Brexit and the Consequences

For the record, after the Brexit vote and the subsequent resignation of Cameron, I wrote to Andrea Leadsom urging her to stand in the leadership contest. I did receive a reply thanking me for my support. It was quite brief and I expect this was because she was busy at the time.😆
It soon became apparent though that the establishment were out to knobble her tilt for the top job.

If only she had surrounded herself with proper advisors from the outset....things might have turned out quite differently.

It's also interesting that Andrea Leadsom's gaffe, resulting in her withdrawal from the leadership contest, was to suggest that Theresa May not having any family would find it difficult to understand everyday ordinary people. How right she was! But Leadsom doesn't come out of all this very well either - an avowed Brexiteer who, the day after Chequers came out in sick-making support of the PM and the proposal whilst privately dissing it. Can't be trusted.

And will the Conservatives learn to have a proper leadership contest and not a coronation – they had a big enough example with Gordon Brown didn't they?
It's also interesting that Andrea Leadsom's gaffe, resulting in her withdrawal from the leadership contest, was to suggest that Theresa May not having any family would find it difficult to understand everyday ordinary people. How right she was! But Leadsom doesn't come out of all this very well either - an avowed Brexiteer who, the day after Chequers came out in sick-making support of the PM and the proposal whilst privately dissing it. Can't be trusted.

And will the Conservatives learn to have a proper leadership contest and not a coronation – they had a big enough example with Gordon Brown didn't they?

I have a slightly different take on the unfolding events. May demanded collective cabinet responsibility after the Chequers railroading of Brexit policy. At that point, all the ministers fell into line, albeit temporarily.
Once Davis and Johnson broke ranks, then we were probably not too far away from others resigning and the total collapse of Govt. Some bright spark probably pointed out that there might be different options open to them from within Govt to ensure that the agreed proposal would at some point, be dead in the water. They possibly also said that between May and the intransigent EU, that the collapse of the policy would be better seen coming from them 😆

That would make total sense if your aim was to ensure that May and the EU was to blame and as a consequence....the public would buy into it and then give their outright support to a full on Brexit candidate.

We have to be mindful that politics is a dirty game at the best of times and generally....the higher the stakes, the dirtier it gets.

Yes I agree on the Gordon Brown issue. I remember watching that unfold live and it struck me instantly that he was toast. Not only that, but that he had single handedly further damaged and discredited the reputation of politicians for a generation. If we look where we are now....that's not far from the truth.
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I just don't see her as having the goods to handle the stress of the role and alpha male predators.

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I don't believe she would stand again...there are better candidates emerging out of the unfolding saga.
Hi Atilla,
Please remember that as a leave voter I am - by definition I am told - thick as two short planks. In other words, I'm afraid I have no idea what the connection is between the part of my post you highlighted in red and what I've quoted from you above. There's none that I can see and, therefore, no contradiction and no tallying up to be done!

Yep forgive me for making an obvious false assumption.

I see what you mean about the two planks thingy mi jig.

My bad 🙂

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I really do hope this all ends up in court, but I strongly suspect that everything will be dropped before it gets that far. Looks to me like this organisation is totally inept. Perhaps the Govt will intervene before it goes much further.

It's the govt that's running the [sh1t] show, the EC are no more independent than The Independent!
For the record, after the Brexit vote and the subsequent resignation of Cameron, I wrote to Andrea Leadsom urging her to stand in the leadership contest. I did receive a reply thanking me for my support. It was quite brief and I expect this was because she was busy at the time.😆
It soon became apparent though that the establishment were out to knobble her tilt for the top job.

If only she had surrounded herself with proper advisors from the outset....things might have turned out quite differently.

Ollie Robbins would have been the man for her 🙄
There is a lot of weight being placed on leadership but in reality the environment and global factors and events usually determine outcome.

So if one is leader during boom times one gets credit.

If one is leader during recessions one gets blame.

True leadership is having the vision and resolve to lead against adverse curve balls with spin that comes out of nowhere to bat them away, seizing on events turning adversity to ones advantage.

There is then the other side of leadership, where in good times, over confidence and camaraderie makes one drunk with ones own BS on just how much better they can do. In the process totally over estimating self ability whilst under estimating risks.

🙄 :whistling 🙄

There is a lot of weight being placed on leadership but in reality the environment and global factors and events usually determine outcome.

So if one is leader during boom times one gets credit.

If one is leader during recessions one gets blame.

True leadership is having the vision and resolve to lead against adverse curve balls with spin that comes out of nowhere to bat them away, seizing on events turning adversity to ones advantage.

There is then the other side of leadership, where in good times, over confidence and camaraderie makes one drunk with ones own BS on just how much better they can do. In the process totally over estimating self ability whilst under estimating risks.

🙄 :whistling 🙄


Well done 👍

You have just described Thatchers rise and the subsequent inept Bliar and Brown, who brought the country to it's knees.

What they have all discovered is. that normally compliant, subservient Joe public have minds of their own and with the advent of the internet, access to more information alongside a platform to express their views.

A quiet revolution you might say. The politicians and press are left floundering.

Long as joe doesn’t get conned by fiction rather than fact 🙁 getting harder and harder sorting the wheat from the chaff nowadays.
There is a lot of weight being placed on leadership but in reality the environment and global factors and events usually determine outcome.

So if one is leader during boom times one gets credit.

If one is leader during recessions one gets blame.

True leadership is having the vision and resolve to lead against adverse curve balls with spin that comes out of nowhere to bat them away, seizing on events turning adversity to ones advantage.

There is then the other side of leadership, where in good times, over confidence and camaraderie makes one drunk with ones own BS on just how much better they can do. In the process totally over estimating self ability whilst under estimating risks.

🙄 :whistling 🙄


True leadership in the British sense is the ability to manipulate parliament and the electorate using the instruments of the deep state: the civil service, the intelligence services, the military, the judiciary, the police and the media if you can manage that then you can be classed as a good leader.

In that respect TM is a winner, just as every home secretary in recent times has been.
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So far as Soros’s second referendum is concerned I believe the die is properly cast like it or not (and I don’t). Arguments for another one tend to be based on the would’ve, should’ve school of thought of which i’m VERY familiar in my trading.

Keeping the trading theme, I think the deal is all about setting a stoploss so that the damage is not too great whilst keeping the trade in play for a possible win. It’s dangerous to trade without a stoploss and often leads to account blow-up - the hard brexiteers are without one.
It could be that one or other of the parties is financed from abroad ?

Not unknown these days.

Some smart cookie might start a join America party and pocket billions.
Any thoughts about esma ?
It probably affects most traders here.
Is it for any use or just more EU garbage ?