Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Lost interest in this trade

Closed out shorts and canceled pending orders 289.86

both trades profitable for not worth even a yawn.

I need a drink 🙂

One step ahead of you mate - cheers from rural Bordeux.
Thank you for the further advice Fibo - shall start the t2w Fibo wave subscription shortly. So will be sticking with the free stuff for the time being to see how far I get before becoming unstuck.

The retracement rules wave 2 retracing .618 of wave 1 etc are I am now working on, but difficult on a tablet! Should have brought the laptop.

Outstanding amigo. Nail down those rules of Waves. Jeffrey is the best guy to learn these rules from as he is very repetitious and cements them in solid. A Wave 2 will most often retrace 61.8%. Why is that? Jeffrey will tell you but here it is from me ............... because the general public or pubic associates a wave 2 with the previous most recent descent of the preceding BEAR market, i.e. the bearishness and negativity is just as higher and dig this, often higher, so the wave goes into deep retracement, sometimes can even go to 78.6%. Tuck this into the back of your mind as its super important.

Jeffrey is also a god with Ending Diagonal triangles.

This might be very upsetting to others reading this because he too like me is American 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Do NOT subscribe to anything now. These costs add up fast, 100 here, 200 there before you know it you're in the hold for a g-note per month. Save, save save for your capital now. I'll post the articles when I find them or run into them.
View attachment 267070
One step ahead of you mate - cheers from rural Bordeux.

You lucky guy, living the dream. Stunning view! France, as you stated in earlier posts, creme de la creme. 🙂

With that as a base I branched out into Creole for the music of the French territories like Guadaloupe and Martinique. Big fan. Place St Michel will be my burial site right outside the cafes

Save Fibo from hissself on many occasions - sent me to the right store at the right time in Los Angeles to meet the right Frenchman at the right time who said to me, "I can prolong your life as of this moment, follow me, take this home, no charge, then come back and tell me" Nailed it. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Outstanding amigo. Nail down those rules of Waves. Jeffrey is the best guy to learn these rules from as he is very repetitious and cements them in solid. A Wave 2 will most often retrace 61.8%. Why is that? Jeffrey will tell you but here it is from me ............... because the general public or pubic associates a wave 2 with the previous most recent descent of the preceding BEAR market, i.e. the bearishness and negativity is just as higher and dig this, often higher, so the wave goes into deep retracement, sometimes can even go to 78.6%. Tuck this into the back of your mind as its super important.

Jeffrey is also a god with Ending Diagonal triangles.

This might be very upsetting to others reading this because he too like me is American 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Do NOT subscribe to anything now. These costs add up fast, 100 here, 200 there before you know it you're in the hold for a g-note per month. Save, save save for your capital now. I'll post the articles when I find them or run into them.

Sitting on Sofa watching random TV for Mrs Sam - BUT me still trying wave counts.

How do you recall such rules in an instant? I can tell you aren’t just googling this sh*t!! Impressive, Fibo clearly third of third.
What is your history with EW, what other strategies / approaches have you tried?

God I need to stop drinking.
The boys at EWI are flummoxed by the sh*t going on with the US market. Son of a gun just won't go down. All manner of top-notch TA has gone into figuring out the current TOP. Everybody is getting buggered as the Dow is not giving up the goods, he gives up some, then reverses north. They just had a FREE WEEK last week as they expected the market would turn for sure and they would draw in the HERD new subscribers.

Ain't really happening.

Ain't happening for Fibo neither. Everywhere Fibo looks all he sees are 3-wave monstrosities with big bums that slap one in the face.

Fibo flummoxed too? You're damn straight!!!!!!! But, it means some major level of understanding is right around the corner. so many 3-wave structures gots to mean something in our understanding is WRONG and the Universe is trying to point it out to the cats who will listen. THE MAN knows I'm all ears and can turn on a dime unlike EWI who are stuck on absolutes. fibo knows that the real markets don't give a rat's ass about any Earthling's RULES

a "10" in the voice dept. From Montargis, Paris I believe ............................ 0:43

You lucky guy, living the dream. Stunning view! France, as you stated in earlier posts, creme de la creme. 🙂

With that as a base I branched out into Creole for the music of the French territories like Guadaloupe and Martinique. Big fan. Place St Michel will be my burial site right outside the cafes

Save Fibo from hissself on many occasions - sent me to the right store at the right time in Los Angeles to meet the right Frenchman at the right time who said to me, "I can prolong your life as of this moment, follow me, take this home, no charge, then come back and tell me" Nailed it. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Back to reality on Saturday - 10 hour drive home to London.

Nice Caribbean type vibes, but in a language the locals will appreciate!

For me Grace Bay on Turks and Caicos will be the place I am scattered (hopefully not for a few years yet..) that place changed internal wiring for the better. However - it’s a huge shame about the Haitian’s living in slums only a stones throw from the £000’s a night hotels. So sad about the inequality.
The issue got so bad the Royal Navy were sent to patrol the waters to limit numbers of Haitians fleeing their homeland on sloops.
Sitting on Sofa watching random TV for Mrs Sam - BUT me still trying wave counts.

How do you recall such rules in an instant? I can tell you aren’t just googling this sh*t!! Impressive, Fibo clearly third of third.
What is your history with EW, what other strategies / approaches have you tried?

God I need to stop drinking.

Hey no worries, I'm already on the 2nd glass of wine after I saw that picture you posted. And the market is still open. One of the big shot vendors at ET scolded me for admitting I took on a trade while drunker than a skunk!!! His nickname at ET is bone, he takes on clients at 7.5k and his hunting grounds are ET. He scores kills left and right but apparently not enough. This cat could not stand WAVES as I was buggering him left and right - unintentionally of course as I like the fellow but he got all bent out of shape and got me expelled. Had he listened he would have saved his clients big on Crude Oil

He said, "you are trading while drunk?" 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

I could not stop lafffing
Sitting on Sofa watching random TV for Mrs Sam - BUT me still trying wave counts.

How do you recall such rules in an instant? I can tell you aren’t just googling this sh*t!! Impressive, Fibo clearly third of third.
What is your history with EW, what other strategies / approaches have you tried?

God I need to stop drinking.

The sh*t fibo knows he knows for real, no gimmicks. EWI and I go back a ways. I put in the time, kept my critique low and didn't give a rat's ass about all the complaints everywhere about subscribers losing their shirts. I knew they had something to offer. I spent big. Money was no object, never has been, I pay top price for value. Well worth it. Got to a point where I shook hands and went on my own, a one man show, the student had surpassed the teacher and left him in the dust.

I mentioned this elsewhere, Sam - in TRADING as in any other field if the student can be pan-determined and take on the full responsibility to hunt down the best-est professor to teach him whilehe is being the ultimate student - the physical universe will sooner or later open her legs - she cannae say NO to such a cat.

That cat be fibo 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hey no worries, I'm already on the 2nd glass of wine after I saw that picture you posted. And the market is still open. One of the big shot vendors at ET scolded me for admitting I took on a trade while drunker than a skunk!!! His nickname at ET is bone, he takes on clients at 7.5k and his hunting grounds are ET. He scores kills left and right but apparently not enough. This cat could not stand WAVES as I was buggering him left and right - unintentionally of course as I like the fellow but he got all bent out of shape and got me expelled. Had he listened he would have saved his clients big on Crude Oil

He said, "you are trading while drunk?" 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

I could not stop lafffing

Trade it how you like - so long as you have stop loss in place, what’s the issue! Glad to here you’re inspired to crack a bottle of wine.

Fair play for not monetising your skill Fibo, doff my cap in your direction.

What trades do you have on at the moment?
Trade it how you like - so long as you have stop loss in place, what’s the issue! Glad to here you’re inspired to crack a bottle of wine.

Fair play for not monetising your skill Fibo, doff my cap in your direction.

What trades do you have on at the moment?

The ones closed today have been a waste of time low wage earners. But no losses.

Trades ongoing are the usual suspects as stated so often, the main one being always Euro. Even the gold trade is closed and there is no short on gold yet.

See my target of Euro 423.6%? But take out a trendline and I'm closing the Short


The sh*t fibo knows he knows for real, no gimmicks. EWI and I go back a ways. I put in the time, kept my critique low and didn't give a rat's ass about all the complaints everywhere about subscribers losing their shirts. I knew they had something to offer. I spent big. Money was no object, never has been, I pay top price for value. Well worth it. Got to a point where I shook hands and went on my own, a one man show, the student had surpassed the teacher and left him in the dust.

I mentioned this elsewhere, Sam - in TRADING as in any other field if the student can be pan-determined and take on the full responsibility to hunt down the best-est professor to teach him whilehe is being the ultimate student - the physical universe will sooner or later open her legs - she cannae say NO to such a cat.

That cat be fibo 🙂 🙂 🙂

Well am grateful to learn nuggets, even still from your initial investment of time and money to learn and understand the inner mechanics and gumption!

- 10 key nuggets I take away (direct from my book)

1) no phone or tablet trading, laptop only
2) preparation is not to be trifled with
3) don’t throw money at bend it trend
4) natural flow of river gives best returns (you just steer)
5) 5 waves must be in same direction
6) wave 2 not below origin of wave 1
7) 61.8% golden ratio
8) 3rd wave is best to trade and must be largest
9) 5up/3down (impulsive and corrective) vice versa.
10) stop below wave low but definitely below trend line (place under wave 4 gets warrior out quicker than anybody)

Watching the BBC international news, unprecedented mess in parliament and it’s the commons debate to take control on business tomorrow. Interesting.
yet another twist on Euro with the projection of wave 1. Target is close enough to the previous but not the same exact

For Euro, use the 200-day ema as your visual guide as with almost every instrument, but the euro respects this level like no other.
keep your eyes on the road your hands upon the wheel

now plug in the retracement grid (white) superimoosed for the most recent daily wave and combine with the other grids for CONFLUENCE

Euro ............... you've now got 3 Fibo levels very close to each other ............... this be called confluence ...........

Let it roll all nite long ............................. trading drunker than a skunk but sharper than almost all sober sons of bitches 🙂🙂🙂

Roll roll you gotta thrill my soul ....................

Don't let the multiple grid lines confuse you, Sam, just look at the grid color to isolate each.

Euro ............. why nobody can beat Fibo in Euro trades/Earnings - just flat out nobody not on just Earth, not even in the Galactic confederation, a system of 76 planets, Earth being the prison planet in the confederation.

this one here is just one example of how I left Jeffrey Kennedy in the dust - this would never occur to him not in a million years becasue he is tooo straight arrow rules oriented kinda guy whereas Fibo shoots from the hip and can turn on the dime even drunker than a skunk

See pink/purple grid. Yeah dig it amigo, Jeffrey would never conceive running a 4th wave grid, hahahahahahaha. Fibo been doing it for quite a while and the moolsh just pours in like a mother

Arrival right now at the 161.8% golden ratio in real time


Euro continued ..........

now use the small 4th wave at the top as shown by grid in light blue and observe how Euro bounced off the 423.6% target and then has continued down so that tells you right away that the next 4th wave grid has now moved into higher odds zone

Don't let the confusion get to you. Keep keen eye and remember it does not have to be done this way, it can go down one grid at a time on separate charts, but the brain of Fibo can zero in like a mother right thru' a confusion and catch the prey with one bite. 🙂


Euro ......... keep eye on trendline at all times

now switch to monthly and eyeball the entire left of the chart all the way back to Euro inception ................ first se that the 2015-2016 congestion pattern ......... Euro has arrived right smack on its central axis today. The eyeball o the left and see the entire 90s support on Euro fudged and tweaked from the Deutsche Mark by your truly.

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