Bloomberg Terminal

Ultimately, unless you make stuff restricted access, that's the way these things go I guess. I remember all the hoo ha a few months back about a few of us going over and posting on TradersLab. They had that whole premium membership thing going and I got one of those for free (dunno if they were ever actually able to charge for it),

But barring people like AnnaMaria and her buddies, who had already migrated over there, I didn't find many useful / interesting people to talk to over and above the others who had also come from T2W (wasp etc).

I bet any money if I went to EliteTrader it would be the same story (I'm sure I must have a login somewhere already but I'm damned if I could remember the last time I visited. Would be measured in years I'm guessing). And in any case, I'm not as elitist as all that - I genuinely like helping newbies where I can, provided they genuinely want to learn. And as I don't have a foolproof way of only attracting only those people, and not the gormless scalpers and robot buying retards, we're back to square one.
And as I don't have a foolproof way of only attracting only those people, and not the gormless scalpers and robot buying retards, we're back to square one.

Who do you think you are, exactly? I'm pretty sure it wasn't the scalpers who caused companies like yours to do their cheeks, while you sat around on T2W. You bitch about the lack of quality, whilst at the same time deliberately alienating a large proportion of the genuine traders on the site. Nice going.
i think the genuine traders are not the ones trying to bend spread betting comanies over for a £1 a point. Any mug following 1 min charts or whatever you want to call them is setting themselves up for an accident. (See cable yesterday after the S&P announcement) and as for people that buy systems well that's your choice.

i for one would like to have a chat about more complex stuff but let's face it 99% of people here are gambling on GBPUSD or FTSE going one direction.
Who do you think you are, exactly? I'm pretty sure it wasn't the scalpers who caused companies like yours to do their cheeks, while you sat around on T2W. You bitch about the lack of quality, whilst at the same time deliberately alienating a large proportion of the genuine traders on the site. Nice going.

You aren't making yourself look clever, you know...
i for one would like to have a chat about more complex stuff but let's face it 99% of people here are gambling on GBPUSD or FTSE going one direction.

I would love to discuss such things and learn more from guys like you, but apparently unless you're throwing darts at a board, chucking boatloads of money that isn't yours around the place from an ivory tower, you're too gormless to do so.
Not all of us are here to make ourselves look clever.

Speak for yourself 😆

What I'm trying to get across... Dale Carnegie wouldn't really be recommending needless aggression, especially when you're on rather shaky foundations vis a vis relative qualifications/experience/whatever...
I would love to discuss such things and learn more from guys like you, but apparently unless you're throwing darts at a board, chucking boatloads of money that isn't yours around the place from an ivory tower, you're too gormless to do so.

not at all. i'm more than happy to chat with anyone but the few times i have bothered to on here you get it back in your face from a load of mongs who have just opened their 1st SB a/c, are going to be massive traders in 10 years and know better than you. by no means am i perfect, i know this, but what i have is experince that i'm willing to share if i have the time/inclination but am not going to waste my time with those that say they want to but then just have a go instead.
What trading experience does one need to say that whining about lack of quality whilst calling a large percentage of the traders who visit the site gormless isn't going to help matters? The reason T2W is crap is because once you read what valuable information there is in the archives (and there is a decent amount), you're left with people asking how many millions of pounds they could make in the next two weeks if they started spreadbetting for half an hour a day, using someone else's system of eighteen different indicators in order to save them the trouble of any sort of thought or effort whatsoever. If it's not them, it's vendors, and if it's not vendors it's smug put-downs from people who think they have some divine right to be dismissive just because their dad plays golf with the mayor.

Every time I ask a genuine trading-related question, I get no replies (with the exception of everyonerich's unique brand of utter sh!te), but start a thread about planes on treadmills for a bit of fun and it turns into a 50-page saga. Yes, I can be a bit of a ****, but tbh the only thing T2W is good for is blowing off steam/leveling idiots.
What trading experience does one need to say that whining about lack of quality whilst calling a large percentage of the traders who visit the site gormless isn't going to help matters? The reason T2W is crap is because once you read what valuable information there is in the archives (and there is a decent amount), you're left with people asking how many millions of pounds they could make in the next two weeks if they started spreadbetting for half an hour a day, using someone else's system of eighteen different indicators in order to save them the trouble of any sort of thought or effort whatsoever. If it's not them, it's vendors, and if it's not vendors it's smug put-downs from people who think they have some divine right to be dismissive just because their dad plays golf with the mayor.

Every time I ask a genuine trading-related question, I get no replies (with the exception of everyonerich's unique brand of utter sh!te), but start a thread about planes on treadmills for a bit of fun and it turns into a 50-page saga. Yes, I can be a bit of a ****, but tbh the only thing T2W is good for is blowing off steam/leveling idiots.

i couldnt say it better myself
from what i see ends up happening is guys get sick of it and end up opening their own sites. at the end of the day the only way something along the lines of a forum\ community without the junk is to go at it alone and control access.. but then again you would end up with less fun because these forums are full of crap makes them a highlight of the day.. i mean reading about someones 100% winner system that makes him a consistent 300% a month and he just happens to be selling it is entertaining
not at all. i'm more than happy to chat with anyone but the few times i have bothered to on here you get it back in your face from a load of mongs who have just opened their 1st SB a/c, are going to be massive traders in 10 years and know better than you. by no means am i perfect, i know this, but what i have is experince that i'm willing to share if i have the time/inclination but am not going to waste my time with those that say they want to but then just have a go instead.

As has been said, at the moment, all the serious threads are eithered ignore or get a few decent posts then 10p per pip boy appears and puts everyone's back up with a smart ass comment and another thread is lost to the playground.
you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about something here pal. i'll let you focus on getting it out. seeing as though it's rubbish today I might go and get long.
you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about something here pal. i'll let you focus on getting it out. seeing as though it's rubbish today I might go and get long.

Ha no bee really, just a very, very slow day. Morning was good, then it just died, did the cash markets close early today and nobody told me...
As has been said, at the moment, all the serious threads are eithered ignore or get a few decent posts then 10p per pip boy appears and puts everyone's back up with a smart ass comment and another thread is lost to the playground.

if you are making money, and you post something to have someone post something that touches a sensitive spot. do you really care? unless you are trying to make a name for yourself
you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about something here pal. i'll let you focus on getting it out. seeing as though it's rubbish today I might go and get long.

Gooseman, if this was meant for me, i was agreeing with you, I'm quite sure you not SBing, given the fact that I'm sure you deal in swaps etc (although i may have the wrong instrument but I'm sure it's not 10p cable!!!)
half day in US but that is same as europe close. holiday monday and half of europe off yesterday and seem to have taken today off too. option expiries today however. could be fun especially in US 10 year.
Gooseman, if this was meant for me, i was agreeing with you, I'm quite sure you not SBing, given the fact that I'm sure you deal in swaps etc (although i may have the wrong instrument but I'm sure it's not 10p cable!!!)

it wasn't aimed at you mate