Beat The Broker Compo!

Mornin' Ian,
My comment to Tom can be taken in two ways - either I was trying to do him a favour as I regard him as a mate (even though we've never met) or, if price did break resistance, at £2k p/p Tom's going to be way too hard to catch. Although I'm right behind him, he's already made twice what I have so far! Suffice it to say, Tom doesn't need - or want - any help from me any more than you do!

A 'mate' hey Tim?
Do you have astro burns as well? (for anyone reading this, this is a reply to Tim's quip yesterday, pages 38-40, some good banter)
Watch out for fannish...s/he show you how to trade....storming up the leaderboard :clap:😡😏😆:clap::clap:😍:clover::clap:😢🙄🙂
Mornin' Ian,
My comment to Tom can be taken in two ways - either I was trying to do him a favour as I regard him as a mate (even though we've never met) or, if price did break resistance, at £2k p/p Tom's going to be way too hard to catch. Although I'm right behind him, he's already made twice what I have so far! Suffice it to say, Tom doesn't need - or want - any help from me any more than you do!

i'm only taking it one way. It broke resistance and i'm getting butchered.

Could have just sat at the top of the leaderboard and now i'm startung from scratch
How are you guys doing it??????????????????????????
1. Insane 'XtremeRisk' money management style.
2. Averaging into a position when momentum appears to die on a move. (See Step 2 from my post earlier on in the thread). So long as price bobbles about, it's an excellent strategy; the problem comes of course when there's a large bull (or bear) move and every stop gets taken out one by one!
3. The above happened to me yesterday, so I resorted to emergency Step 4. This involved going shopping at Tesco's with Mrs Timsk for a couple of hours. Remember - you heard it here first folks - you won't get quality info' like that on any high priced seminar! Anyway, I returned to find that 4 out of 5 of my £100 p/p shorts on the DOW had been hit at -£10k a go, taking my cash balance back to around the £20k starting point. However, the 5th position was still open and up £20k. The market was tanking at this point, so I added one more short and closed when I was ahead of The_Broker. As it turned out, had I held on to them both, I would have ended up in the top 5. Hey ho!
4. In my case - a good dose of luck helps!
I'm 22nd at the moment and holding a great position i haven't closed yet.

Watch this space.

I'm 22nd at the moment and holding a great position i haven't closed yet.
Well done UKtg!
A word of caution if I may . . . on the odd occasion that I post comments like yours, I end up giving back all my profit to the market and eating a large slice humble pie. As I've found to my cost, it's not easy to get out of a (large) position quickly with this platform and, if the market starts to go against you, any profit can evaporate very quickly indeed. Hopefully, you won't make the same mistake!
Well done UKtg!
A word of caution if I may . . . on the odd occasion that I post comments like yours, I end up giving back all my profit to the market and eating a large slice humble pie. As I've found to my cost, it's not easy to get out of a (large) position quickly with this platform and, if the market starts to go against you, any profit can evaporate very quickly indeed. Hopefully, you won't make the same mistake!

Oops i think i just did!

Profits going down fast. Ah well. I'm not closing it out yet will wait and see what happens. 😆 I knew it was going to happen- i was just hoping to use psychological tactics to put off all the others- bluff them into giving up and thinking i've won :whistling
Oops i think i just did!

Profits going down fast. Ah well. I'm not closing it out yet will wait and see what happens. 😆 I knew it was going to happen- i was just hoping to use psychological tactics to put off all the others- bluff them into giving up and thinking i've won :whistling

LOL you've not gone long equities have you?

That's a sucker play 😉
Hey I'm 4th!

Maybe now someone will talk to the newbie. >-)

1 sid2088 £131,890.00
2 Trader Dante £94,000.00
3 Goose £80,525.00
4 BigEgo £52,996.00
5 XtremeRisk £50,598.00

No broker yet today? I doubt £50k will be enough...
Hey I'm 4th!

Maybe now someone will talk to the newbie. >-)

1 sid2088 £131,890.00
2 Trader Dante £94,000.00
3 Goose £80,525.00
4 BigEgo £52,996.00
5 XtremeRisk £50,598.00

No broker yet today? I doubt £50k will be enough...

I'll talk to you buddy, when I close my position you'll be above me!
I'll stay where I am at the moment and hope everyone slides down the slippery slope.

Can't see it being enough to beat mental mic though. Or even stay in the top 30