Can we just pause Brexit until we choose a new PM, ? Couple of weeks should do it, I’m hearing we’ve hit the 48 letter threshold.
You say the issue is one of perception!
1. Is that what you truly believe
2. Is that what you believe because politicians have told you so
All politicians need a scape goat. Italy is case in point. Promise the world deliver jack.
I'm a little confused with your stance. As a thinking body, do your recognise you've been led up the garden path or you still suggesting EU is still the problem and you want exit?
I really don't care for France, their riots or what colours vehicles painted. Has no bearing on Brexit. To me it's the same tosh as the Greek, Italian and other Politicians blaming the EU for their troubles. EU sets targets about having a balanced budget and spending limits. If lesser developed regions in the UK start rioting will that be a EU problem? No it is the countries local problem.
First it's the refugees who get bombed the sh!t out of them, then the experts who always get it wrong, and now we are working up to the elitists, intellectuals. As always ultimately Europeans. So we want to take back control.
It's never the polticians or national policy fault is it? That's not possible coz they have no control. It's all the Refugees and Europeans fault. We are just so awesome. In fact it is them keeping us behind. Always is. If not for THEM refugees and Europeans, we'd be awesome and great again as we were once before.
Some people buy this tosh. Who'd think it? 🤔
How many PM's toppled over the vexed EU issue down the years. Brexit voters should all be given gongs for their selfless contribution, taking back control and restoring the UK's independence. 👍
1. Yes.You say the issue is one of perception!
1. Is that what you truly believe
2. Is that what you believe because politicians have told you so
AS a matter of interest, which part of my body does the thinking? ;-)I'm a little confused with your stance. As a thinking body, do your recognise you've been led up the garden path or you still suggesting EU is still the problem and you want exit?
There's an awful lot of chancers (supported by their followers) who fancy her job – I reckon she will be done for. A replacement couldn't be any worse than her – could it??risky move by the dissenters .......48 no confidence votes is one thing .....getting the majority of conservatives to oust her is another ........
i will bet on her remaining .....
There's an awful lot of chancers (supported by their followers) who fancy her job – I reckon she will be done for. A replacement couldn't be any worse than her – could it??
risky move by the dissenters .......48 no confidence votes is one thing .....getting the majority of conservatives to oust her is another ........
i will bet on her remaining .....
I'm not so sure they are chancers, she let the Tory party down when she lost her majority at the last election, they have let her loose for too long and she has caused unending damage to their party and all our confidence in the Brexit process. Quite rightly the worst PM in British history. Now that they have a real chance of installing a Brexiteer they would be foolish to squander the opportunity at this important juncture, I can't see them letting her get away with it this time.
Hi Atilla,
1. Yes.
2. No.
For me, perception trumps truth / lies and facts / opinions. It's a lesson I learnt soon after I joined T2W staff in the days when I, the Mods and Sharky were criticised and attacked on a regular basis. We could present members with irrefutable truths, backed by watertight facts (about how the site is/was run), but our efforts were often in vein simply because some members perceived otherwise.
Yep agree with you hear. I always thought T2W was doing a good job though through many of those snipes. No matter what cream always rises to the top and sediments sink given enough time.
The EU may be the lovely, cuddly and friendly organisation that remainers would have us all believe, but that counts for diddly squat if the perception is that it's an autocratic, inflexible and undemocratic institution that does not take kindly to dissenting voices - be they people voting against it in referendums or demonstrating against it in the streets. Perception is everything.
This begs the question why the newspapers and some elements portray it as such. So on one level academics can say EU process is far removed from people then on the other hand if the EU spends money on communicating all the good work it delivers ie like posters in Wales telling people where some of those brand spanking new complexes were funded from, newspapers turn round and say - this is how the EU spends our contribution by putting up boards and posters. EU can't win with a belligerent ungrateful media. Much like Brexiteers, they'll criticise the EU no matter what they do. SignalCalc is one body who's a prime example.
IAS a matter of interest, which part of my body does the thinking? ;-)
LOL know what you mean here. I've seen that film too, man with two brains. 🙂
Well, here's a case in point. Your perception is that I and other Brexiteers have been lead up the garden path and you've spent countless hours writing many hundreds (thousands?) of posts presenting your 'truth' and 'facts' and yet, bizarrely, I and other Brexiteers still don't seem to be convinced. Why? Because our perception of the whole issue is completely different to yours; we're looking at it differently and see (perceive) things very differently to you. And visa versa, of course.
Agreed, two bodies can look at a mountain peak from different positions and see two different views. Never the less, the mountain remains the same mountain. It's not exactly EU's fault how national governments choose to stand by different policies. Rules, regulations and directives remain the same to all members.
Anyway, as I said a few posts ago, IMO, the issue of trust and confidence in our political system is what's on the line now and that is waaay more important than any kind of Brexit that we may - or may not - end up with. And the first step towards addressing this issue is for the Tories to get shot of Mrs. May in tonight's no confidence vote.
Hi Atilla,. . . We need to bury Brexit. . .