Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Euro 5-min chart

Notice how the recent wave low rests so nicely on the peak of the candle corresponding to the Macd peak? This is what happens in a trend. But here's the thing no point in getting tooo cocky becasuse the Law of Trend also suggests taht the TREND can reverse without NOTICE in a heartbeat. 😗

The girl in yellow

Am I a dummy or what? Dig this. I'm doing the unthinkable. I'm going into the WAVE on the 5-minute timeframe. who ever heard of such nonsense? Niemand.

But screw it, I'm going with it.

See the wave low I marked with the text STOP? Now count up from there to see the clear 5 waves to the current TOP. Then note the 3 small waves down!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now of course I could be wrong but I do have some justification for holding on to the STOP level.

Move on several notches above T2W and ET and all otehr stock trading forums and you have middle-level successful traders like these guys. Have met many, yes they do well and are happy and living the dream.

Now move on several notches above this level, I mean literally several notches where master Fibo would not just have one condo, but the whole floor for his friends, traders and non traders alike but the floor would be ours.

Any one of us could crash out and burn and blow accounts. that is the belief right? Ain't happened yet to Fibo. Happened to everyone of them. They told me so and showed me the accounts. Tehre are many such cats living in Copacabana and Ipanema beach, all traders living the dream.

But wait, it didn't come to blowing of my account but it came to humiliation RIGHT HERE IN THIS THREAD ...... see first 2-3 pages and then the rescue that come-d from God. THE MAN would not let his beloved son who earned every cent get hammered like that. No way! that is my confidence level when I go into a fight. I do my best and take a beating if necessary but I cannot be killed by a mortal. The odds are just not there. HE will not allow it 🙂 😗

In Petropolis, Rio de janeiro up in the mountains for days ran into 2 traders who blew up. John, a non-trader but my best freind was there too, we were only hunting p*ssy not really trading. They were sad. They were looking in my eyes intently and asked, "why the admiration for us?" My answer: "you boys are the salt of the earth, my kind of warrior, I can't let you die like this" What does thatmean, they asked Fibo.

I'm getting you back on track on Monday with a new grubstake. Pay me back when you will or will not.

One broke into tears.

Fast forward 1yr. Money back to Fibo, friends for life. One phone call and they'd fly to any destination to resuce fibo.

Just another day at the office. Their circle of influence and living is in rio de Janeiro. they be my brothers, every mother's son of them

Crime in Rio? Attacks by banditos? Yeh, baby. but they leave fibo alone 🙂


EURO 5-min. as shown in quote previous post. Continuing .....................................

As you can see from the latest update, still staying with the 5-min. and not making any changes whatsoever to the chart, I have now seen that MACD has made a new recent low relative to its low at the point where I marked the STOP text in Price. Not only that the low is -0000656 which is lower than the lowest -0000624 of the wave preceding. There is also one other phenomenon on Macd that has triggered. this soemthing could just be to mark a subwave of importantce or it could be a new downwave aborning.

So I am taking the precaution of rasing my STOP from 1.1006 to right under the low of this last subwave low

So STOP is at 1.1029

Hahahahahah, Holy Mary, within minutes Euro messing with my new STOP. PRESCIENCE? 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 told you cats when it comes to Euro I have divine luck

This concludes the hi Lev trade
EURO 5-min. as shown in quote previous post. Continuing .....................................

As you can see from the latest update, still staying with the 5-min. and not making any changes whatsoever to the chart, I have now seen that MACD has made a new recent low relative to its low at the point where I marked the STOP text in Price. Not only that the low is -0000656 which is lower than the lowest -0000624 of the wave preceding. There is also one other phenomenon on Macd that has triggered. this soemthing could just be to mark a subwave of importantce or it could be a new downwave aborning.

So I am taking the precaution of rasing my STOP from 1.1006 to right under the low of this last subwave low

So STOP is at 1.1029

View attachment 267140

Thank you for sharing this with us Fibo, looks like the rally is continuing today too, but not before hunting for stoplosses!

Interesting use of the MADC. I assume you’re using the indicators to indicate not dictate the trade, this just provides confirmation that your position is valid before entering the trade? Would you ever take a trade on wave principles alone without confirmation from MACD or RSI?
Thank you for sharing this with us Fibo, looks like the rally is continuing today too, but not before hunting for stoplosses!

Interesting use of the MADC. I assume you’re using the indicators to indicate not dictate the trade, this just provides confirmation that your position is valid before entering the trade? Would you ever take a trade on wave principles alone without confirmation from MACD or RSI?

>>>>> I assume you’re using the indicators to indicate not dictate the trade <<<<<<

Correct! 🙂

PRICE (her eyes) is the boss, the driver

Indicators are exactly that, they indicate ............ (RSI#1) flicking of her hair, fidgeting with her hair, leaning toward me, crossing her legs toward me with skirt hem toward hip, ......... (RSI#2) Trendline on RSI breakout, ............ (MACD) lean over and touch me on the arm/hand, (MACD divergence) silk/soft midrange sound in voice, ................ (Trendline breakout on PRICE) kiss
Euro trade follow-up

see 5-min. chart below. NO, I did not trade the 5th wave up. Exit was as indicated in previous post. So in essence I captured all the way up to the near top of Wave 3. I'm happy/satisfied with that. Now, could I have captured the 5th wave? Yeah, if I didn't have to rest/sleep/other for the night. Given that its a 5-min timeframe, things move much faster and rquire screen time to monitor the trade. NOT MY FORTE. On a regular trade on Daily timeframe where I don't have to watch the screen, I capture all the way to the 5th as far as I can go.

So, observe the following in hindsight of course, thus far .................

(1) A clear as day 5-wave move from start to finish - even on a lowly piddly timeframe of 5-min. Testament to the dominance of EURO

(2) The 5th wave clearly subdivided into 5 small waves.

(3) Wavelength from origin (1.09258) to top of Wave 3, then place grid at bottom of Wave 4 gives a perfect, as expected hit for Wave 5 at the golden ratio, 61.8% as shown in purple/pink dashed line at top of screen. Note quite frequently the WAVE will give wavelength of Wave 3 = 1.618% x W1 and then W5 = W1. This latter is the standard rendition but the one that worked here is the one shown. So its almost always one or the other, so only 2 choices which makes things quite eeezy

(4) Trendline magic ONLY WHEN applied to waves - of course nobody at T2W or ET has ever been able to do simple TA 101 but instead waste their time gassing about buggering the few Americans that visit Incompetent Central 🙂
Trendline #1 from the orign of wave thru' the underside of wave 2 extended when broken gives the 4th wave which will end in the zone of the previous 4th of one lesser degree, as it sure as heck did here. Then trendline #2 passing thru' the bottom of the 4th extended when broken (not yet) confirms the end of 5 waves up.

(5) See how Euro has just now dropped below subwave 4 within the 5th wave? That confirms the 5th wave is complete.

(6) Now, there is still one other possibility - you see, the entire wave after the 4th wave, might go into extendion with another 1-2-3-4-5. Its possible. so one should be prepared for this. In very bullish scenarios this happens easily. How will we know this is happening? If NO trend violation occurs now as Euro is dropping like a stone in a vertical dive bomb and then all of a sudden reverses and takes out the Wave 5 top and continues northbound that will be the proof.

(7) Otherwise the normal expectation for the A-B-C corrective wave after 5 waves are competed is taht Wave A down will comes into the zone of the previous 4th (where I've marked the big 4) and then go up in Wave B which may or may not take out the top, but will then be followed by a crashing Wave C dive to complete the A-B-C corrective sequence,

(8) Conventional TA 101 is no match for the Wave Mechanics TA. Look at the beautiful Channel, so perfect, it was an exact hit from the Wave 3 top - its supposed to be this way in WAVES. Sometimes you have a spill over which is super good because it tells of the extreme bullishness and when it comes back under the line it confirms the rally is over.

P O E T R Y lesson concluded🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

Homework for the Englishmen 🙂 😎

USDJPY ............ big opportunity to finally be able to clear out of London and bugger off where other Brits have gone and are in Paradise - many destination Paradises. But one thing is in short supply. The vehicle to engineer one's escape from London. All these other cats are generally living on fixed income plus a few extra bucks here and there.

They don't got what the Englishmen here got. A retirement opportunity so compelling, its staggering.


stare at the 100 year monthy chart first. Then stare at the weekly then the daily. Confusion ought to reign supreme. Then drop once more to the weekly. Look again. See the triangle sideways pattern for years?

Its ending soon.

Upwave aborning. Prepare weaponry.

Reminder ..... make your stash now ...................... posts #381 - 387
Euro trade follow-up

see 5-min. chart below. NO, I did not trade the 5th wave up. Exit was as indicated in previous post. So in essence I captured all the way up to the near top of Wave 3. I'm happy/satisfied with that. Now, could I have captured the 5th wave? Yeah, if I didn't have to rest/sleep/other for the night. Given that its a 5-min timeframe, things move much faster and rquire screen time to monitor the trade. NOT MY FORTE. On a regular trade on Daily timeframe where I don't have to watch the screen, I capture all the way to the 5th as far as I can go.

So, observe the following in hindsight of course, thus far .................

(1) A clear as day 5-wave move from start to finish - even on a lowly piddly timeframe of 5-min. Testament to the dominance of EURO

(2) The 5th wave clearly subdivided into 5 small waves.

(3) Wavelength from origin (1.09258) to top of Wave 3, then place grid at bottom of Wave 4 gives a perfect, as expected hit for Wave 5 at the golden ratio, 61.8% as shown in purple/pink dashed line at top of screen. Note quite frequently the WAVE will give wavelength of Wave 3 = 1.618% x W1 and then W5 = W1. This latter is the standard rendition but the one that worked here is the one shown. So its almost always one or the other, so only 2 choices which makes things quite eeezy

(4) Trendline magic ONLY WHEN applied to waves - of course nobody at T2W or ET has ever been able to do simple TA 101 but instead waste their time gassing about buggering the few Americans that visit Incompetent Central 🙂
Trendline #1 from the orign of wave thru' the underside of wave 2 extended when broken gives the 4th wave which will end in the zone of the previous 4th of one lesser degree, as it sure as heck did here. Then trendline #2 passing thru' the bottom of the 4th extended when broken (not yet) confirms the end of 5 waves up.

(5) See how Euro has just now dropped below subwave 4 within the 5th wave? That confirms the 5th wave is complete.

(6) Now, there is still one other possibility - you see, the entire wave after the 4th wave, might go into extendion with another 1-2-3-4-5. Its possible. so one should be prepared for this. In very bullish scenarios this happens easily. How will we know this is happening? If NO trend violation occurs now as Euro is dropping like a stone in a vertical dive bomb and then all of a sudden reverses and takes out the Wave 5 top and continues northbound that will be the proof.

(7) Otherwise the normal expectation for the A-B-C corrective wave after 5 waves are competed is taht Wave A down will comes into the zone of the previous 4th (where I've marked the big 4) and then go up in Wave B which may or may not take out the top, but will then be followed by a crashing Wave C dive to complete the A-B-C corrective sequence,

(8) Conventional TA 101 is no match for the Wave Mechanics TA. Look at the beautiful Channel, so perfect, it was an exact hit from the Wave 3 top - its supposed to be this way in WAVES. Sometimes you have a spill over which is super good because it tells of the extreme bullishness and when it comes back under the line it confirms the rally is over.

P O E T R Y lesson concluded🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

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EURO: (Fibo's first love, niemand comes close to this, niemand can take her place) 🙂 😉

READ point #7 above .... again then see chart below for where the Wave A arrived, reversed and continued into B-wave up.

she walks everyday thru' the streets of FiboLand
She's innocent and young from a family of NO means
I've stood many times outside her window at night
To struggle with my instinct in the pale lamplight
How can I be this way when I pray to God above?
I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love


EURO: (Fibo's first love, niemand comes close to this, niemand can take her place) 😗😗😗

At X-times bigger than the mighty New York Stock Exchange she is the only one gal in existence who has such a huge following of traders/investors/gamblers that the Waves approach perfection in accordance with IDEAL Wave Mechanics. Everywhere else Fibo was always pissed off in Engineering when he was told to neglect Friction, this and that to focus only on the Ideal scene and Fibo would reply, "but there is no such ignoring in real Life, friction is a part of all Mechanics, we must include it regardless the depth and complexity of the Partial differential Equations that follow.

Not with the Euro. Friction and all fckups of Life in currencies and whatnot are fully included, nothing is ignored. Canst thou dig that? Throwing the entire sewer and sea going snitch ships into the mix and the mighty Euro still delivers an idealized WAVE MECHANICS real life playbook.





Well, she's fashionably lean
And she's fashionably late
She'll never rank a scene
She'll never break a date
But she's no drag
Just watch the way she walks

She's a twentieth century fox
No tears, no fears
No ruined years, no clocks
She's a twentieth century fox, oh yeah

She's the queen of cool
And she's the lady who waits
Since her mind left school
It never hesitates
She won't waste time
On elementary talk

'Cause she's a twentieth century fox
Got the world locked up
Inside a plastic box
Naturally then I am hoping and praying for the European Union to succeed. If they fail, wtf would happen to my bread and butter? GONE! Soon other clowns will take her place, all ugly fat internet bitches, Fibo wants nothing to do with them. Chinese Yuan? P*ss off, not interested. Australian dollar? A clown to the nth degree. F**k him too.

Its not for some bullsh*t reason that she is 57.6% of the US Dollar Index. She earned it. this has to be respected. Ignore it at your own peril. In America, her brother the Porsche earned it in spades. Fibo loves both. Ferrari, Lamburghini? Not even close. Take a hike

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

Australian dollar continued .............

even more dramatic is the Golden Ratio hit on daily timeframe ................ see doji. Why is fibo such a mofo? Because in such plays he earns the fastest rate of return in trading earnings - how so? Just gawk at the rapid 40% earnings on just that one play that can be timed on 1H for exit.

And now dig this ............... australian dollar is approaching the same Fibo level once again. And dig this .......... see how Macd is curling up? Its smelled the Fibo level and is generating divergence.

I'll be all over this mother like Doc took out Johnny Ringo in a no contest.

Watch for entry yourselves on your own. Exercise caution and judgement as always for yourselves. Leave the stupidity and carelessness and voluminous risk taking to me. THEY say I have to blow up, that its a requirement, nobody escapes the blow-up Law. Fck 'em.

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play rally by ear on 4H, 1H or lower

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