I bet it doesn't get anywhere near the amount of views though.
There you go again! once a gambler always a gambler 😆
I bet it doesn't get anywhere near the amount of views though.
Anyway, no more gambles for this thread now. Everyone saw in real time with real money and a real insight in to the fact that gambling with the markets doesn't work. Obviously I hoped to win big but I got chopped up an absolute treat. A few people missed the point but it was a good laugh for a couple weeks while I was off work. The last trade got me all my money back and maybe I could have caught a 10k runner but a gambler always loses in the end.
I now need to do an actual trading one just to counter this one, I bet it doesn't get anywhere near the amount of views though. I'll start in a couple weeks, the account size will only be 1k but it's the principle.
I will certainly check in on your new thread to see if there's any gambling action. That's more exciting.
brewskie? what's the gamble HERE? 🙂
whats ya betting on ?
ps luv your thread!!!
my bet is DOW short.
I've quit gambling again now mate 👍
You are now short DOW?
In all honesty, I have a feeling the timeframes we trade are different which is why we disagreed yesterday
In all honesty, I have a feeling the timeframes we trade are different which is why we disagreed yesterday
i'm sure we do. you are all about 4hr, which is another name for "daily"/2.
mine the 15 min, i get 16 more trades out of your TF 😉
In one way yes and another way no, I mean what exactly is time? All my charts are 30 minutes.
Your 15 minute candles print whatever OHLC is happening on that candle but what if you timed that 15 minute candle from 12:10-12:25 instead of 12:00-12:15. Would that cause you to trade the exact same price action differently?
This is good conversation I like it but it's getting too heavy for a Friday night I am struggling to put into words how to answer so I assure you I will get back to you.
Anyway, you should never take advice from a guy with a massive gambling problem
watch DOW sell off here, then you tell ME what you think I need to know.
I never said I thought you needed to know anything, you asked my opinion. You got a 50/50 shot 👍