Yes, the trend rider gets pants pulled down. Which means that Ed Sekota and the Turtles got nailed by having to gt out too slowly
Yes I would see cooking the books as the fundamental driver to pushing below the 200 ema but for obvious reasons these shenanigans can be so smooth as to totally not be known to the trader until too late - therefore its better to defer to Price who foretells the heavy sh*t is going to go down because of the WAVE position.
Excellent decision to study the traders classrooom. This decision alone will speed your progress up considerably. Jeffrey Kennedy commands considerable respect from Fibo. Now remember, the classroom is a whole bunch of compendiums, he has written a great deal, all stunning stuff. Since you are in the process of saving money for capitalization, put on the other FIBO hat and place the call to EWI and do a special deal over the phone FIBO-style for a very special price for the entire shabang + theythrow in a 2-yr subscription to the Financial Forecast Service for free with a 50% discount thereafter OR a flat 4k for LIFE.
There are many roads that lead to Rome when it comes to making deals to get your materials to study. EWI also has FREE WEEK for its various services now and then, a good way for you to revisit the Waves periodically.
Agreed, the promises are huge but the success rate is low so buyer beware. What the marketers at EWI rely on is that the HERD has short memory. Once Price starts ooming again their emotion becomes so fired up they forget how they lost money just a few weeks ago and jump back in. THE marketers know this so they can be forever wrong but forever right in income.
Yep, what you are after is just the application of the Waves and since I outclass all of them put together in actual application results with a proven 95% success rate, why pay them? Fibo has NEVER charged for such services, never will. Why? I build LIKES with GOD, not with T2W or T2L 😗😗