Brexit and the Consequences

Never mind all that BS. Look where the real issues are.

Migrant crisis in full swing, EU have no policy to deal with the numbers, the distribution, border security, internal security. The people are'nt stupid, they can see what a shambles it is.

You guys keep taking the Brexit to issue of migrants but obviously whilst UKIP got the message loud and clear you lot haven't.

Migration is already down 80K and that's not by design but simple choice of migrants leaving and fruit pickers not showing up.

Meeting many people now with children abroad choosing to marry foreigners and settle down in other countries because they like it better over there.

Another well to do family business thinking of locating to Ireland as that's where the printing presses are apparently. They are a translation firm with 12 foreign translators who work for the EU. Staying in the UK is out of the question if hard Brexit materialises.

Another family where the gentlemen is French highly skilled voltage engineer (very few in the whole country) planning move to Canada. Grandmother wants to stay here but very sad to see daughter and grand children leaving.

They are all so so very sick of UKIP, the tories and the way country is going. They are not alone.

You can call it BS but that is I'm sure just the tip of the ice berg.

I call it big fess-up much ado about FA... Tories will be walking in the wilderness soon enough. 👎
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It's like living in some parallel universe.

Lib Dem vote share went down not up.
Tory vote share went up not down.

I thought if we just let him live out his liberal fantasy eventually he might come round ...Bit like the detective on shutter island, I fear a full lobotomy might be the only solution. 😆
I thought if we just let him live out his liberal fantasy eventually he might come round ...Bit like the detective on shutter island, I fear a full lobotomy might be the only solution. 😆


Oh that made me LOL...

Liberal fantasy indeed. You two lads in for a very rude awakening 😉

Enjoy all that you do 👍
You guys keep taking the Brexit to issue of migrants but obviously whilst UKIP got the message loud and clear you lot haven't.

Migration is already down 80K and that's not by design but simple choice of migrants leaving and fruit pickers not showing up.

Meeting many people now with children abroad choosing to marry foreigners and settle down in other countries because they like it better over there.

Another well to do family business thinking of locating to Ireland as that's where the printing presses are apparently. They are a translation firm with 12 foreign translators who work for the EU. Staying in the UK is out of the question if hard Brexit materialises.

Another family where the gentlemen is French highly skilled voltage engineer (very few in the whole country) planning move to Canada. Grandmother wants to stay here but very sad to see daughter and grand children leaving.

They are all so so very sick of UKIP, the tories and the way country is going. They are not alone.

You can call it BS but that is I'm sure just the tip of the ice berg.

I call it big fess-up much ado about FA... Tories will be walking in the wilderness soon enough. 👎

As you well know me ol china, the migrant crisis i'm referring to is that within Europe. We are an island and therefore somewhat immune especially now that Brexit is under way.
The EU has no policy that individual countries within the block respect nor adhere to. Ask Hungary if they are going to take their share 😆

What a complete and utter shambles the EU is. It's all going to end in tears !
Btw, I heard the other day that Russia is imposing it's own sanctions on the EU 😆 Putin is upsetting Junker big time ! Not that that will bother Putin in the slightest.
As you well know me ol china, the migrant crisis i'm referring to is that within Europe. We are an island and therefore somewhat immune especially now that Brexit is under way.
The EU has no policy that individual countries within the block respect nor adhere to. Ask Hungary if they are going to take their share 😆

What a complete and utter shambles the EU is. It's all going to end in tears !
Btw, I heard the other day that Russia is imposing it's own sanctions on the EU 😆 Putin is upsetting Junker big time ! Not that that will bother Putin in the slightest.

This is about as important and significant as a mosquito on a Rhino's ****.

Can you put some money around this blurb so we can quantify what it means.

No £s no comment and all that larky.

You should be on Jackanory. 👍
This is about as important and significant as a mosquito on a Rhino's ****.

Can you put some money around this blurb so we can quantify what it means.

No £s no comment and all that larky.

You should be on Jackanory. 👍

Why then does Macron feel the need to have a big conversation about where the EU is headed?
Why then does Macron feel the need to have a big conversation about where the EU is headed?

That's called leadership and strategic thinking.

He is no doubt along with Merkel formulating EU development.

Question you have to ask is where is the UK and what does Brexit mean?

Davies big idea is to have another body of organisation to sit between UK courts and the ECJ. What a fecking brilliant idea that is to add an extra layer of bureaucracy to say we no longer adhere to the ECJ???? BREXITERS are so full of it. 🤢🤢🤢🤢

I notice something about you CV. Instead of looking at your own house and affairs, you are always scratching other peoples ****.
Where is England on the international stage?

We have Germany and France talking about leading EU.

We have Germany and China talking about leading the World.

We have US picking fights with lil people who are suffering to make it self look biiig.

China, Germany Step Up as U.S. Retires From World Leadership

Eurosceptics have f-up-ed the whole debate and national interest, resigned the UK to years of uncertainty and isolation.

Europe will only get stronger whilst US and UK designated to sh1t stirring in other smaller countries political and national affairs.
Hi Atilla,
Where is England on the international stage?
No idea. But, wherever we are, being free from the shackles of the EU must enhance our standing rather than reduce it. When other leaders talk to our PM (whoever she or he might be), they'll know we make our own decisions and don't have to end every meeting with "we'll get back to you on that - just as soon as Mr. Junker and Mrs. Merkel et al give us the all clear". Sales training 101: make sure you're belly to belly with the decision maker.

Europe will only get stronger whilst US and UK designated to sh1t stirring in other smaller countries political and national affairs.
I can't speak for others, but I really hope that the EU does get stronger. Who knows, in the fullness of time - maybe they will. However, in the meantime, they've got the small matter of an £8 billion black hole in their finances.

Atilla - if you want to do your bit to help the EU, my recommendation is that you pray very hard very often to whichever god you believe in that the French and German economies continue going from strength to strength. The way I see it, if either one of them starts to falter - then it's pretty much game over for the whole EU project.
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Where is England on the international stage?

We have Germany and France talking about leading EU.

We have Germany and China talking about leading the World.

We have US picking fights with lil people who are suffering to make it self look biiig.

China, Germany Step Up as U.S. Retires From World Leadership

Eurosceptics have f-up-ed the whole debate and national interest, resigned the UK to years of uncertainty and isolation.

Europe will only get stronger whilst US and UK designated to sh1t stirring in other smaller countries political and national affairs.

I've wondered since the election what would happen if the states and other countries simply told Trump and Washington to go f*ck themselves. And here we are.

Several states are in danger of shutting down, or are in the process of doing so, because Republicans either don't want taxes raised on the wealthy or want to see them cut. A couple of states have lowered the minimum wage because Republicans don't want to see wage increases among the rabble.

Those who are unable to see the trend toward neofeudalism just aren't paying attention (congrats to the EU for its Google fine).
Where is England on the international stage?

We have Germany and France talking about leading EU.

We have Germany and China talking about leading the World.

We have US picking fights with lil people who are suffering to make it self look biiig.

China, Germany Step Up as U.S. Retires From World Leadership

Eurosceptics have f-up-ed the whole debate and national interest, resigned the UK to years of uncertainty and isolation.

Europe will only get stronger whilst US and UK designated to sh1t stirring in other smaller countries political and national affairs.

This is what I have warned of ever since the plans for the EU Referendum. Brexit leaves the EU to German domination. Brexit means there can be no e.g. Anglo-French restraint on Germany. Germany has sought European domination ever since Prussia was formed: every war these states fought was aimed at continental territorial expansion.

The German state of today is a far cry from previous versions, but we have let down every other country in the region by voting to relinquish all influence. From our own perspective, the EU is now more likely than before Brexit to press on with the United States of Europe project. We will become in effect a European Cuba, a small introverted island off he coast of a major power, supported by an even more distant super-power though nobody could figure out why.

A German-dominated USE might indeed become economically far more efficient that it is today, with wider and deeper global political clout. Certainly it could dream of eclipsing Russia in these regards though I guess we're talking 50-100 years.

We have voted to become like a new Isle of Man.
I've asked several times over the past year but have never received an answer: just what exactly does the UK have to offer that makes their participation in whatever deals desirable, much less necessary? What exactly does the UK have to bargain with, if anything? So far, the only responses have centered around I think, I feel, I believe, with a heavy dose of jingoism. What is it that anyone "needs" from the UK?
I've asked several times over the past year but have never received an answer: just what exactly does the UK have to offer that makes their participation in whatever deals desirable, much less necessary? What exactly does the UK have to bargain with, if anything? So far, the only responses have centered around I think, I feel, I believe, with a heavy dose of jingoism. What is it that anyone "needs" from the UK?

Our USP is I believe an out-sized, politically favoured and agile financial services industry that far outweighs any such European centre.

BUT, if the EU decides it can stand the pain of temporary dislocation if all this is moved to e.g. Frankfurt, then our "bluff" fails.
Our USP is I believe an out-sized, politically favoured and agile financial services industry that far outweighs any such European centre.

BUT, if the EU decides it can stand the pain of temporary dislocation if all this is moved to e.g. Frankfurt, then our "bluff" fails.



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Our USP is I believe an out-sized, politically favoured and agile financial services industry that far outweighs any such European centre.

BUT, if the EU decides it can stand the pain of temporary dislocation if all this is moved to e.g. Frankfurt, then our "bluff" fails.

This has been mentioned in articles I've read. Their takes are generally derived from wherever they're rooted, UK media having a different take than media from elsewhere. And Frankfurt is commonly featured.

The most obvious problem for the UK may be that banks aren't necessarily dependent on bricks and mortar. Neighborhood bookstores discovered this after Amazon opened its "doors". Therefore, "moving" to Frankfurt may not be as involved an undertaking as one might first think. New York is certainly no longer the only game in town. Hasn't been for quite some time.
I've asked several times over the past year but have never received an answer: just what exactly does the UK have to offer that makes their participation in whatever deals desirable, much less necessary? What exactly does the UK have to bargain with, if anything? So far, the only responses have centered around I think, I feel, I believe, with a heavy dose of jingoism. What is it that anyone "needs" from the UK?

Well, we've got a lot of money, db.

The days are long gone when we "owned" half the world and when we were the workshop of the world. Those days won't come back however tightly some might shut their eyes and dream.
Money, however, has a way of finding the most agreeable home. Someone once said something along the lines of money always returning to its rightful owners.
That may be so dbp, but what I assume Jon meant - and to answer your question about what anyone needs from the U.K. - it's our money. The Germans want to sell us their cars and the French want to sell us their wine and cheese etc. As I said in my last post, not having our financial contribution will hurt. If, on top of that, we're not buying their products - that'll hurt even more. In short, the EU needs us every bit as much - if not more - than we need them.
All of which may be true. But, if it isn't, then what?
. . . Then there will be another set of circumstances to which everyone - EU members states as well as the U.K. - will have to adjust to. Everything changes and nothing stands still.