Beat The Broker Compo!

Guys, thanks for your kind comments.

I thought I would share a day in the life of the Goose instead.

21:20 - 22:10 Drive home listenening to the radio

22:10 Walk through the door, tell my girlfriend about the comp to which she replies "Can I have the itouch?" (why didn't I stay quiet and pass it off as a Christmas present?)

22:15 Watch the news (as if Bloomberg wasn't enough all day) but wanted to see the goals. Thankfully John Terry made up for his atrocious defending. Also saw a woman lose her toolkit in space... ha ha... i'll leave this to someone else

22:45 Go to bed and read, wasn't tired at all and getting near the end so I was reading for an hour.

23:50 Look at the alarm clock and wondering why I'm not asleep (not even thinking about turning 20k into 400)

01:50: see my previous line

03:00 see the comment at 23:50. Starting to get a little annoyed now, the alarm will go off at 5.50

05:50 The alarm goes off, I must snooze it about 20 times and think about calling in sick (have never thrown a sicky in my life)

06:20 I'm in the shower, which is painful as I've got burns all over my knees 🙂 (astroturf burns from football, the trousers might have to come out for the next few weeks)

06:30 I should be in the car any minute now, the girlfriend gets up and says "i'm not putting up with any of that sh1t again" referring to the insomnia I had in Feb/March and the latest bout of 'bouncing'

06:40: I'm in the car knowing i'm going to be late -I have to be in today at 07:30. Just by leaving 5 mins later puts an extra 10 on the journey.

06:42 The radio is on and i'm listening to Nicky Campbell (Wheel of Fortune fame) speak to a trader who is trying to explain why the Dow dropped off so much ("no one wants to hold overnight") Thanks for that!

06:43 I switch channels to Chris Moyles, who is talking about the randomness of the One Show

07:00 I pass junction 13 on the M1 at 40 mph and wonder why there is a 3 mile stretch of roadworks without a single construction worker or vehicle in sight. I'm definitely going to be late.

07:15 'Queues after next junction' Great.

07:17: No queues

07:35 I get into work, considering everything I'm quite pleased with that and say hello to the team, who are used to my timekeeping.

07:35 - 08:00 Preparing for the open, quoting the FTSE out of hours.

08:00 FTSE opens down 120, fortunately only one client gets gapped, a couple buy below their orders -it works both ways!!

08:01 A client calls to have a bit of a moan, just what I need, but it's all resolved in the end.

08:25 Have barely had a chance to look at the markets, but place my first Beat the boker trader (-250 Daily FTSE)

08:30 My boss comes back into the room with a cup of tea. Hero

08:31, FTSE has gone up 20 points, maybe I will reset the account

08:32 I hit sent to this, haven't checked it, very tired!

06:20 I'm in the shower, which is painful as I've got burns all over my knees 🙂 (astroturf burns from football, the trousers might have to come out for the next few weeks)
Most of us here are humble retail traders and not city pro's like you. That said, we ain't stupid. We know full well how young hot shot traders like you get those kind of burns! I sure hope your girlfriend was the lady in question, otherwise you might have some serious explaining to do if she reads this! . . . "astroturf burns from football" - my arrrrse!!!
Can you buy more with the potential profit you have. If you can i guess he just kept hitting buy ftse sell cable.
Most of us here are humble retail traders and not city pro's like you. That said, we ain't stupid. We know full well how young hot shot traders like you get those kind of burns! I sure hope your girlfriend was the lady in question, otherwise you might have some serious explaining to do if she reads this! . . . "astroturf burns from football" - my arrrrse!!!

LOL - I really set myself up there, I'm expecting a lot more stick than that, but I just thought I would be honest all the way and give you all something to laugh at.
Can you buy more with the potential profit you have. If you can i guess he just kept hitting buy ftse sell cable.

No. You have to close for it to register. That's what's balls me up a few times.
As has been said before. Much better to have a rolling count and ability to use unrealised profits.

I would not have thought it possible to do so much in such a short space of time.

I want him or Goose to trade for me!
I got my rep because of my witty remarks and brilliant command of the English language- typing some of the most exceptional, interesting and sarcastic posts on T2W. I have also obtained some reps by being controversial.

Deep down though, i know it's because i'm simply just a brilliant trader 😆 (keep repping me if you think i'm ace 😉 go on, i know you want to!)

I gave you some rep Goose- now share the strategy!

Thanks for the rep, I was only joking though! 🙂

As for the strategy, i'll think about it!
Most of us here are humble retail traders and not city pro's like you. That said, we ain't stupid. We know full well how young hot shot traders like you get those kind of burns! I sure hope your girlfriend was the lady in question, otherwise you might have some serious explaining to do if she reads this! . . . "astroturf burns from football" - my arrrrse!!!

when I say 'astroturf burns' and he says 'my arrrrse I assure you the two aren't connected!
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Its all very well having a bit of a laff and choosing a joke user name, problem I've got now is that they won't change it back again.

Top tip, choose wisely or you're stuck with it for the rest of the week 😢
No. You have to close for it to register. That's what's balls me up a few times.
As has been said before. Much better to have a rolling count and ability to use unrealised profits.

I may be misunderstanding the situation, but I would have answered killphil's question differently. For the benefit of new members who aren't too familiar with the mechanics of how this works - allow me to explain. Yesterday, I went from a standing start to about 10th place shorting the DOW in about half an hour. Yes, I had some luck and, yes, I took huge risks. (NOT recommended with real money!) The way I did it is this: as price moved down, I moved my stops as tight as I could which added (as yet unrealised) profits to the 'Trade Funds Available' row. This enabled me to add another 3 or 4 positions at £100 p/p to the two opening positions of £100 p/p and one at £50p/p. Catch a good trend doing this and the profits compound very fast indeed. Get it wrong of course - as I did in my first two attempts - and you blow up even faster! The hard bit is unwinding positions one at a time with this VERY slow and sticky platform. Anyway, once closed, the now realised profits appear in the 'Cash Balance' row. Repeating the trick several times throughout the day will produce the huge gains enjoyed by the traders at the top of the leader board. Apologies if I'm teaching my gran' - and you lot - how to suck eggs!
I may be misunderstanding the situation, but I would have answered killphil's question differently. For the benefit of new members who aren't too familiar with the mechanics of how this works - allow me to explain. Yesterday, I went from a standing start to about 10th place shorting the DOW in about half an hour. Yes, I had some luck and, yes, I took huge risks. (NOT recommended with real money!) The way I did it is this: as price moved down, I moved my stops as tight as I could which added (as yet unrealised) profits to the 'Trade Funds Available' row. This enabled me to add another 3 or 4 positions at £100 p/p to the two opening positions of £100 p/p and one at £50p/p. Catch a good trend doing this and the profits compound very fast indeed. Get it wrong of course - as I did in my first two attempts - and you blow up even faster! The hard bit is unwinding positions one at a time with this VERY slow and sticky platform. Anyway, once closed, the now realised profits appear in the 'Cash Balance' row. Repeating the trick several times throughout the day will produce the huge gains enjoyed by the traders at the top of the leader board. Apologies if I'm teaching my gran' - and you lot - how to suck eggs!

Thanks for explaining that a lot better than I did, was trying to get out of positions at the time and sticky site and/or browser was not helping.
😆 the brokers diary 😆

However I have been following with interest the fortunes of the Trade2Win competitors, and I guess that by your usernames on your forums and your usernames in the competition I have a clue who you are, many congratulations there seem to be a good number of you vying for the top spot. And can I just say how happy I was to be able to put a smile back on little Timmy’s face! Dante you haven’t whipped it yet! I will log on and chat with you Friday evening after 7 if that suits you all!

Yes, come on Dante, pull your socks up or you'll have egg on your face Friday 😎

You would be most welcome to pop in to the thread Mr broker 😀
hahaha, yeah, that is a great entry for today - nice one Mic!
Yes indeed - and many apologies for my outburst which I now feel very embarrassed about, sorry Mic! I was miffed as I was about £10k ahead of you around 8.30pm last night and, having had two blow ups earlier in the day, I decided to sit tight. In doing so I missed an excellent trading opportunity which I didn't take because I knew that I had no chance of catching the top five and, if the trade went against me, I'd move down the ladder and closer to you! So, your late sprint finish completely caught me out but, hey - it's only a game - fair play to you. Excellent trading.
(a.k.a. XtremeRisk)