Question 1 - Maintain current status quo of UK in EU
Question 2 - Leave the EU on WTO based rules and work towards what ever deals Brexiteers feel good for UK.
MAYBE Question 3 - fwiw if vote in Parliament on Withdrawal Agreement (1 above) is anything marginal in the 50s, have it as a third Question.
Perhaps similare to the French system, have two options primary and secondary. If no clear winner, in the first round, then in teh second round allocate the the 3rd lowest votes to the secondary preferences on the ballot sheet.
Job done!
There are a couple of dangerous assumptions that remainers are making with this 2nd referendum idea, dangerous for themselves that is!
Because they couldn't believe that their own hype about remaining hadn't been believed and they lost the vote, they then assumed that people that voted to leave had got it wrong, 1st wrong assumption, but blinded by their own righteousness, they embarked on a losers crusade to reverse the result, even Gina Miller's attempt has backfired on her (so far), although this is debatable given that the Tories are trying to remain.
The 2nd wrong assumption is that the people will vote remain a second time around, following the example of other countries when people have been forced to vote in a 2nd referendum. I wouldn't be so sure, I think they will stab themselves in the back and the vote will be in even more favour to leave.
The Tory leadership, I suspect, know this, otherwise being the remainers that they are, they would have called a 2nd referendum with no hesitation if there was a chance to remain. They have deliberately bungled Brexit so that it is likely it will be delayed at the very least, if not cancelled. Calling a referendum risks their remain plans as it could go all the leave way, why would they need that when things are actually going well for them?
If a second referendum is called, then loading the questions in favour of remain is only asking for trouble, even if it got to that stage, where a vote to remain resulted, the issue of leaving the EU is not going to go away anytime soon, a majority want out, that's what needs to be delivered.
Rest assured, if we remain it will be because of parliament, not because of a second referendum, there is too much at stake now that the UK is intertwined with the EU in the areas of defence, intelligence and security, it's just a geo-political powerplay.
Any time Blair get's involved, then you know it's all about the elite, bankers, power and money and nothing to do with citizens.