Biden was told Afghans had 300,000 men to fight the Taliban. BBC news reporting Afghan forces were not 300,000 but more near 50,000 and most salaries were fraudulently claimed for non-existent personal. Those 50,000 also included policemen apparently. US intel says these were reported to Biden that 300K number could not be trusted. Big discrepancy between reality and Biden's lies.
I would hazard a guess, and make the assertion, the US administration are in no way fools when it comes to budgetary accounting and state the majority of that money has gone into US admin pockets working in cahoots with the Taliban.
Also, after 20 years, what industry or infrastructure has the US facilitated in Afghanistan to make people's lives better? Jobs for people building stuff, road, rail, engineers, electricity and water supplies etc. They quote trillion but for what? The military, guns and security? All very confusing. I'd love to see how those billions were spent.
There is a report flying around about US failure and one of the entries is that US could not appoint the person of their choice. Really? They stick their puppets into all the key power points and then pass blame they weren't allowed to do what needed to be done. As if they had the Afghans telling them who they could appoint and who they couldn't. I find that to be a remarkable observation to enter into that report.
We had the same in Iraq with Paul Brehmer, Mr fantastic guy who was assigned to rebuild Iraq. All fancy men dressed in suits to please their patriotic dumbed down public about how fab US of A is. Key decisions Brehmer took were mistakes. Big one was to disband the Iraq army against British advice.
No lessons learned in Iraq, as a rinse and repeat wash coming out of Afghanistan.
Iran is next in the cycle I reckon.