Brexit and the Consequences

There is a gigantic mouldy and venomous mushroom in Parliament that seems to be growing and spreading.

Eurosceptics, UKIP and now the Tories along with Labour are not manageable and verging increasingly towards extremes.

Look at Eurosceptics! Minority group, literally a thorn on Tories squeaky bums and no matter what they do they can't shake it off.

Eurosceptics or UKIP! Much the parcel of the same breed of hooligans who certainly have no respect for democracy as much as they like to shout about it. Biggest relentless Mona Liza's of all time now calling people standing up for democracy remoaners. They are the same breed much like UKIP one trick ponies all wanna do a bit of their own thing. MUKGA and that sort of thing.

Then there are True Tories and True Labour voters who are go along with what little choice they have.

To think there is a plan amongst all that rabble of sh1t heads inclusive of our leaders from all parties is a joke.

This is a collective nightmare which a minority group have taken the country. One side in the interest of the UK really have to relinquish control.

I still feel we should be either all in or all out. New election is the only way forward to bring some clarity into this mayhem.

Europe is dead right when they state, how can they deal with UK or negotiate anything when UK doesn't know what she wants.

From my perspective, UKIP and Tories have fecked up BIG time. Really really BIG TIME. These consequences will continue for decades.

Country needs a leader like Atilla imo. Heads must roll. [emoji106]

Are you sure you haven't been sold project fear. All the forecasts and statements about this have been massively blown out of proportion. Latest is there will be civil unrest. Tomorrow we will fall off the edge of the planet. We are told we will run out of food and medicine but where is the evidence for any of this stuff. Its all propaganda being lapped up by people who love Europe.

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There is a gigantic mouldy and venomous mushroom in Parliament that seems to be growing and spreading.

Eurosceptics, UKIP and now the Tories along with Labour are not manageable and verging increasingly towards extremes.

Look at Eurosceptics! Minority group, literally a thorn on Tories squeaky bums and no matter what they do they can't shake it off.

Eurosceptics or UKIP! Much the parcel of the same breed of hooligans who certainly have no respect for democracy as much as they like to shout about it. Biggest relentless Mona Liza's of all time now calling people standing up for democracy remoaners. They are the same breed much like UKIP one trick ponies all wanna do a bit of their own thing. MUKGA and that sort of thing.

Then there are True Tories and True Labour voters who are go along with what little choice they have.

To think there is a plan amongst all that rabble of sh1t heads inclusive of our leaders from all parties is a joke.

This is a collective nightmare which a minority group have taken the country. One side in the interest of the UK really have to relinquish control.

I still feel we should be either all in or all out. New election is the only way forward to bring some clarity into this mayhem.

Europe is dead right when they state, how can they deal with UK or negotiate anything when UK doesn't know what she wants.

From my perspective, UKIP and Tories have fecked up BIG time. Really really BIG TIME. These consequences will continue for decades.

Country needs a leader like Atilla imo. Heads must roll. 👍

I like it, bring back some history, Atilla the Hun deserved his justified reputation, you would be a strong leader (if a crap and unfair one) 😆

If the first part of your post is the attitude of a typical remainer towards leavers, and I believe it could be from all the evidence I see, then it is no surprise there are more and more people joining the Brexit cause. To call UKIP & Eurosceptics extreme, is a little errr extreme, and all they are doing is what is known about the EU - namely anti-democratic vote deniers😀

"Let's have another vote until we get the result we want - boo hoo" we've seen the same MO for other referendums where it has not gone in the EUs favour.

Most people with common sense, do not sit at extremes, indeed they possess common sense! Most leavers wouldn't call europhiles extreme, unless they were calling other people extreme for no good reason, see where I'm going here.

If remainers call leavers extreme then leavers just ignore the slander and get on with their day jobs because they know they are not extreme and that in itself appeals more to people than remainers calling leavers extreme and recruits more leavers to the cause.

Bonkers, I know, hard to follow explanations usually are, but it all makes [common] sense unless you are extreme 😆😆
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There is a gigantic mouldy and venomous mushroom in Parliament that seems to be growing and spreading.

Eurosceptics, UKIP and now the Tories along with Labour are not manageable and verging increasingly towards extremes.

Look at Eurosceptics! Minority group, literally a thorn on Tories squeaky bums and no matter what they do they can't shake it off.

Eurosceptics or UKIP! Much the parcel of the same breed of hooligans who certainly have no respect for democracy as much as they like to shout about it. Biggest relentless Mona Liza's of all time now calling people standing up for democracy remoaners. They are the same breed much like UKIP one trick ponies all wanna do a bit of their own thing. MUKGA and that sort of thing.

Then there are True Tories and True Labour voters who are go along with what little choice they have.

To think there is a plan amongst all that rabble of sh1t heads inclusive of our leaders from all parties is a joke.

This is a collective nightmare which a minority group have taken the country. One side in the interest of the UK really have to relinquish control.

I still feel we should be either all in or all out. New election is the only way forward to bring some clarity into this mayhem.

Europe is dead right when they state, how can they deal with UK or negotiate anything when UK doesn't know what she wants.

From my perspective, UKIP and Tories have fecked up BIG time. Really really BIG TIME. These consequences will continue for decades.

Country needs a leader like Atilla imo. Heads must roll. 👍

I've said it before and I'll say it again: nobody said leaving the EU was going to be easy.

There are many, powerful forces, with big money at work trying to get us to stay in.

But have hope dear Att, Pandora is out of her box, the battle ground is now known, the conspiracy theories are revealed to be true, the enemy is known, the method by which to tackle the dark forces of Globalism are emerging, the strategies are being planned, it's going to be a long haul, but eventually the enemy will realise there is no way around democracy, they will not be able to by-pass it forever, citizens will eventually get their way.

Governments will fall, regimes will change, democracy itself will change, but the war will be won, I'll give it 20-50 years before the UK is free from the tyranny of the EU, I can be a foot soldier doing my bit whilst on the planet, it will be up to those that come after me to continue the fight and to reap the rewards, just as it has been throughout history.
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I think that TM is a potentially good leader but she has to have followers who want to be led.

My own position should be clear, by now. I am a Remainer but at 86,am not going anywhere. My opinion is that of an observer and, because I am British, I want whatever it is you want.

I keep hearing that the EU is going to break up. That is not the point but, in any case, don't wait for it and don't hold your breaths.
There's ether a plan to unseat her through a no confidence vote, or their giving her just enough rope to hang her self, But something is brewing their all a bit too quiet.

The Bourgeoisie have all left for 2 months besides the Italian Lakes, whilst us proles are left to carry on working. Give it 2 weeks before they've had enough of the heat and moaning wives and kids and the party whips are instructing them to start making noises again.
"Let's have another vote until we get the result we want - boo hoo" we've seen the same MO for other referendums where it has not gone in the EUs favour.

Wash your mouth out young man..How very dare you question the democracy of our great dictators...


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Ve don't vant you to escape from stalag Europe or else !!


Colonel Klink

Sergeants Junkers 88 and Barmier

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The grass is always greener on the other side until you have to mow the lawn.


But then all you need to do is get stuck in, a little bit of hard work and turn the sh1thole EU into an oasis for the birds, bees and butterflies to flourish 🙂


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The Bourgeoisie have all left for 2 months besides the Italian Lakes, whilst us proles are left to carry on working. Give it 2 weeks before they've had enough of the heat and moaning wives and kids and the party whips are instructing them to start making noises again.

Well, well, I wasn't wrong, predictable:

Theresa May holidays with husband in Italy's Lake Garda
How do remoaners explain that list. I'm all ears 😆

Move on move on, nothing to see here, did you hear that vote leave broke the law and we have now 3 votes for a second referendum ??? 😆

Unless that is fake news and you have been duped dear Mikey, you are doing incredible damage to UK national interest spreading lies and deceit. 🙁

Ok working down that list here are the facts which you can verify online.

1. Denmark rejected 'only' the Danish Maastricht Treaty in 1992.
A referendum on the Maastricht Treaty was held in Denmark on 2 June 1992. It was rejected by 50.7% of voters with a turnout of 83.1%. Wikipedia[/I]

However, there are enough articles online where Danes top the happiness index in Europe. Moreover, since the Brexit vote support for EU in Denmark has risen.

As the Maastricht Treaty could only come into effect if all members of the European Union ratified it, the Edinburgh Agreement, negotiated in the months following the referendum, provided Denmark with four exceptions which eventually led to Denmark ratifying the Maastricht Treaty in a 1993 referendum.

They voted again after amendments.

2. This second line is incorrect. Denmark rejected joining the Euro is not in it.
A referendum on joining the euro was held in Denmark on 28 September 2000. It was rejected by 53.2% of voters with a turnout of 87.6%. Wikipedia

I don't understand how outcome is stated as Accepted.

3. Ireland held three referendum's and only one out of two was rejected, one relating to Treaty of Nice.
Irish constitutional referendums, 2001. Three referendums were held simultaneously in Ireland on 7 June 2001, each on a proposed amendment of the Constitution of Ireland. Two of the measures were approved, while the third was rejected. ... The failed amendment concerned the Treaty of Nice.

fwiw - If you went and asked the Irish people how and what they feel about EU now what answer do you think you'll bet? Especially after the global crash of 2008 when OT building went tit's up?

What does that tell you about making the right decision or people having the right to change their minds.

Made to Vote Again yes indeed. Think twice. 🙂

4. A non-binding referendum on introduction of the euro was held in Sweden on 14 September 2003. The majority voted not to adopt the euro, and thus Sweden decided in 2003 not to adopt the euro for the time being. Wikipedia

So far top 4 of your outcomes on your list is kind of freaky wrong. It was rejected. . 😆

5. The ratification of the EU Constitution was not ignored. Other countries leading one being Spain accepted and further modifications were made to the bill to make it compatible with the Constitution of France. Moreover, the amendment was passed with a large majority including the opposition. Only the Communist Party members largely voted against.

No surprises to see even back in 2005 there was fear mongering with voters minds about accession of Turkey into the EU which most French peeps disagree with. Strange same tactics were used in UK don't you think.

To remind you that ignored outcome is b0ll0cks. Tell your JRM and your fwiends CV & SC so they can be educated on facts and come out of their alternative bubbles of reality. 😆

6. The Netherlands vote and outcome are accurate. 👍
However, here much like the UK one, vote was advisory, non-binding although politicians said they'd act on it. There were few other issues but vote was good and EU would have done well to take heed.

7. The Lisbon Treaty was a minefield and not well constructed. Wrt Ireland turnout was 53% and 53.4% voted No. Considering EU requires all 27 member countries at the time to agree, is about an impossible task to settle as one may imagine. 25% of a small country holding the EU hostage to progress.

This indeed is a weakness in the system. Some call it democracy and some called tyranny. Take your pick.

But you know the people don't understand what they are voting for and to ask the mass public on issues they know not much or care nothing about skews the resulst when migrants and refugees and Turkey's accession or 350m to the NHS take over the debate.

Point 7 as well as 6 is accurate. They were made to vote again.

fwiw - The Lisbon Treaty. The Lisbon Treaty became law on 1 December 2009, eight years after European leaders launched a process to make the EU "more democratic, more transparent and more efficient". Under EU rules, the treaty had to be ratified by all 27 member states before coming into force.17 Jan 2011

8. Greece bailout should be fresh in all our minds. The people voted against belt tightening and changes to Government jobs and pension rules with people retiring at the ripe old age of 40. Greece finance ministry was frauding EU. Who wouldn't vote No should be no surprise.

When the EU stop funding and people could no longer draw money out of Banks they pretty quickly changed their minds and accepted EU proposals to rescue country. Bailout subject to certain pragmatic actions to be taken.

In fact Greek people feel EU manages their country better than their politicians to a large extent.

Here is the outcome Greece’s government has said the country is “turning a page” after eurozone member states reached an agreement on the final elements of a plan to make its massive debt pile more manageable, ending an eight-year bailout programme.

“I have to say the Greek government is happy with this deal,” the finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, said on Friday. “But at the same time, this government will not forget what the Greek people went through in the past eight years.”

Your article says ignored! I don't think it was ignored. Greece accepted terms of attached conditions on bailout. It could have rejected EU proposal along with the people. EU called their bluff and Greece backed down.

What kind of referendum was that you reckon. Politicians playing games. Go figure.

9. UK Brexit!!! is still in play and we can see the big mess we are in. Parliament sidelined, business preparing exit plans. Politiicians resigning. Government in a state.

How has EU interfered in any of our decisions should be clear. They haven't said anything. Brits conjuring up punishments and beatings on not having their cake and eating it. Pick n mix crap. You collect our tariffs and we'll collect yours. What a BS proposal of an idea.

1.2m Brits who live and work in EU weren't given the vote either.

Advisory non-binding referendum built on shoddy lies and deceit has freaks and hooligans running country.

Farage leaves UKIP! Really having got what he wanted. Shows you how much managing a bunch of hooligans has cost him. Why is UKIP so unmanageable? Extreme indeed. Punch ups behind closed doors. Gotta laff. 😆

So when to55ers like JRM come out with the dribble that's in those fake results, without any factual substance or looking at finer details, his just another fecked up politicians pursuing self interest lying to the people.

Much like investing in your future ADYOR.


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Unless that is fake news and you have been duped dear Mikey, you are doing incredible damage to UK national interest spreading lies and deceit. 🙁

Ok working down that list here are the facts which you can verify online.

1. Denmark rejected 'only' the Danish Maastricht Treaty in 1992.
A referendum on the Maastricht Treaty was held in Denmark on 2 June 1992. It was rejected by 50.7% of voters with a turnout of 83.1%. Wikipedia[/I]

However, there are enough articles online where Danes top the happiness index in Europe. Moreover, since the Brexit vote support for EU in Denmark has risen.

As the Maastricht Treaty could only come into effect if all members of the European Union ratified it, the Edinburgh Agreement, negotiated in the months following the referendum, provided Denmark with four exceptions which eventually led to Denmark ratifying the Maastricht Treaty in a 1993 referendum.

They voted again after amendments.

2. This second line is incorrect. Denmark rejected joining the Euro is not in it.
A referendum on joining the euro was held in Denmark on 28 September 2000. It was rejected by 53.2% of voters with a turnout of 87.6%. Wikipedia

I don't understand how outcome is stated as Accepted.

3. Ireland held three referendum's and only one out of two was rejected, one relating to Treaty of Nice.
Irish constitutional referendums, 2001. Three referendums were held simultaneously in Ireland on 7 June 2001, each on a proposed amendment of the Constitution of Ireland. Two of the measures were approved, while the third was rejected. ... The failed amendment concerned the Treaty of Nice.

fwiw - If you went and asked the Irish people how and what they feel about EU now what answer do you think you'll bet? Especially after the global crash of 2008 when OT building went tit's up?

What does that tell you about making the right decision or people having the right to change their minds.

Made to Vote Again yes indeed. Think twice. 🙂

4. A non-binding referendum on introduction of the euro was held in Sweden on 14 September 2003. The majority voted not to adopt the euro, and thus Sweden decided in 2003 not to adopt the euro for the time being. Wikipedia

So far top 4 of your outcomes on your list is kind of freaky wrong. It was rejected. . 😆

5. The ratification of the EU Constitution was not ignored. Other countries leading one being Spain accepted and further modifications were made to the bill to make it compatible with the Constitution of France. Moreover, the amendment was passed with a large majority including the opposition. Only the Communist Party members largely voted against.

No surprises to see even back in 2005 there was fear mongering with voters minds about accession of Turkey into the EU which most French peeps disagree with. Strange same tactics were used in UK don't you think.

To remind you that ignored outcome is b0ll0cks. Tell your JRM and your fwiends CV & SC so they can be educated on facts and come out of their alternative bubbles of reality. 😆

6. The Netherlands vote and outcome are accurate. 👍
However, here much like the UK one, vote was advisory, non-binding although politicians said they'd act on it. There were few other issues but vote was good and EU would have done well to take heed.

7. The Lisbon Treaty was a minefield and not well constructed. Wrt Ireland turnout was 53% and 53.4% voted No. Considering EU requires all 27 member countries at the time to agree, is about an impossible task to settle as one may imagine. 25% of a small country holding the EU hostage to progress.

This indeed is a weakness in the system. Some call it democracy and some called tyranny. Take your pick.

But you know the people don't understand what they are voting for and to ask the mass public on issues they know not much or care nothing about skews the resulst when migrants and refugees and Turkey's accession or 350m to the NHS take over the debate.

Point 7 as well as 6 is accurate. They were made to vote again.

fwiw - The Lisbon Treaty. The Lisbon Treaty became law on 1 December 2009, eight years after European leaders launched a process to make the EU "more democratic, more transparent and more efficient". Under EU rules, the treaty had to be ratified by all 27 member states before coming into force.17 Jan 2011

8. Greece bailout should be fresh in all our minds. The people voted against belt tightening and changes to Government jobs and pension rules with people retiring at the ripe old age of 40. Greece finance ministry was frauding EU. Who wouldn't vote No should be no surprise.

When the EU stop funding and people could no longer draw money out of Banks they pretty quickly changed their minds and accepted EU proposals to rescue country. Bailout subject to certain pragmatic actions to be taken.

In fact Greek people feel EU manages their country better than their politicians to a large extent.

Here is the outcome Greece’s government has said the country is “turning a page” after eurozone member states reached an agreement on the final elements of a plan to make its massive debt pile more manageable, ending an eight-year bailout programme.

“I have to say the Greek government is happy with this deal,” the finance minister, Euclid Tsakalotos, said on Friday. “But at the same time, this government will not forget what the Greek people went through in the past eight years.”

Your article says ignored! I don't think it was ignored. Greece accepted terms of attached conditions on bailout. It could have rejected EU proposal along with the people. EU called their bluff and Greece backed down.

What kind of referendum was that you reckon. Politicians playing games. Go figure.

9. UK Brexit!!! is still in play and we can see the big mess we are in. Parliament sidelined, business preparing exit plans. Politiicians resigning. Government in a state.

How has EU interfered in any of our decisions should be clear. They haven't said anything. Brits conjuring up punishments and beatings on not having their cake and eating it. Pick n mix crap. You collect our tariffs and we'll collect yours. What a BS proposal of an idea.

1.2m Brits who live and work in EU weren't given the vote either.

Advisory non-binding referendum built on shoddy lies and deceit has freaks and hooligans running country.

Farage leaves UKIP! Really having got what he wanted. Shows you how much managing a bunch of hooligans has cost him. Why is UKIP so unmanageable? Extreme indeed. Punch ups behind closed doors. Gotta laff. 😆

So when to55ers like JRM come out with the dribble that's in those fake results, without any factual substance or looking at finer details, his just another fecked up politicians pursuing self interest lying to the people.

Much like investing in your future ADYOR.


Don't worry Mikey, everyone of those has been explained away. 🙄
Move on move on, nothing to see here, did you hear that vote leave broke the law and we have now 3 votes for a second referendum ??? 😆

For anyone who's interested. This young lad, who has his head screwed on, is in a spot of bother. He's got no money but needs to defend himself from the remain state machine. So instead of allowing the state to make an example of him, perhaps the tables should be turned and make an example of the state.

I didn't realise that Darren is a neighbour of Att.
Go on Att, chuck in a tenner to help your neighbour fight the state.👍😆
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