
Insiders are selling stock like it's 2007
The leaders of Corporate America are cashing in their chips as doubts grow about the sustainability of the longest bull market in American history.
Hahahahaha, elephant brain, I like that 🙂🙂🙂
What you might not know about Fibo is that he does not consider posting at a forum to be just mere entertainment. It is serious business, serious work, serious train of thought and its entire purpose is to get better and better and better as a trader/investor. Remember I mentioned to you about the greatest strength of a Forum being the date and time stamp? That is why I like it. It gives me time context and holds me accountable for my calls and trades. Traders can bullshit and abuse the blotter and trade tickets with Photoshop crap but nobody yet has devised a method to hoodwink the forum date and time stamp. I love it.
That is why its soooooooo eeeeezy to catch cats here who post shit like, "I've been Long since April" hahahahahahahaha. I know right away its a scammer and a poser because there is no date and time stamp for the entry, its all a crock.
Hahahahaha, elephant brain, I like that 🙂🙂🙂
What you might not know about Fibo is that he does not consider posting at a forum to be just mere entertainment. It is serious business, serious work, serious train of thought and its entire purpose is to get better and better and better as a trader/investor. Remember I mentioned to you about the greatest strength of a Forum being the date and time stamp? That is why I like it. It gives me time context and holds me accountable for my calls and trades. Traders can bullshit and abuse the blotter and trade tickets with Photoshop crap but nobody yet has devised a method to hoodwink the forum date and time stamp. I love it.
That is why its soooooooo eeeeezy to catch cats here who post shit like, "I've been Long since April" hahahahahahahaha. I know right away its a scammer and a poser because there is no date and time stamp for the entry, its all a crock.
Froms the quantum of posts which charts et al, I can see the thought behind each reply.
Thank you for the fuller explaination to the USDJPY call, I shall reach my capitalisation target come this months payday and that is where the really fun starts... that is not blowing the account, I have the Fibo nugget book which I spent time working on last week trawling past and present posts and extracting little nuggets - next step is full collation with chapters.
I shall give you a copy for proof reading.
Yes - I recall Fibo enjoys the harsh reality of a date stamp on a forum post.
Having just finished a bottle of a Bordeux merlot - a few relateable quotes from the elephant article, highlighted below, which resonate well with trading and those starting on their journey.
This is a very nice article Fibo.
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You are welcome. 🙂
You will meet her in London. Meet who? The elephant girl. When I first met her and we went to see the sights in Phuket, Thailand, the cat calls by young Thai males at this fox was bothering me as I had to defend her. But she was too smart to let me get into fights with bone-crusher Thai kickboxers. Why she was never afraid of any man, I discovered down the road apiece in the Khao Yai National Park forest where she convinced me it was OK to get off the beaten path and go visit the wild elephants.
She be afraid of a thai kickboxer punk when she can walk right up to a bull elephant in his prime and within minutes get his friendship and trust? You could have knocked Fibo over with a feather. AWE! And she spoke to them in a Thai dialect I have never heard even among the Mahoot at the camps
Never a dull day in the Land of Smiles.
Elephants 'understand human pointing'
African elephants appear instinctively to understand what it means when a person points to something, experiments suggest.www.bbc.com
Those who have never seen a 3rd wave or a C-wave in action on a Price chart, here's a treat.
Buenos Aires Merval Index. Now remember this fellas, something about the Herd. Argentina has defaulted so many times and is so untrustworthy yet the public gives it its money for investment. go figure! Slaughter!
The magnificent Fibo spotted both the 4th waves as shown in yellow and know-ed the end was coming. He started to watch and observe after the big 4th completed and the Index started to rise like a rocket. that be the 5th and FINAL wave. But even the 5th wave must have an internal 4th.
There you have it!
My Ma and Pa are not there to tell me, "you are my beloved son, in thee I am well pleased" - but who has stepped in to do so is the Higher Consciousness of Fibo. Now the key take away of Fibo's Higher Consciousness is that he will not be manipulated - in that he will not spare Fibo the PAIN and excruciating agony of learning the lessons of Life. No Sir, he will only look on in dismay as I let out low frequency growls of agony when wrong and taking a hit but he will not interfere for he knows on the other side his son will be stronger.
Its a bitch but its THE WAY.
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News this morning on Argentina in the form of a press release - ‘a series of extrodinary measures to ensure the normal functioning of the economy’
This also includes currency control - which at 22% inflation in the first half of the year I am not surprised.
Are they running the risk of going the same way of Zimbabwe unless this is managed?
Her's the Dollar vs Thai Baht
Relief for Americans is close at hand. Once the reversal occurs I expect the dollar to head to the sky above 50 Baht to the dollar. Americans will be returning to Land of smiles in droves. so will the Brits and others because peculiarly all currencies have a similar relationship with the Baht, same form of bull and bear, although the dollar is the strongest of the lot now.
Dollar vs Thai Baht
True true, the Thai's are world famous for providing relief to Americans.
True true, the Thai's are world famous for providing relief to Americans.