Beat The Broker Compo!

I wish you could trade options on demo. I'd fill my boots with snp Nov 790 Calls. I could afford £5000 a point at the moment. Wouldn't have to worry about getting stopped. Any rally would see me into the stratosphere.
I'll stay where I am at the moment and hope everyone slides down the slippery slope.
Yup - that'll be me. This is the third day in a row I've got to the £50k mark and I've blown my account and had to reset on the previous two. Will it be three in a row? I'll have to avoid this at all costs if I'm to stand any chance of getting a daily prize.
Not any more you ain't - you're just ahead of me now. Well done!
How about the two of us join forces and go gunning for Gooseman and Dante?

Have ETX twigged yet that most of the active players are from this forum? 👍
lol dilesh I like what you are trying to do there.

You know as well as I do that this is going to tank.

Rally/tank right now i have no idea, but it's gonna be bloody volatile.

I've just been stopped out and dropped right down the leaderboard.

at 9.30 this morning, I should have just quit with 135k or followed Option's strategy.

I'm blaming Tim - 1) for listenening to him say this is going to drop right off when I was short £1000 FTSE and then 2) following steps 2/3 of his strategy.

Tim - you and Ego vs The Goose and Dante (Gooseman is someone else)
Losers buy the drinks!
I've just been stopped out and dropped right down the leaderboard.

I am short the FTSE, happy with the direction but with tight stops the pullback has just halved my position. Damn. Dropped too.

Still in it, but it will take a lot more work now... 🙁
Doing it my way now, back above Tim!!

Top 60 Current Positions
Position Display name Account Balance
1 sid2088 £121,690.00
2 Trader Dante £95,900.00
3 KOSHA £76,620.00
4 sangina £62,364.00
5 Goose £59,225.00
6 XtremeRisk £59,098.00
7 hsc147 £50,000.00
8 7rade £49,188.00
Have ETX twigged yet that most of the active players are from this forum? 👍

Yes, that's why he has mentioned it in his diary

Does it make any difference?

Where are you now anyway? Don't see you on the leaderboard
I'm blaming Tim - 1) for listenening to him say this is going to drop right off when I was short £1000 FTSE and then 2) following steps 2/3 of his strategy.
Oops - sorry about that Ian. I know you're new around here; didn't anyone tell you the first rule of the forum?
T2W forum rule #1:
Don't listen to anyone with a 'T2W advisor' label as they talk total borrocks most of the time. All of the time in my case. Actually, DAX has tanked - I was just a little out in my timing that's all.
Tim - you and Ego vs The Goose and Dante (Gooseman is someone else)
Losers buy the drinks!
I may be trading recklessly but I know my limits and there's no way I'm in your ballpark or Tom's. Ego is an unknown quantity so maybe he'd be able to carry our team. Whatever, I'd be delighted to meet both you gentlemen and equally delighted to buy you drinks. Is South Devon any good for you?
I agree with options I am totally new to spread beating. so didn't expect to beat the broker but quite happy ending with more of the original 20000, which I had accomplished so far. still without the graphs is quiet hard. does anybody know how good is their platform for real, and also have heard quite good things about the CMC's one but do not know it either.
Whatever, I'd be delighted to meet both you gentlemen and equally delighted to buy you drinks. Is South Devon any good for you?

I'd be up for a road trip. Get the top down. Brisk cold air in your face. Blows the cobwebs away. Goose you up for it?

Whats the night life like?