Euro trade follow-up
see 5-min. chart below. NO, I did not trade the 5th wave up. Exit was as indicated in previous post. So in essence I captured all the way up to the near top of Wave 3. I'm happy/satisfied with that. Now, could I have captured the 5th wave? Yeah, if I didn't have to rest/sleep/other for the night. Given that its a 5-min timeframe, things move much faster and rquire screen time to monitor the trade. NOT MY FORTE. On a regular trade on Daily timeframe where I don't have to watch the screen, I capture all the way to the 5th as far as I can go.
So, observe the following in hindsight of course, thus far .................
(1) A clear as day 5-wave move from start to finish - even on a lowly piddly timeframe of 5-min. Testament to the dominance of EURO
(2) The 5th wave clearly subdivided into 5 small waves.
(3) Wavelength from origin (1.09258) to top of Wave 3, then place grid at bottom of Wave 4 gives a perfect, as expected hit for Wave 5 at the golden ratio, 61.8% as shown in purple/pink dashed line at top of screen. Note quite frequently the WAVE will give wavelength of Wave 3 = 1.618% x W1 and then W5 = W1. This latter is the standard rendition but the one that worked here is the one shown. So its almost always one or the other, so only 2 choices which makes things quite eeezy
(4) Trendline magic ONLY WHEN applied to waves - of course nobody at T2W or ET has ever been able to do simple TA 101 but instead waste their time gassing about buggering the few Americans that visit Incompetent Central
Trendline #1 from the orign of wave thru' the underside of wave 2 extended when broken gives the 4th wave which will end in the zone of the previous 4th of one lesser degree, as it sure as heck did here. Then trendline #2 passing thru' the bottom of the 4th extended when broken (not yet) confirms the end of 5 waves up.
(5) See how Euro has just now dropped below subwave 4 within the 5th wave? That confirms the 5th wave is complete.
(6) Now, there is still one other possibility - you see, the entire wave after the 4th wave, might go into extendion with another 1-2-3-4-5. Its possible. so one should be prepared for this. In very bullish scenarios this happens easily. How will we know this is happening? If NO trend violation occurs now as Euro is dropping like a stone in a vertical dive bomb and then all of a sudden reverses and takes out the Wave 5 top and continues northbound that will be the proof.
(7) Otherwise the normal expectation for the A-B-C corrective wave after 5 waves are competed is taht Wave A down will comes into the zone of the previous 4th (where I've marked the big 4) and then go up in Wave B which may or may not take out the top, but will then be followed by a crashing Wave C dive to complete the A-B-C corrective sequence,
(8) Conventional TA 101 is no match for the Wave Mechanics TA. Look at the beautiful Channel, so perfect, it was an exact hit from the Wave 3 top - its supposed to be this way in WAVES. Sometimes you have a spill over which is super good because it tells of the extreme bullishness and when it comes back under the line it confirms the rally is over.
P O E T R Y lesson concluded🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
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