Bloomberg Terminal

True, but there also seems to be a few people who are more interested in talking about what everyone else makes, what news feed/IIRC channels/monitor setup they should get, and where their wife and kids go shopping rather than talking about trading techniques. Two sides to every coin really.
There seems to be quite a lot of people on this board who ;

a) Have big attitudes but can't add up or compute a basic bond duration
b) Think they know everything about trading and can give better advice than everyone else........if anyone was that good they would be probably on a boat or their own island, certainly not posting on this board
c) Trade beer money
d) Think they everyone else trades beer money
e) Think that they trade more beer money than everyone else

you forgot f) people who analyze the members and think their always right
Surely the news feeds and IRC channels count as relevant posts, the wife and kids, I was merely trying to give an insight into my background, and knowing how much everyone makes.........that's got to have some relevance to trading ?
I don't want to get sucked into another internet dispute; new_trader was being his usual abrasive self in all fairness, but I do agree with the general principle that people who spend more time worrying about how many millions they could make, how many bloomberg screens they could have etc., are setting themselves up to fail.
I dont understand what is the problem.. Everyone seems to blame the guy, just because he wants a bloomberg terminal.. WTF!

Is not yours either mine if he can or cannot pay the 1.200 quid a month.. If it is good for him, so go for it..

If i give my opinion about something for someone and the person takes it and do just the opposite i just dont say anything else.. "Wash my hands" as we say back home..

Some people here are funny, seem to be praying to someone fail just to say.. "i told you"..

C`mon kids..

By the way.. I need some good study stuff about trend... besides HH and HL, someone else could show me the way where can I get something interesting about it? I need to learn how to read the behavior of a trend.. And maybe create an "trend detector" to finalize my idea..
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Actually, until assorted muppets started using it as a sounding board for their childishness, I think this thread was a perfect example of what can be good on T2W. A poster came on to talk about getting a bloomberg terminal. It was obviously way too advanced / feature rich for his needs, and now he has a well specced alternative to look at. People who actually use Bloomberg chimed in and gave sensible advice (mostly). What more do you want?
proquote is 16 quid a month for L1 or am I missing something?

Sorry, i was talking about level2 etc, more necessary if you're day trading uk stocks, but i guess for the posters needs then all the info will be on the L1 and other parts.

More money saving tips on T2W!!!!:clap:
Actually, until assorted muppets started using it as a sounding board for their childishness, I think this thread was a perfect example of what can be good on T2W. A poster came on to talk about getting a bloomberg terminal. It was obviously way too advanced / feature rich for his needs, and now he has a well specced alternative to look at. People who actually use Bloomberg chimed in and gave sensible advice (mostly). What more do you want?

Completely agree, although the problem is that with an internet forum one persons innocent comment can be seen as an aggressive reply by others.
if only we could see and hear on the forums, but we only have these stupid similies. 🙄😴

Completely agree, although the problem is that with an internet forum one persons innocent comment can be seen as an aggressive reply by others.
to be fair the quality of this board has dropped off recently. i used to come here to apss the time of day in quiet periods but now the chit chat is pretty rubbish and there is very rarely anything interesting said about the markets. shame really.
imho Sharky took his eye off the ball a long time ago. Lots of members, core product drifting gradually from investment grade to junk though. Once it passes a certain threshold, it'll be non investment grade, and I'll be off. Not far off tbh....
Sorry, i was talking about level2 etc, more necessary if you're day trading uk stocks, but i guess for the posters needs then all the info will be on the L1 and other parts.
L2 is £46 incl VAT and all.. even more savings tips 🙂
imho Sharky took his eye off the ball a long time ago. Lots of members, core product drifting gradually from investment grade to junk though. Once it passes a certain threshold, it'll be non investment grade, and I'll be off. Not far off tbh....

Well at the end of the day this is a commercial enterprise for someone; yeah it's nice to be able to shoot the breeze / meet by the water cooler now and again... hell there is even alot of top quality info to be learned here of you dig deep enough - but I don't necessarily see why someone else should stump up the overheads for little old me to crack jokes, post a few charts, generally procrastinate.

The purpose of T2W is to generate income for someone. That income is sourced from ad revenues. The ad revenues exist because there is a never ending stream of new blood to sell to; threads about VaR, central bank policy etc don't do much for the "click rates".

EDIT: Just read the post back to myself... I actually agree with you, it's just getting boring - but as a non-paying punter, what else can I expect? The problem the management have is that there needs to be something for the new blood to come here for - if the likes of you and Goose are fed up and go elsewhere, you will have a forum full of newbs with nothing to stay for (at least nothing that they can be bothered to look for) Cue plummeting ad revenues.
imho Sharky took his eye off the ball a long time ago. Lots of members, core product drifting gradually from investment grade to junk though. Once it passes a certain threshold, it'll be non investment grade, and I'll be off. Not far off tbh....

Goldman have just downgraded this banter from hold to sell.
I'm not sure what the solution is. I don't dispute Sharky's right to make this a commercial venture, I just can't see it sustainable in it's current format. And tbh, if, somewhere, there was a forum that had a higher proportion of serious traders on it (not necessarily wholesale IB / hedge fund / prop people, just not newbs asking daft questions about forex robots and 1 minute cable charts), I would probably be happily ensconced there by now. I just happen to have gotten into the habit of posting here over the years, mostly because, unlike Moneytec (which I was a member of for years), it is, or at least was, UK focused (which I prefer, despite the good contributions of some notable overseas members)
It depends what you want from the site. I see t2w as a place to meet serious traders and carry on useful activities offsite...

There's very little useful on the site itself, and more to the point there is no way for a newbie to tell what is useful. So instead you end up with pinbar lemmings and such...