Brexit and the Consequences

As for the tactics of such a move, it doesn't much matter who is put in place as an interim leader given that Brexiteers would be happy enough with a No deal. We could simply run down the clock and watch the EU go into meltdown.

Remoaners and the establishment probably thought they could win this Brexit battle, but it must surely be dawning on everyone by now that this is One battle they cannot be allowed to win.

Can't see hard brexiteers having their way without triggering an election.

Hard brexit will be absolute suicide for UK industry and finance. Now that really is scare mongering to me. :-0:-0:-0
As for the tactics of such a move, it doesn't much matter who is put in place as an interim leader given that Brexiteers would be happy enough with a No deal. We could simply run down the clock and watch the EU go into meltdown.

Remoaners and the establishment probably thought they could win this Brexit battle, but it must surely be dawning on everyone by now that this is One battle they cannot be allowed to win.

Yeah, no deal would be a masterstroke 😆 Brexit ain’t like Ronseal is it? What was said on the tin isn’t looking a lot like the watery gunge inside it.
Yeah, no deal would be a masterstroke 😆 Brexit ain’t like Ronseal is it? What was said on the tin isn’t looking a lot like the watery gunge inside it.

What ever the outcome it's looking awfully messy to me.

Can't see any positives here at all.

I am seriously concerned with both the hard deal brexit and what ever botched deal that comes out of this.

As you have have been saying nobody is going to be happy with the compromised outcome.

Pigs dinner party who ever thinks there is any merit in all this, it's all so very very sad. 😢😢😢

Hard brexit is the worst possible outcome that's for sure.
Yeah, no deal would be a masterstroke 😆 Brexit ain’t like Ronseal is it? What was said on the tin isn’t looking a lot like the watery gunge inside it.

Well you guys keep on telling us that we have much more to lose than the EU.

I would argue that the EU will fall apart without a deal. It's already well on the way without the Brexit issue and a No deal situation would aid the populists cause across Europe.

As to what Brexit should be. The UK was always happy to trade with Europe but little by little the establishment has signed up to more political control from overseas and with that we have lost self determination coupled with no controls on who comes here. Throw in the issue of mass unskilled migration which has depressed the wages of our own unskilled. But the real problem was the tipping point where more and more middle income earners were being dragged down into the wage deflation spiral, and it is the people in the middle who have tipped the vote for Brexit.

On the topic of dogs dinner of a Brexit. It's unsurprising to me that we have such a dearth of political talent now in the UK. They have not needed to make any serious decisions for years given that the EU had control of that arena. Once we get Brexit out of the way, I expect our politicians will need to raise their game or ship out and make way for those capable of leading the UK into a better future.
Can't see hard brexiteers having their way without triggering an election.

Hard brexit will be absolute suicide for UK industry and finance. Now that really is scare mongering to me. :-0:-0:-0

UK voting public might be pretty stupid, after all, they have in the past voted for dimwits like Clegg and Farron, but i'm not convinced that they would ever vote in comrade Corbyn and his sidekick Marxist McDonnell.

Once again, you need to examine who suffers most from a so called hard Brexit. The UK is a leading player in the European finance arena and our great ally Trump will side with us in how to deal with Europe after Brexit. He isn't blind you know, he will be fully aware of who is to blame if the UK and EU don't secure a deal. All the intransigence is on the EU side.
Not 1 in 100.000 of the voters had much idea as to what they were voting for in the referendum and what the consequences would be nationally. But they would have had quite a good idea just looking from their own perspective. Cameron should have insisted that anything under a 15% win should have been ignored.
Popular democracy has made some very poor decisions in the past and can't really be too trusted. But then if they don't make the final decision who can be trusted ?
1922? Meh! My guess is that they are so scared of opening the door to Labour that May is using this to blackmail her backbenchers to not ousting her. It needs some backbone to go down that route and there’s no sign of that in the Tories, they are in it for themselves not the country.

Whatever concoction of a deal is presented to parliament it is bound to be rejected and we end up with no deal, given that chequers is a disaster and supposed 95% is agreed with the EU what is left to know if it is only NI that the EU needs to agree to.

Then there is this extension they keep talking about, only really one way this is going, an extension to the negotiations until the general election in 2022.
UK voting public might be pretty stupid, after all, they have in the past voted for dimwits like Clegg and Farron, but i'm not convinced that they would ever vote in comrade Corbyn and his sidekick Marxist McDonnell.

Once again, you need to examine who suffers most from a so called hard Brexit. The UK is a leading player in the European finance arena and our great ally Trump will side with us in how to deal with Europe after Brexit. He isn't blind you know, he will be fully aware of who is to blame if the UK and EU don't secure a deal. All the intransigence is on the EU side.

So how long can we hold on to “leading player” as France and Germany bite into the cake with hungry mouths? As for intransigence, don’t make me laugh 😆. I suppose the brexiteers outcry against any compromise May comes up with is just being firm and not intransigent in the slightest. Gove is the only one not being intransigent and he’s now a traitor to the cause.

In any event it was always pie in the sky not to expect the EU to hold firm to its basic principals. Fraying around the edges is all that could be achieved.
Germany is sensibly keeping fairly quiet on the Brexit issue and letting the gabby lot let off steam.
I don't understand who appoints the commissioners of the EU but it is unlikely they will change their end any time soon.
So how long can we hold on to “leading player” as France and Germany bite into the cake with hungry mouths? As for intransigence, don’t make me laugh 😆. I suppose the brexiteers outcry against any compromise May comes up with is just being firm and not intransigent in the slightest. Gove is the only one not being intransigent and he’s now a traitor to the cause.

In any event it was always pie in the sky not to expect the EU to hold firm to its basic principals. Fraying around the edges is all that could be achieved.

Oh are these the same French and Germans who opened the borders to countless millions of really hungry mouths regardless of all the disruption introduced into the system.

EU principles indeed. They weren't even capable of sorting out the weaker member countries before deciding on continual expansion at any cost.

The EU superstate is a purely political vanity project which is rapidly coming apart at the seams, for exactly the same reasons that the UK decided to leave. If the project doesn't have the support of the people, then it is doomed.

Dissenting voices simply make the situation harder than it needs to be.

Dissenters in business are sacked.
Dissenters in the armed forces were shot.

What should we do with dissenting remoaners ? 😆
Germany is sensibly keeping fairly quiet on the Brexit issue and letting the gabby lot let off steam.
I don't understand who appoints the commissioners of the EU but it is unlikely they will change their end any time soon.

Very sensible. They pull the strings - Barnier toes the line. Germany runs Europe for its own benefit. All achieved peacefully with post-war American & British subsidy. Nice work if you can get it!

This EU superstate is only as strong as it's weakest link
. Aund the EU has many weak links which are only growing in number. Any one of them could trigger the end of the Euro and by extension, the end of the EU.

You are talking drivel. It's not a circle. It's a star with many 28 spokes.

Cut one or two off and the wheel will continue.

EU making new deals all the time. Other nations including Russia waiting in queue.
Very sensible. They pull the strings - Barnier toes the line. Germany runs Europe for its own benefit. All achieved peacefully with post-war American & British subsidy. Nice work if you can get it!

Germany has milked the Eurozone for many many years now ....massive budget surpluses....they kept bleating on about paying for the east german consolidatoin but thats an old record that worn out now .....
Germany has milked the Eurozone for many many years now ....massive budget surpluses....they kept bleating on about paying for the east german consolidatoin but thats an old record that worn out now .....

That's true, but East Germany is still far behind the West side in terms of wages. But like everyone else....if they want the big money, they have to move about.
I don't think that EU is trying to prevent anything, unless it is to stop the UK from cherry picking. It takes two to make a bargain. Come up with something attractive.

Sure they are, they don't want us to leave, they need our money.

So once again.....who is going to pay for the project when we stop contributing?
I don't think that EU is trying to prevent anything, unless it is to stop the UK from cherry picking. It takes two to make a bargain. Come up with something attractive.

from the moment "we" *** voted to leave, i have been continually surprised at the naivity of those same voters on how they thought the negociations would actually go .....

I quote the following imaginary conversation .......

GB - We are Great Britain and we want to be great again ...Rule Britannia , thyphoo tea , ian botham , last night of the proms , winston churchill , bodacia , and Henry 5th (part 1) ......we have overwhelmingly(!) voted to leave you johnny foreigners so bloody accept it .....

we want to pay nothing , leave without penalties and want everything sorted inside the allotted period ....kindly all of you surrender and let us have everything we want go away the whole bally lot of you ....


of course Great British people ...we adore you and yuor crazy eccentric english ways ......we totally understand why you are leaving .....please let everyone of the many countries in europe bend over and accept all your terms .....even if they are totally uncompliant or sympathetic with the rules pertaining to leaving ......please please ignore us all and walk away with no penalties or problems...... scott free ............after all you decided to leave and you are the master race .....

reality check ......

well it doesnt work like that to all you leavers ..........leaving the club will hurt hurt hurt ..........and they are going to set us up as the example to ensure no one else has the same idea


**** I use "we" in the more general uk population definition and its wonderful sense of humour in this particular vote ...