Just think of the £billions we will have spare when we no-deal and pay no money to the EU, starting immediately.
You are thinking small scale. UK GDP was £2.04 Trillion in 2017. £9bn represents less than 0.5% of GDP. Forecasts for slowdown are considerably more.
However, to go back to Brexiteers argument, this isn't about numbers which are not Brexiteers strong point but more about national identify, taking back control and stopping invasion of country by refugees.
Big juicy contracts like the Galileo project is of no consequence to them or the future potential of changing business dynamics and industry. EU plan is to put 24 satellites up covering the whole World. The idea is to be able to develop a global driverless machine revolution. No point in just having kit that is only functional in Europe is it? Plan ahead. Any machine produced whether it is a car, a tractor or a train will be able to operate anywhere else in the World via AI.
UK is effectively isolating her self from sitting at the table that will set standards, rules and regulations and lucrative contracts that will lead to consumer based products totalling billions if not trillions.
This is just a start. Who ever gets there 1st will undoubtedly have a big advantage over the new machine AI revolution that is taking place.
Instead we have some sh1t head bodies telling us our defence industry should not be able to play with other European partners and that we must have ultimate ability to kick ar5e by our selves anywhere in the world. Ofcourse the hope and glory boys might buy this BS but that is exactly what it is. Hope and feckling Glory about yesteryears utter b0ll0x leading to two world wars, death and destruction. Typically, UK will spend billions on WMD and neglect the far bigger consumer market.
Then there is Airbus, pharmaceuticals, Euro-fighter project, motor industries and of coursem, the Finance industry.
That 9bn is not going to stretch as far as it seems to be in Brexiteers imaginations. They keep throwing it about in debates as if it means jack.
Stupidity of ultra right hard Brexiteers will take this country down a very sh!ty and miserable future.
One would think the potential outcomes should be becoming obvious to most by now. Instead we have Tommy Robinson looking to lead UKIP now that he has some recognition for people to identify with. Nigel Farage who chose to step down from UKIP now thinking of leaving UKIP.
To think Cameron who was afraid of Tories losing power to UKIP and calling a referendum, is now probably head in hands sitting on the toilet seat wondering WTF his delivered to the UK. The unintended consequence of a power mad Etonite. Gloating over screwing the LibDems they are about to screw each other and the UK further still.
Sometimes coalitions can be a good thing. LibDems don't seem to have received much credit for moderating the Tories and sadly being the smaller party caved in to their student fee or graduate tax proposal which back fired. If Tories thought to play fair and prepared to work together - as people crying out for some kind of order, UK politics may have been in a much different place. LibDems and Tories, may have been able to see the challenge from SNP, UKIP and Labour off. That's the problem with fecked up power hungry politicians.
As for TM, who is now clinging to her sh!t withdrawal deal and power, much like shrink wrapped piece of EU dung, trying to tell UK public this is good for you and why they should buy it. That's not leadership. It's a ballsed up POS deal to retain power appeasing bodies to stay in power. One would think the game is up, the country needs either new elections or referendum but no, all consuming personal power is the name of the game.
Very sad predicament we find our selves in. The only good deal is to call it all off and conduct some serious unbiased impact analysis and planning prior to invoking article 50. The way this whole sh!t show has been conducted is just what it is. No other way to dress it up - it is PURE SH!T.