Don't worry Att, you can't distract us with some silly vid.
Now about the EU which is falling apart by the day. Care to tell us why it won't and how well the EU is doing? 🙂
He starts off with financial meltdown of EU and says France has massive massive social problems!!! FFS his trying very hard isn't he? Social issues in France is about Macron. Has FA to do with EU. Even if they do want to leave the EU. Let them.
The global economy has endured the meltdown of some of the biggest investments banks in the worlds biggest economies.
We've had many financial issues, Brazil & Argentina has had so many. Same for Russia. Next on the list is China. In comparison, the EU is a stronghold. India has been there too and few other European ones.
I've said this before. EU will not fail. Some countries will leave like the PIGS. Italians much like the Greeks are betting on their political leaders who will take them up sheet creek and leave them their without any paddles. Brexiteer politicians will do the same with the British people. Core EU countries will stick to the EU, adhere to the common rules and come out of the crises far stronger and better than any country that decides to go it alone. Always has been the case in the past and will be the same in the future.
Fiscal policies will need to be integrated. Local politicians can't be trusted to do the right thing.
You as before start frothing in the mouth but lack brains to think your way out of a wet paper bag.
UK problem is the Tories. Starting with thatcher who withdrew subsidies and divided country up. Northern UK will remain behind lagging Southern England. Industries will always locate near their market place. Inequitable distribution of income in teh UK will feed the divide. Money will leave the UK. Investments will fail or follow departure.
NI and Scotlan may well end up braking away from the union. Wales can only dream of how good they had it in the EU.
So they are training more health workers. Take up is a little thin but it's a start. British business will have to pay more for shoddy work from labour who doesn't want to do the work migrants used to ie like picking fruit, cleaning and serving people. How that is going to make the country more productive is beyond me. Mr Dyson despite his Brexit rhetoric is shifting his production to China. What's wrong with Bristol or up North you might ask?
There is an awful stink coming our way and all you can do is talk about other countries petty little issues. Brexit has tied government into knots. Can't do anything else. Drone legislation low priority. Universal Credit postponed. Even Moggy boy switching his fund operation to Dublin.
Frankfurt winning race with Paris for Brexit bank moves
Frankfurt is winning the race to attract the banking jobs moving out of London because of Brexit, with 25 lenders having moved operations there ahead of the UK's departure from the EU, new research published today shows.
This is just the start. European migrant numbers dropped off but migrant numbers still the same but from outside of the EU.
Take back control only to sideline parliament seems like bad idea to me. First time for everything. Contempt of Parliament. TM won't even consult her cabinet operating behind their backs let alone get Parliament to have a say. Right ol banana republic. Do the British people understand what they are voting for or what's going on. Right bunch of indignant numpties and yobs. No leadership in the country. Parliament in disarray and you take joy at France's massive social issues and Italies daft bankrupt banks.
So what if France, Italy or Spain sinks. Better for the UK if you ask me. Hopefully, we may displace some of their industries winning market share where we compete.
Instead, you keep rabbiting about EU failing. Still dreaming and you lack any comprehension of key facts, arguments or rational for why the UK finds her self in the mess we are in.
Good luck with your dreams. You gonna need it