Bloomberg Terminal

half day in US but that is same as europe close. holiday monday and half of europe off yesterday and seem to have taken today off too. option expiries today however. could be fun especially in US 10 year.

See, stuff like this is far more like it. I would love it if the 10yr could break 120010 convincingly, or at least turn around and poop the other way... anything but this tripe.
Long bank holiday weekend coming - but still plenty of time for silliness in FX.

Btw - stop being so bloody touchy - comments weren't aimed at you. And anyway - I reckon posting here for like 5 years earns me the right to an opinion. And I stand by what I said. The robot buyers are muppets, the robot sellers are scumbags, and the 1 min scalpers who can't see it's just blind luck are at best just plain daft.

Long bank holiday weekend coming - but still plenty of time for silliness in FX.

Btw - stop being so bloody touchy - comments weren't aimed at you. And anyway - I reckon posting here for like 5 years earns me the right to an opinion. And I stand by what I said. The robot buyers are muppets, the robot sellers are scumbags, and the 1 min scalpers who can't see it's just blind luck are at best just plain daft.


And then there's Everyonerich......😆
Fair enough; I was bullied as a girl, maybe that explains it. I don't believe that scalping the ladders is blind luck though, watching experienced people pull and adjust orders as well as their hit % tells me it's a whole lot more than that. But yeah, scalping off a 1min chart would be pretty dumb imo.

Let's all go out for ice cream
My Dad used to make me "coke floats" when I was little - a glass of coke with a dollop of Vanilla ice cream on the top... you could bung some Vodka / bacardi in, that might be alright...

I am tyring to find some more information on how S&P configure their rating on G'ment debt - there is a bit of bumpf on their website, but looks like I need a RatingsDirect subscription to get the good stuff; can anyone point me in the right direction?
My Dad used to make me "coke floats" when I was little - a glass of coke with a dollop of Vanilla ice cream on the top... you could bung some Vodka / bacardi in, that might be alright...

We used to use lemonade...memories of not so warm summers in the 80's
glad i didn't go beering. sun's gone in and bonds are looking awful. there's someone running scared in that market....
well, nobody asked me, but...

and can anyone else verify that we have surpassed the average daily volume in the first hour of trading?

(cue loads of "TA doesnt work you might as well go and ask mystic meg you bloody moron do you think anyone cares about a bloody support line dammit fool!")


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