Lost interest in this trade
Closed out shorts and canceled pending orders 289.86
both trades profitable for not worth even a yawn.
I need a drink 🙂
One step ahead of you mate - cheers from rural Bordeux.
Lost interest in this trade
Closed out shorts and canceled pending orders 289.86
both trades profitable for not worth even a yawn.
I need a drink 🙂
Thank you for the further advice Fibo - shall start the t2w Fibo wave subscription shortly. So will be sticking with the free stuff for the time being to see how far I get before becoming unstuck.
The retracement rules wave 2 retracing .618 of wave 1 etc are I am now working on, but difficult on a tablet! Should have brought the laptop.
View attachment 267070
One step ahead of you mate - cheers from rural Bordeux.
Outstanding amigo. Nail down those rules of Waves. Jeffrey is the best guy to learn these rules from as he is very repetitious and cements them in solid. A Wave 2 will most often retrace 61.8%. Why is that? Jeffrey will tell you but here it is from me ............... because the general public or pubic associates a wave 2 with the previous most recent descent of the preceding BEAR market, i.e. the bearishness and negativity is just as higher and dig this, often higher, so the wave goes into deep retracement, sometimes can even go to 78.6%. Tuck this into the back of your mind as its super important.
Jeffrey is also a god with Ending Diagonal triangles.
This might be very upsetting to others reading this because he too like me is American 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
Do NOT subscribe to anything now. These costs add up fast, 100 here, 200 there before you know it you're in the hold for a g-note per month. Save, save save for your capital now. I'll post the articles when I find them or run into them.
You lucky guy, living the dream. Stunning view! France, as you stated in earlier posts, creme de la creme. 🙂
With that as a base I branched out into Creole for the music of the French territories like Guadaloupe and Martinique. Big fan. Place St Michel will be my burial site right outside the cafes
Save Fibo from hissself on many occasions - sent me to the right store at the right time in Los Angeles to meet the right Frenchman at the right time who said to me, "I can prolong your life as of this moment, follow me, take this home, no charge, then come back and tell me" Nailed it. 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Sitting on Sofa watching random TV for Mrs Sam - BUT me still trying wave counts.
How do you recall such rules in an instant? I can tell you aren’t just googling this sh*t!! Impressive, Fibo clearly third of third.
What is your history with EW, what other strategies / approaches have you tried?
God I need to stop drinking.
Sitting on Sofa watching random TV for Mrs Sam - BUT me still trying wave counts.
How do you recall such rules in an instant? I can tell you aren’t just googling this sh*t!! Impressive, Fibo clearly third of third.
What is your history with EW, what other strategies / approaches have you tried?
God I need to stop drinking.
Hey no worries, I'm already on the 2nd glass of wine after I saw that picture you posted. And the market is still open. One of the big shot vendors at ET scolded me for admitting I took on a trade while drunker than a skunk!!! His nickname at ET is bone, he takes on clients at 7.5k and his hunting grounds are ET. He scores kills left and right but apparently not enough. This cat could not stand WAVES as I was buggering him left and right - unintentionally of course as I like the fellow but he got all bent out of shape and got me expelled. Had he listened he would have saved his clients big on Crude Oil
He said, "you are trading while drunk?" 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
I could not stop lafffing
Trade it how you like - so long as you have stop loss in place, what’s the issue! Glad to here you’re inspired to crack a bottle of wine.
Fair play for not monetising your skill Fibo, doff my cap in your direction.
What trades do you have on at the moment?
The sh*t fibo knows he knows for real, no gimmicks. EWI and I go back a ways. I put in the time, kept my critique low and didn't give a rat's ass about all the complaints everywhere about subscribers losing their shirts. I knew they had something to offer. I spent big. Money was no object, never has been, I pay top price for value. Well worth it. Got to a point where I shook hands and went on my own, a one man show, the student had surpassed the teacher and left him in the dust.
I mentioned this elsewhere, Sam - in TRADING as in any other field if the student can be pan-determined and take on the full responsibility to hunt down the best-est professor to teach him whilehe is being the ultimate student - the physical universe will sooner or later open her legs - she cannae say NO to such a cat.
That cat be fibo 🙂 🙂 🙂