Brexit and the Consequences

Difficult to tell patriots and traitors apart these days. 🙄

Conservatives take back stabbing to a whole new level of deceit and double promises.

Boris thinks his fooled the people with the 350m red bus once and now the ambitious baffoon thinking he can fool them again.

Well Brexiters are anyones game really. Give'm some hope and flattery and they're up for screwing by anyone.

Queue Michael Govie to enter the election arena...

I sincerely believe these politicians have no interest in the UK and are only out get their name on history books. Not much to choose from.

Vince Cable is a true man to his word and very wise in his approach and vision. 👍

Talk about out of touch! They might as well be living on mars.
This will be appearing shortly on the govt petitions website. Final draft below.


The undersigned demand the following terms are included in any UK Brexit deal.

To include a deduction for the value of the UK’s share of funds held by the European Investment bank, EU loans, EU properties, cash and any other EU investments and assets, the total of which will offset any financial payment(s) made to the EU in whatever form as part of our final Brexit agreement.


I will need 5 email backers. If you are interested, pm me your email. Ta
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This will be appearing shortly on the govt petitions website. Final draft below.


The undersigned demand the following terms are included in any UK Brexit deal.

To include a deduction for the value of the UK’s share of funds held by the European Investment bank, EU loans, EU properties, cash and any other EU investments and assets, the total of which will offset any financial payment(s) made to the EU in whatever form as part of our final Brexit agreement.


I will need 5 email backers. If you are interested, pm me your email. Ta

Well done CV – just seen this & glad to see you've now got the five backers.

When it comes to this nonsense of how much we are supposed to owe the EC and how they owe us nothing, it's starting to sound very much like the appeasers of the 1930s. Forget all the nonsense that the press have concentrated on over Boris's red bus £350 million – he's the only guy in government who looks like he's going to stand up to the Maybot's latest gimmick to pay them on the drip feed. I don't think it's overdramatic to draw an historical comparison here between Churchill and Halifax the Nazi appeaser. If Europe continues the way it is then it's only a matter of time before we have an acceptably sanitised and democratic 4th Reich.

We don't need another referendum/vote/fudge – we just need to leave.
Vince Cable is a true man to his word and very wise in his approach and vision. 👍

Poor old Vince. When asked on the BBC Today programme this morning whether he thought Boris could become Prime Minister, he started rambling on about his own chances and had to be stopped by the interviewer! Apart from his hearing problems he is also living in a delusional bubble. They should put him out to graze, now.
Poor old Vince. When asked on the BBC Today programme this morning whether he thought Boris could become Prime Minister, he started rambling on about his own chances and had to be stopped by the interviewer! Apart from his hearing problems he is also living in a delusional bubble. They should put him out to graze, now.

That's not his hearing but more the interviewer not mentioning Boris's name.

On the positives his keen and eager to talk about LibDems and his chances. Why would anyone be interviewed for his opinions on the daft Tory party with their petty squables for leadership? So you take his sharp acumen and desire to change the subject to the LibDems as hard of hearing. You're losing your thinking faculties, in favour of your skewed up confirmation biases imo!

People really only see what they choose to rather than try and understand anything outside of their intellect.

Had you marked as one of the decent ones here SuperMini but your comprehension of the subject matters, going down the toilet with the rest of the hope and glory boys.

It's pretty damn clear Tories and including Farage have trully fecked up the UK national interest for good many years to come but you chaps continue living in your alternative realities.

Davies too came out saying we'll only agree to a transmission period to be nice to our EU friends and now his itching for one even at a cost of continuing to pay £9bn p/annum. Boris is just another daft baffoon who doesn't have the fact as has been clearly pointed out by many people.

Some have even called out the repeat of his deceitful representation about £350m for the NHS as LIES but you and his ilk continue to dance to BS.

Moggs gone underground since spilling his religious tosh on air. What a stuck up self righteous idiot.

Hope and soap for you. Make sure you wash well between the ears. 😉
That's not his hearing but more the interviewer not mentioning Boris's name.

On the positives his keen and eager to talk about LibDems and his chances. Why would anyone be interviewed for his opinions on the daft Tory party with their petty squables for leadership? So you take his sharp acumen and desire to change the subject to the LibDems as hard of hearing. You're losing your thinking faculties, in favour of your skewed up confirmation biases imo!

People really only see what they choose to rather than try and understand anything outside of their intellect.

Had you marked as one of the decent ones here SuperMini but your comprehension of the subject matters, going down the toilet with the rest of the hope and glory boys.

It's pretty damn clear Tories and including Farage have trully fecked up the UK national interest for good many years to come but you chaps continue living in your alternative realities.

Davies too came out saying we'll only agree to a transmission period to be nice to our EU friends and now his itching for one even at a cost of continuing to pay £9bn p/annum. Boris is just another daft baffoon who doesn't have the fact as has been clearly pointed out by many people.

Some have even called out the repeat of his deceitful representation about £350m for the NHS as LIES but you and his ilk continue to dance to BS.

Moggs gone underground since spilling his religious tosh on air. What a stuck up self righteous idiot.

Hope and soap for you. Make sure you wash well between the ears. 😉

Ah, there you are 🙂
Ah, there you are 🙂

Well dear CV I've read several of your posts and really not worth bothering with anymore as not much truth or sense comes out of your gob these days contrary to all the shenanigans.

I notice you don't blabber any growth statistics anymore either, now that EU growth rates exceeding the UKs despite dramatic falls in the pound with pending rate hikes.

Things will get considerably worse before they get better.

Labour, LibDems and the Greens going to give Tories such a badgering at the next elections, the stuffing will be knocked out of them now the whole nation knows what they are up to. I think we'll see much blood spilled before then as they all sharpening knives instead of their pencils to do any bloody work.

As for Northern England or Wales, in the absence of a soft EU deal you can kiss your rears and EU funding goodbye. Can't see HS2 saving the Northern Powerhouse either. Northerners are in for a big rude awakening at the hands of the Tories as industry departs.

Even Japan have told TM they need a decision and direction pronto.

Watch this space. 👎
Well dear CV I've read several of your posts and really not worth bothering with anymore as not much truth or sense comes out of your gob these days contrary to all the shenanigans.

I notice you don't blabber any growth statistics anymore either, now that EU growth rates exceeding the UKs despite dramatic falls in the pound with pending rate hikes.

Things will get considerably worse before they get better.

Labour, LibDems and the Greens going to give Tories such a badgering at the next elections, the stuffing will be knocked out of them now the whole nation knows what they are up to. I think we'll see much blood spilled before then as they all sharpening knives instead of their pencils to do any bloody work.

As for Northern England or Wales, in the absence of a soft EU deal you can kiss your rears and EU funding goodbye. Can't see HS2 saving the Northern Powerhouse either. Northerners are in for a big rude awakening at the hands of the Tories as industry departs.

Even Japan have told TM they need a decision and direction pronto.

Watch this space. 👎

Never mind all that.....just sign the petition 😆
Never mind all that.....just sign the petition 😆

Much like a bullet in the head to put the bloody minded.

Charge of the Light Brigade crew who think cavalry successfully can take out cannons and death and destruction of 600 men and horses were heroic act of valour and worthy of sacrifice.

Total contemptible folly of stuck up pompous baffoons.

Heroic death worthy of all sacrifice to crass leadership and loss.

Each to their own.

As for me - b0ll0cks to all that BS.

As the LibDems and Labour party like to point out, it's about jobs, livelihoods and greater good of the common man. 👍
That's not his hearing but more the interviewer not mentioning Boris's name.

On the positives his keen and eager to talk about LibDems and his chances. Why would anyone be interviewed for his opinions on the daft Tory party with their petty squables for leadership? So you take his sharp acumen and desire to change the subject to the LibDems as hard of hearing. You're losing your thinking faculties, in favour of your skewed up confirmation biases imo!

People really only see what they choose to rather than try and understand anything outside of their intellect.

Had you marked as one of the decent ones here SuperMini but your comprehension of the subject matters, going down the toilet with the rest of the hope and glory boys.

It's pretty damn clear Tories and including Farage have trully fecked up the UK national interest for good many years to come but you chaps continue living in your alternative realities.

Davies too came out saying we'll only agree to a transmission period to be nice to our EU friends and now his itching for one even at a cost of continuing to pay £9bn p/annum. Boris is just another daft baffoon who doesn't have the fact as has been clearly pointed out by many people.

Some have even called out the repeat of his deceitful representation about £350m for the NHS as LIES but you and his ilk continue to dance to BS.

Moggs gone underground since spilling his religious tosh on air. What a stuck up self righteous idiot.

Hope and soap for you. Make sure you wash well between the ears. 😉

LOL! I'm afraid I couldn't resist the opportunity to wind you up about uncle Vince 😆 – I expect his hearing is perfectly okay but it does tell you something, doesn't it, when he thinks that he could become Prime Minister? There just isn't the support for the Lib Dems: Clegg trashed the brand, no one apart from a small minority wants another referendum (and Blair is so toxic that he has completely blown that option) – so where is the support? Sure, people like yourself will agree with their aims and ambitions but in my opinion it's just not realistic.

I'm the first to agree that the Tories are in a complete shambles but at the very least they offer some hope against the creeping socialism and restriction of the EU and its ilk - something none of the other parties even want to offer let alone being in a position to do it.

You are either a believer in Brexit or you're not (okay I know that's stating the bleeding obvious) and it's possible to argue something approaching convincing from either viewpoint – but only time will tell who is right. There is the unfortunate juxtaposition of commerce and political fundamentals which don't necessarily face the same way. So in the end it comes down to what you believe in and as far as I'm concerned sovereignty and the ability to govern one's own country trumps commercial considerations. No doubt you might argue that in a broken down economy, being able to make one's own laws and do one's national bidding is little compensation – but even that scenario awaits the arrival of someone who can sort out the mess (like Thatcher did in the 80s - & I'm not deliberately trying to wind you up again 🙂). We'll see; but as far as I'm concerned we need to return to some age-old traditional British values of not accepting doomsville and believing in the future.

It all comes down to belief, determination and having confidence - qualities that have often served us well in the past. Just what is it about the doom-mongers that makes them go on so much? In five years time we might have a clearer Brexit idea of who is right – and if it's you I will willingly concede!

PS "Moggs gone underground since spilling his religious tosh on air. What a stuck up self righteous idiot." Controversial/unappealing/vote losing – all of those; but a very rare politician who actually says what he believes in.

. We'll see; but as far as I'm concerned we need to return to some age-old traditional British values of not accepting doomsville and believing in the future.


You serious? You are looking backwards not forwards.

EU and unified trading regions are the future.

It's like the feudal barons and lords lauding it against other unified regions and nations in fact trying to maintain their ringed off little territories of influence.

Traditional British values???? Like Sunday roast dinner once a week sitting around the table. No mobiles tablets on tables but elbows are cool.

Remind me what they were as I'm losing the will to live around you old biddies with your Brexit love affair.

I feel some kind of comfort that British political leaders are so inept. It stops anything radical happening in a hurry.