Brexit and the Consequences

If the government wants to take away the NHS and the state pension, ok.

I agree with you on this one. Privatise it.

It fixed are faltering rail network, Just imagine what it ca do to our NHS.
If it can make our commutes enjoyable, imagine the effect on our NHS. Privatisation works, it's time we get the NHS back on track.

If you agree, vote Tory, Yay. :clap:

Check this out-
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You are side stepping main issues...

Pure freee competitive markets in theory and assumptions only.

Markets need regulation and conflict resolution.

Keep hanging your capitalist drum but you don't understand issues. Small gov and free markets brings war and anarchy always.

Rule of law and regulation brings order and system which constantly needs to be policed.

You are side stepping the points raised, as always.

More war and anarchy than we have now you mean

😆😆 fk sakes
What a silly response. I don't "envy" inherited wealth, but it could be put to far better use than cushioning those who had nothing to do with accumulating it.

Well said CV,

The politics of envy.

Vote Tory tomorrow

Labour will unfairly tax the top 5% of earners. (give them a break)
You can only trust the Conservatives to make sure taxes increase for everyone equally.

Check this out about tax.
Labour will unfairly tax the top 5% of earners. (give them a break)
You can only trust the Conservatives to make sure taxes increase for everyone equally.

Even though Conservatives wrote the book on "crony capitalism", a phenomenon which CV seemingly abhors.

Self-delusion's a bitch.
Even though Conservatives wrote the book on "crony capitalism", a phenomenon which CV seemingly abhors.

Self-delusion's a bitch.

Once greedy capitalist resort to calling out envy and jealousy you know the nails are out... 😆😆😆

Hmmm maybe you are right but would you say nurses or policeman visiting food banks is because they are;

a) free loaders who don't want to pay supermarket prices
b) don't have enough money to meet rent and living expenses
c) just bad at managing their finances

The answer cannot be a) or c).
It's all the same issue: welfare for the rich. As for "the more someone earns, the more tax they pay", hardly. Some pay no tax at all because of the influence they as a class have over tax law.

Then there is the question of subsidies. Subsidies for pharmaceutical companies, for oil&gas companies, for agribusiness, for airlines, all of which are the antithesis of capitalism, i.e., if you can't compete, fold up your tent and pursue some other line of work.

I thought I'd already answered these points.

Its inherent in every political system that the more powerful classes or individuals will seek to rig the game to their own ends. But this isn't unique to capitalism so the existence poor legislation and powerful lobbies cannot be used to uniquely condemn this system in favour of any other.
Even though Conservatives wrote the book on "crony capitalism", a phenomenon which CV seemingly abhors.

Self-delusion's a bitch.

Are you CV's official spokesmen then? 😆😆
You lefties can't think for yourself!!!
Conservative voters for Theresa May
Vote for Theresa, together with Donald creating a new special relationship and providing the world with the strong and stable leadership it needs right now on trade, security, and the environment.
db I thought you would understand coming from the USA
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What a silly response. I don't "envy" inherited wealth, but it could be put to far better use than cushioning those who had nothing to do with accumulating it.

Says who?

It's not your money so you have no say so.

It's like dealing with a 2 yr old.
I thought I'd already answered these points.

Its inherent in every political system that the more powerful classes or individuals will seek to rig the game to their own ends. But this isn't unique to capitalism so the existence poor legislation and powerful lobbies cannot be used to uniquely condemn this system in favour of any other.

While it is true that the more powerful classes or individuals will seek to rig the game to their own ends, it does not follow that the society's leaders have to go along. Which is where the social contract comes in (see Will Durant).
Hmmm maybe you are right but would you say nurses or policeman visiting food banks is because they are;

a) free loaders who don't want to pay supermarket prices
b) don't have enough money to meet rent and living expenses
c) just bad at managing their finances

e) political spin.... as many workers on the minimum wage don't use food banks... yet nurses and police who are above the minimum wage and work long hours need to ???
Something doesn't add up...Has this been worked out by Dianne Abbott ??
e) political spin.... as many workers on the minimum wage don't use food banks... yet nurses and police who are above the minimum wage and work long hours need to ???
Something doesn't add up...Has this been worked out by Dianne Abbott ??

I don't understand the phenomena my self dude but why don't you read around the subject before putting your political spin on it.

What has Labour or Abbott's got to do with it? You suggesting these charities are created and manipulated by the Labour party?

There are real lives, families and children behind it all.

The political spin is in the likes of Sky News and Daily Trash that feed you tosh and wraps you in cotton wool and strokes your ego on how superior some people are over others.

Humanity is the same all over the place. Control the food and money and you control people. Modern day slavery.
What has Labour or Abbott's got to do with it?

because the figures just dont add up, and we know what she is like with figures....

ave nurses pay ... registered nurse,£23.319 rising to just under 25k in london...

Not a lot, I know... but enough to put food on the table isnt it ?
because the figures just dont add up, and we know what she is like with figures....

ave nurses pay ... registered nurse,£23.319 rising to just under 25k in london...

Not a lot, I know... but enough to put food on the table isnt it ?

That's before overtime and they do lots and lots of overtime.

Just like in the real world. If you want more pay, you do the hrs.

My working week away from home is 91 hrs 7 days.

So you won't be surprised to hear that I have zero sympathy for anyone else.
because the figures just dont add up, and we know what she is like with figures....

ave nurses pay ... registered nurse,£23.319 rising to just under 25k in london...

Not a lot, I know... but enough to put food on the table isnt it ?

I was thinking of going to one my self and having a chat with some of the people there. Might pretend to be poor and desperate.

I'm always skeptical about most things like your good self.

I can say I often see people sleeping out around Brighton. Failed people or failed social support I don't know but people need support and care. Just doesn't seem right. Peeps selling issue magazine for example.

By the way 23K in London is 1.5K p/m.

Rent approx 800 p/m
Council tax and utilities 300 p/m
Travel £40 p/m
Food £300 p/m
Approx leaves £100 p/m for variious bits and bobs. Maybe for a single person. If you add clothes, shoes, entertainment it's scraping the barrel.

May have to share a flat even then very little left over. If studying books are really expensive.

20-30K is really a skilled / trained young person share flat or stay at parents wage.

Even dental fees can be expensive up in the 80-300 range.

Moreover 20+ for many is a good wage. I think some trying to live off 15K.

It's not easy. If you have no skills then you are basically looking at <20. That's hard.
My working week away from home is 91 hrs 7 days.

So you won't be surprised to hear that I have zero sympathy for anyone else.

Jeez C-V...thats a fair shift lad....i average just over 60 hrs a week mon to fri...thats not including breaks..