Don't make me laugh...
Global markets entering expected downturn and you signalling out EU slowdown in growth... Typical opportunist response. You were quiet whilst they grew faster than UK and now you are back on your high horse because all boats rise and fall with the tide.
Despicable you making Brexit capital.
As for Italy, remind me again how many FAB governments they have had since the 2nd World War. Corrupt and ineffective government is what they had. Let the people choose. There will be consequences. They will be split in two and back before the EU with tails between legs.
EU is indestructible. I would endorse a harder response to laggards. If leavers want to leave all good with me. Nobody stopping any government from leaving.
Simply that people, citizens should be wary of politicians promising sheds they can't deliver. Where, how and at what cost will Italy raise debt to finance promises?
You should be asking how long UK or Italy will last delivering false promises before people vent their anger at what they were sold?
You are always sooooo premature when ever you try to screw the EU.
If I recall last time you were frothing in the mouth, Sweden was going to take down the EU 😆😆😆 How has that worked out for you?