contemptuous oik who clearly doesn't have the countries interests in mind when all he does is mindless moronic politicking.
Meanwhile, the EU are finally waking up to the fact that No Deal is really going to hurt them, not only economically, but in the ballot box too.
TM is just a complete fekkin idiot. She should have banged the No Deal drum on day One as the starting point for any negotiated settlement.
Pot calling kettle black LOL.
First she plays poker hiding her hand and then hides legal advice holding parliament in contempt. If not for Parliament, our institutions and G.Miller can you imagine this woman so called PM would have had her way with us all, not much different to tyrants in banana republics.
The very British nationalist and MSMedia put targets on judges, calling them traitors and threatening the wonderful lady G.Miller for fighting to maintain and protect sovereignty of our parliament. Can you imagine what might have happened if she didn't stand up to hold government to account?
All this talk about taking back control and from day one Tories in contempt of parliament, including her very own cabinet, literally cheating her way into holding power.
Davies started off by publicly stating UK didn't need a transition period and he might give one if the EU were nice to him. LOL
It then transpires there is no Business Impact Assessment on withdrawal and one is hastily conducted. Parliament is deprived of any debate! LOL more incredulous laughter. Is it a national state secret? What does it show?
DD before a parliamentary committee whaffles his way through whether one was conducted or not and how it is not necessary. Incompetence and contempt of Parliament all the way.
Brexiteers all gun ho, hope and glory, Boris, Moggy, Govey, Leadsom all in the limelight intoxicated with their delusional lies.
British people, including you lot all riding high in your WWII and what Churchill would do larky. EU punishments and beatings and how the EU interferes. The catalogue of amazing self-delusional virtual constructs knows no bounds.
All through out this time, instead of involving Parliament to debate, discuss and get buy-in AND this includes cross party support as this is not about parties as 007 rightly points out but one of national interest, Brexiteers and TM and Tory government carry on as if the sun shines out of their backsides. Perhaps you might take a moment to reflect when the European Parliament votes it usually is not on party lines but what ever motion the Commission brings before it for voting. So intentions are often more around subject matter of what is best and not about Left v Right. 90% + of those motions UK voted for and most introduced into the EU her self.
So the story goes. All the way. Then suddenly a 500 page + doc is release behind cabinet back with no consultation, no buy-in, no support and even the legal advice is withheld.
Enough is enough, this brexit fiasco is so much rubbish, with no substance, initiated by Eurosceptics wiht no national interest but only about furthering a niche area of interest.
However, this area of interest means so many things to so many people. Brexit means Brexit baby yeah? It can be what ever you want it to be!
There is a mega calamity ahead for the UK if we do not correct this utterly wasteful and misguided brexit fiasco. Should be clear to you by now.
However, people don't like to concede they got it wrong. It goes against the self ego consistency pride I'm so brilliant inbuilt superiority complex we seem to possess.
This is contrary to all evidence - not least demonstrated by that fab red bus... LOL Amazing is it not. contrary to all evidence what we have said on these threads, witnessed with our own eyes people still believe in the hype and promises made by Brexiteers.
TM being the leading cheer leader of all the lies. You can have your cake and eat it. Yes you can.
Three biggest aspects for me were;
1. Sovereignty
2. Excessive Rules and Regs
3. Other countries queuing up to do trade deals with us
Last two years each of those so called important reasons have been trampled all over culminating in contempt of Parliament as you have witnessed.
Think about it chaps. Sincerely, with open hearts. Reflect back on the last two years. Surely, some of you must now be thinking, asking if maybe, just maybe this is not the right or the best move for UK?
I wish you all the best and implore you to reconsider...