There should be no more referendums, but if we're forced to have one, it cannot include an outcome which is the opposite of the recent referendum - all this option would do would be to confirm that whatever the people's vote the MP's will do what they wish. So, who's to say if we had a second Brexit referendum and Remain won, there wouldn't be a third, then a fourth and so on?
The trouble with having a general election instead of a single issue referendum is that you might vote a government in on the single issue close to your heart and then find you hate what they do on everything else, so tactical voting and/or abstaining and/or campaigning for a referendum on everything become the best solutions. Not a recipe for stronger democratic leadership.
All in all, I'd rather MP's took responsibility for their decisions to enact our preferences -and they pay with their jobs if they do a bad job.
Hi Mike,well, parliament doesn't recognise a peoples vote per se, It will have to be a second referendum, Then there are the standard procedures to go through just like the last referendum i.e. written into law blah blah.. Next hurdle is the P.M, she says no second referendum, so changing her mind wont be easy, can you see where this is heading time-wise ? Just to add one extra hurdle, should legislation be introduced the day parliament returned from the party conference recess on 9th October, the earliest Thursday on which a referendum could possibly be held would be 28th March... i.e. the day before we leave !!
I understand there is a case before the ECJ trying to extend/reverse article 50 soon, but the clock is certainly ticking....
Thanks for your comments folks on my People's Vote post. I'm in the process of doing more research on this and will post my thoughts in due course.
Hi Mike,
I think the term 'People's Vote' (PV) is just another way of saying second referendum, i.e. for all intents and purposes they're one and the same. I think those in favour of one are using the term PV to distinguish it from the 2016 referendum, in order to give the impression that it's something different and new. Whilst I'm sure you're correct in saying there are many hurdles to overcome for a PV to be held, support for the idea is clearly building. Witness last night's news showing the rally in Liverpool and the topic being debated at the Labour Party conference. My view is that the government will be forced to go back to the people before 29th March next year - either via a PV or a general election. Personally, I don't want either but, if I had to choose between the two, I'd opt for the latter. I suspect Mrs. May would prefer the former - given what happened to her at the last election. From her perspective, a PV would take the focus away from her and the Tories; she gets to remain as PM and the Tories stay in power. So, all in all, I think the prospect of a PV of some sort is becoming increasing probable.
I, with a cynical eye, would say that the whole debacle is contrived. Who funds the idea of a second referendum? Who supports it? Who wants it to happen, who wants to keep us in the EU? Why the sudden back-biting, hard talk between the Tories and the EU in the week leading up to conference time?
The Chequers deal is nothing to do with making a deal, it is an Olly Robbins lead ploy to force another referendum - produce a poor choice of either a crap deal that no-one wants or no-deal that no one wants, the EU already agreed to push back really hard on Chequers, just as conference season gets underway, why wait until conference season when they had all summer to do it? Lots of MSM coverage from conference season on the second vote idea, Labour turns, the Tories capitulate, the EU sit back in smug satisfaction as we delay article 50 and go for the 'people's vote'
It's just a big game and we are being played.
Hi Sig',. . .It's just a big game and we are being played.
Hi Sig',
As you say, a cynics view - but one that I too can sympathize with.
sminicooper's post above is another reason why I think a People's Vote is more probable than a general election. Even Mrs. May's fiercest critics (within the Tory party) would rather retain her as PM than risk losing an election and letting Jeremy Corbyn into No. 10. The way I see it, the odds on having a PV are short, whereas the odds on a general election are long.
A People's Vote would destroy the dwindling credibility that the PM still has – she has unambiguously stated that there will be no 2nd referendum (which of course is all that the People's vote is). Even that well-known trustworthy and honest broker Peter Mandelson who campaigns publicly for a 2nd referendum is, I am told, privately advising that there will not be one.
Despite Remainer propaganda that the public mood has now changed in favour of a 2nd referendum, the neutral and well-respected psephologist John Curtice has shown that there has not been any significant change. Without even being able to frame a proper question the People's Vote is doomed to failure – hence my expectation that it would have to be a general election. But the Conservatives are unlikely to agree to that because it will either result in Corbyn, or Theresa for evermore – wouldn't she just love to be Head Girl for the duration!
Until a modern day Churchill steps forward we are basically stuffed. (And to save my old mate Atilla's fingers on the keyboard - I don't think that would be Vince Cable :cheesy🙂
Had to look this word up - never heard it before!psephologist
By 'stuffed' - do you mean you think we're going to end up with a really bad soft Brexit - say a variation of the Chequers deal, i.e. Brexit in name only? Or perhaps you mean Mrs. May et al will somehow conjure up a way to get out of Brexit all together and we'll remain part of the EU?. . . Until a modern day Churchill steps forward we are basically stuffed.
Hi smini',
By 'stuffed' - do you mean you think we're going to end up with a really bad soft Brexit - say a variation of the Chequers deal, i.e. Brexit in name only? Or perhaps you mean Mrs. May et al will somehow conjure up a way to get out of Brexit all together and we'll remain part of the EU?
I, with a cynical eye, would say that the whole debacle is contrived. Who funds the idea of a second referendum? Who supports it? Who wants it to happen, who wants to keep us in the EU? Why the sudden back-biting, hard talk between the Tories and the EU in the week leading up to conference time?
The Chequers deal is nothing to do with making a deal, it is an Olly Robbins lead ploy to force another referendum - produce a poor choice of either a crap deal that no-one wants or no-deal that no-one* wants, the EU already agreed to push back really hard on Chequers, just as conference season gets underway, why wait until conference season when they had all summer to do it? Lots of MSM coverage from conference season on the second vote idea, Labour turns, the Tories capitulate, the EU sit back in smug satisfaction as we delay article 50 and go for the 'people's vote'
It's just a big game and we are being played.
*Correct myself - no remainer want's 'no-deal', except that no-deal is a deal on WTO terms, most Brexiteers are happy with WTO.
Still no leadership from the Labour leadership. Hard to see good grounds for electing a party to conduct key international negotiations which can't decide its own policy.
Thanks for your comments folks on my People's Vote post. I'm in the process of doing more research on this and will post my thoughts in due course.
Hi Mike,
I think the term 'People's Vote' (PV) is just another way of saying second referendum, i.e. for all intents and purposes they're one and the same. I think those in favour of one are using the term PV to distinguish it from the 2016 referendum, in order to give the impression that it's something different and new. Whilst I'm sure you're correct in saying there are many hurdles to overcome for a PV to be held, support for the idea is clearly building. Witness last night's news showing the rally in Liverpool and the topic being debated at the Labour Party conference. My view is that the government will be forced to go back to the people before 29th March next year - either via a PV or a general election. Personally, I don't want either but, if I had to choose between the two, I'd opt for the latter. I suspect Mrs. May would prefer the former - given what happened to her at the last election. From her perspective, a PV would take the focus away from her and the Tories; she gets to remain as PM and the Tories stay in power. So, all in all, I think the prospect of a PV of some sort is becoming increasing probable.