Options Trades For Capital Growth!

Sorry, what is the objective of this thread, to see if you get lucky very quickly? Why not just bet on a horse race or something?
I am a vendor. I have put a link on my website for folks to follow my picks here and most of the traders who will come here to watch my performance were already sold since 2001. So no qualms.

This thread will serve as update for the training received years ago. I guess a trader is supposed to get better in his approach....?

The bigger goal is to broaden my marketplace by helping as many prospective traders as possible! I bet you, I am going to get several thousands of traders...
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He's a vendor, he's going to post some great (fake) results and then try to sell his signals or software. The usual thing really.
Negative vibe is not good, pboyles. Folks filled with bitterness usually commit suicide, so a change of attitude is suggested!

BTW: My training cost quite a bit and not affordable to folks with limited capital. However, I have a business model developed to reach out to small capital traders....we shall see!

I usually don't reference past performance because it is not indicative of future results, but I will indulge your negative vibe: http://lovesnr.addr.com/new/more_c1.jpg :smart:
I am a vendor. I have put a link on my website for folks to follow my picks here and most of the traders who will come here to watch my performance were already sold since 2001. So no qualms.

This thread will serve as update for the training received years ago. I guess a trader is supposed to get better in his approach....?

The bigger goal is to broaden my marketplace by helping as many prospective traders as possible! I bet you, I am going to get several thousands of traders...

A vendor of what? If disclosure publicly violates forum policy, PM me.
I really think some folks on this site can do with a lesson in psychology, because I believe it will help in their approach to life and trading! I sense bitterness in some comments on this board and that's probably because the respondents are Cholerics.

There are four basic temperaments with a shade of 12 blend, and knowing which two blends are yours will help in no small measure.

The basic four temperaments are: Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy, Phlegmatic. The twelve blend, however, are SanChlor, SanMel, Sanphleg, ChlorSan, ChlorMel, ChlorPhleg, MelSan :smart: MelChlor, MelPhleg, PhlegSan, PhlegChlor, PhlegMel.

The first thing the would be trader needs in order to prepare for a trading adventure is learning/discovering his/her blend of temperaments. There are folks that cannot (sic) succeed as traders no matter how hard they try. They are simply not cut out for it. But what these folks are oblivious of this fact? They would keep attempting to succeed in the market...and eventually conclude that success is unattainable.

Anyway, I have no idea how many vendor-traders have failed on this site...their failures were probably due lack of knowledge on how comments and negative vibes affect the human psyche. The expertise/skill of a vendor/trader notwithstanding, negative comments not warded off will hamper his/her performance, especially if the trader is on the spotlight!

In light of the above stated facts about human psyche, I will limit my participation on this thread to updates necessary to keep folks abreast of the experiment I want to demonstrate to small capital traders. It takes some time (minutes, hours or even days) to wipe off negative vibes.....

I shall succeed where many might have failed! I shall not fail! I am a success! Even though I may not be a perfect human being, I am loaded with potentials for success. I shall help several thousands of people achieve their financial goals. :clap:
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Oh dear, texpert, you are now spouting total garbage.

The previous comments were not "bitter", they were made out of weariness and fatigue.. we've seen so many of your ilk come and go to no great effect.

Why not cut the BS and start posting some trades?
There are folks that cannot (sic) succeed as traders no matter how hard they try.

Do you even know what "sic" means? I only ask because you've used it incorrectly.

Anyway ---- please spare us this nonsense and show us some trades.
Do you even know what "sic" means? I only ask because you've used it incorrectly.

Anyway ---- please spare us this nonsense and show us some trades.
Yes, I know the meaning and the correct usage. Some folks cannot succeed in the market no matter how hard they try.
Oh dear, texpert, you are now spouting total garbage.

The previous comments were not "bitter", they were made out of weariness and fatigue.. we've seen so many of your ilk come and go to no great effect.

Why not cut the BS and start posting some trades?
No, Meanreversion. A lesson in psychology will help you. Google "Temperaments"

What people do under any condition is a result of their blend of temperament! I can tell your blend of temperament from the comments made so far!

Cholerics are practical, bitter, and are usually frustrated when things don't work out as expected, so they lash out on others....

BTW: I reserve the right to leave this thread.

You have given me enough reasons not to post trades on this board! I shall lose nothing if I withdraw from this site, but have a lot to offer folks who might need help!

I refuse to be under any pressure to trade! I will trade on my terms! I need nobody's approbation to sanction my being! So I will post trades anytime I want to!
I don't know the default number of posts per page set on this board, but just in case you have more than one page up till this post, you can edit your Options to 40 Posts Per page!

Click CP, then "Options" on the right pane. Scroll down to "Number of Posts to Show Per Page" change "The Forum Default" to your desired number of posts per page!

Direct link: http://www.trade2win.com/boards/profile.php?do=editoptions

You have given me enough reasons not to post trades on this board! I shall lose nothing if I withdraw from this site, but have a lot to offer folks who might need help!

I refuse to be under any pressure to trade! I will trade on my terms! I need nobody's approbation to sanction my being! So I will post trades anytime I want to!

You weirdo. What's the point in leaving the thread when you haven't even told us anything? Moreover, you seem to mistakenly believe that anyone gives a hoot if you DO leave.

(By the way, please check this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic , it will assist you in using the term correctly in future)
You weirdo. What's the point in leaving the thread when you haven't even told us anything?
I am wondering: who is "us?"

meanreversion said:
Moreover, you seem to mistakenly believe that anyone gives a hoot if you DO leave.
Oh yeah, there are loads of people who will read this thread and conclude that certain feats are possible. Most of them are seeking help, so this thread may be what they need to readjust their mindset!

(By the way, please check this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sic , it will assist you in using the term correctly in future)
Thank you!
Now, at this juncture, the natural expectation is: let's wait and watch him destroy himself!

I shall not fail!

Remember, I said it before I posted any trade on this board!
I am wondering: who is "us?"

I don't mean to be rude, but is English your second language? "Us" quite clearly refers to everyone on this thread who is not you. It's the personal pronoun plural.

We (this means everyone reading this thread who isn't you) are awaiting your (belonging to you) trade postings!
I don't mean to be rude, but is English your second language? "Us" quite clearly refers to everyone on this thread who is not you. It's the personal pronoun plural.

We (this means everyone reading this thread who isn't you) are awaiting your (belonging to you) trade postings!
lol! That question was a tongue in cheek! Don't take me too seriously!
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