Like many remainers I just don't think you understand why the vote went the way it did. I can rehash the same reasonings as has been done by others many times on this thread and in the press. I don't see the point in that given that this thread is nothing more than a repeating record without any progress. Its like it has morphed into a platform for remainers and brexiters to throw mud at each other. Cheese, repeal bill, what difference would it make other than yet another mud slinging match?
I am at the point where I just don't care about the what's, when's, or who for that matter. I can for example explain to you until the cows come home, it isn't going to change your viewpoint. Likewise asking me to discuss this and that as though it will yield dialect is just not going to happen. Every note between the remainers and brexiters in this thread has lead to mud slinging to varying degrees. Nobody is going to budge on their view on this and after 400 pages and over 6k posts nobody is any wiser or having an altered opinion.
Remainers just don't understand and never will by the looks of it. Project fear is continued in various forms without much evidence to support outside of anecdotal. I am not getting into a mud slinging match and I know you are pulling me in but it just isn't going to happen. I have trading to do and a profession to maintain so unfortunately I will be stepping off this thread indefinitely. If after 6000 posts perceptions were altered I might have given this more time but alas it isn't the case.
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I think I have a clue - see pic below.
I can see tumble weeds blowing the down the thread with your super post. Think much of the country feels the same. I also feel precisely the reason why Brexit is so fundamentally important because tumble weeds will be rolling down many streets in England.
Ok here is the serous reply.
1. Eurosceptics have been against EU since the beginning back in 70s. They have always been there and never quite left.
2. Always against any progress EU have made with treaties unifying EU States and indeed this is no secret.
3. Here is the crux of the matter - reason why Eursceptics have done well this time round is linked to crash of 2008, belt tightening across many countries, Arab spring uprising and refugee crises, ISIS blowing up bombs in Europe to justify intervention for wars and we are all pretty much sick of finger wagging muslim dick heads telling us how great they are...
UKIP and Eurosceptics have capitalised on key issues to sway public opinion.
ISSUE for UK is that once these lesser minor issues have died down, UK having bailed out of project EU will become an isolated Island on the periphery of EU much like Ireland, Wales, Scotland, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark. In fact perhaps even be in a less of a position if tit for tat responses with EU escalate.
There are other issues like lack of investment and whilst it may be easy to say NSH tourism is the reason for waiting lists and NHS crises as opposed to million more people now over the age of 75 but the 25% drop in police numbers, teachers or nurses are little more difficult to explain.
Anyhow in summary when the dust settles in another decade and after another mini recession the globe moves forward heaps and bounds, UK will have less industry, less finance and less R&D to compete on the World stage. We'll also have more aged population with nation carrying a greater tax burden.
That's my opinion.
Others may suggest different and that's what this is all about. Pretty fundamental stuff with long term impact.
When ever the fundamentals turn up, migrants and refugees trumps all other debate. Here I agree with you.
If we don't identify core issues but falsify them for political justification, we'll end up applying wrong policies without really tackling root cause of problem.