I fear you'll be on a hiding to nothing there c_v. A triumph of hope over expectation. Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from, but at the moment, all the talk is about the size of the divorce bill and how much the U.K. will have to cough up to the EU - not the other way around.
On the subject of petitions - and in the interests of fairness - a good friend of mine who voted remain (and yes, we're still good mates!) - sent me this link a few days ago:
May: no deal means no Brexit. Just love the irony of the banner in the background of the picture on the campaign page which reads:
“the people have spoken”. Indeed they have – on 23rd June last year! I suppose that if the number of signatories equals or exceeds the number who voted to leave - then that would be meaningful. However, at around just 85k so far - they've still got a little way to go!