According to the news T. May has been reassuring Japanese car firms that Brexit will not impede the important assembly factories here in the UK. This is most unlikely especially after a hard landing. Tusk and co. want the UK to suffer a bit to deter other leavers.
Pat, the media especially Telegraph and Daily Mail are trying to whip up pro-Brexit sentiment with use of the words Punish and Suffer etc., this is nothing to do with business. Judicial Courts deal with Punishment and we have the NHS and the Church for those in Suffering.
EU is simply looking after her interests. It is purely business.
Remember the four freedoms of Europe:
- The free movement of goods.
- The free movement of services and freedom of establishment.
- The free movement of persons (and citizenship), including free movement of workers.
- The free movement of capital.
It has been specifically Conservative party policies that have done away with regional aid, grants and development policies and subsidies right from Thatcher days that has ended up with a declining Norhtern England with no industry.
Effectively, businesses were made free to move where ever suited them without government grants and subsidies, distorting, skewing and handicapping location decision. This was free capitalism. Market would take care of it!
It was at the time termed 'structural or frictional unemployment' where labour would move to where the jobs are. Common sense right? Of course it is. This was Thatchers vision as prescribed by her Yanki advisor.
EU. Theresa May now calls it disenfranchised all people of England let down by UK and the EU. Northern UK is wet and cold with no businesses wishing to move or locate there.
Unemployment is still higher up North and one has to ask the question why hasn't business moved up North in the last 30 years.
What will be done differently to change all that?
So ignoring all our internal problems and issues and challenges, why would the EU want to punish us and make us suffer if they are going to lose out them selves?
No worries, they are just bluffing us into staying... Oh I get it. Oi right then. Surely our cabinet ministers must know what they are talking about behind closed doors.
IN FACT They don't need us at all. They are looking to benefit from our departure and right now rubbing hands with glee at the prospect. Banks and Financial Services just the first step. Wait for cars, planes and engines to go next.
Yeah I know, scare mongering.... la la la ba ba ba. Follow the sheep all the way to the check out till. There are higher prices, job loses and lower wages and lower house prices down the line waiting for us all. Don't worry though in 10-20 years time we'll be in a much better place trading with the rest of the World. Sit tight. Don't mention the pound in your pocket today is the same as it was on 22nd of June. In fact it's better. You can use it as a spoon and have your soup with it. Pound today is virtually indestructible a little like gold.
Door is wide open. Fingers tapping. EU waiting...