Yes, most organisations require something far exceeding a simple majority for matters affecting their constitutions because of the fundamental and far reaching nature of any amendment.
In this case the government presumably thought that remain would be a slam dunk result so just tossed the question out there without bothering about the niceties.
What's done is done,though, so not a lot of point picking at it. Thinking has got to be about how to counter and/or overcome the problems, not what damage they might do.
I beg to differ. There is some common acceptance that Brexit means Brexit and we are leaving. The people have voted. The foundations of that vote is seriously flawed and the referendum was meant to be advisory.
Having underlined that point, Parliament and HoLs is where the rule of law and policy must be made by qualified debate and not by the lay man on the media circus.
We need to keep hammering this point home. The Brexit camp seems to think they have a solid mandate from the British people. This is NOT the case!!! Theresa May the unelected Premier along with her narrow minded cabinet needs a wake up call. Markets giving it to her sure enough.
WTO which is being branded about is a fallacy. The argument was it is always better to negotiate with one body than 27. It is pointed out as being advantages to trade with rest of the world 160+ countries. Talk about moving away from regulation and complexity of the EU to jump into the the WTO. Look at Canada and how long that's taken. Some may blame the EU but anyone who does trade agreements with India or China will tell you otherwise. Won't touch on risk of doing deals with some countries like China, Russia or Brazil either.
WTO also removes are key advantage for foreign firms to locate in the UK. This will impact not just the car industry or Finance once some institutions start leaving but subsequently all FUTURE investment decisions. Fall in the pound with WTO removing advantage of EU membership; forget shooting one self in the foot, more like shooting one self in the head.
UK depends on foreign investment for jobs and capital flows. Brexit is SEVERLY DETRIMENTAL to UK interests on both those fronts. I loathe politicians and stupid numpties who don't have a clue. Look at Dyson, sells 80% to rest of world outside of EU and just because he had one disagreement with regulation with the EU is quite prepared to F it all adn leave without considering impact on millions of others. Takes being bloody minded to new levels.
However, we are supposed to call Mr Dyson, Sir Dyson apparently. As for Nigel Lawson with his sovereignty crap living in France and expats being denied the vote is just ludicrous. Having said that I think these two were more responding to exaggerated claims of Osborn and Cameron that nobody will want to trade with us then really championing well thought out Brexit gains.
Some have touted Norway and Swiss models as half way solution. Something like this is the best compromised outcome imo.
Hard Brexit condemns the UK to literally 100s of bns of loss revenue and income with 10-20 years in the wilderness before hardship of millions is able to turn UK around from joining the league of 2nd World countries.
Others who put Australia and NZ as new countries hopping mad to make trade pacts with us aren't very good with numbers. Giving up world largest GDP block with 300+ m people to trading with a few 20m small countries. India is very difficult to trde with and China carries big risks.
Brexiters, haven't thought out anything much and I'm increasingly seeing them like football hooligans representing UK interests abroad.
Can anyone see Brexiters winning jobs and investement for Northern England???
Can anyone see these Brexiters raising the wages of the common low skilled worker???
Numpties the lot of them!!!