Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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June 8th, 2021, 7:50 PM Pacific, US Markets are closed, will open tomorrow

Short London FTSE 100 instantly & definitively once below the trendline

No analysis shown so things are kept simple with a simple message.

Millions to be made

When to close the SHORT? When you see a few Brits serving Tea to Indians in Londonistan!

Don't miss out on this gigantic opportunity of the entire British Empire and earlier from as far back as 1720 - this opportunity beats 'em all

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I know what you guys are thinking!!! How to get Trendie in on this short? Here's how: one of us gots to sneak into his house and get under the bed and then starting from 2 AM whisper softly in his ear, "Short FTSE 100" - do this in intervals of 20 minutes. Do it 5 times total. then bugger off Home.

Let the mes-sage seep into Trendie's subconscious. Then keep eye on his posts for the obvious assaults on the FTSE 100.

Nobody here knows better than Big Joe that all Trendie needs is a little push!

Fibo's very special gift from the GRAVEYARD! How special? Its like this guys ................ if you draw a line on 1H it is a very valid tool already. But if you up the timeframe to 4H, a line has more validity, then up it to Daily and brother does it become a solid line of defence, then up it to weekly and Wow, wow it really is a thunderbolt of battalion power.

When you get to monthly timeframe the line has so much power its just plain staggering.

But wait! What if you get to YEARLY? Its got to go Richter Scale up in terms of power, right? Of course it should.

These timeframes are all in the implant in everyone's mind anyway so they have solid agreement on their validity. The YEARLY has Christmas and New Year, a time when people make big decisions about changing their lives for the better and so on. So this timeframe is downright YUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, with that in mind what would you say if I told you that on the mighty Dow Jones WE, the peoples of EARTH aka Teejeeack are sitting in utter complacency on the Nuclear Bomb of the Millenium?

How so?

Every time this line was touched/hit/caressed/fondled to caused a GREAT DEPRESSION - the only survivor each time was none other than new_trader, who still lives till this day, but he has been largely ignored by the Media who instead are busy interviewing various 100-yr olds in Italy and Greece to discover the secrets of longevity. We are lucky to have new_trader. He whoops them all with both eyes closed!

So when you see the chart below of the mighty Dow Jones, place special attention to the times in the last 450 years (the data goes back but is not available in this chart that I get from Reuters) when DOW JONES hit it and what transpired thereafter.

WE just done hit it again in 2021. Now look back to the previous candle for year 2020 and notice how that candle got so close, got so scared, dropped a sausage and bolted south? Yeh baby!

Its NUCLEAR, quite possible an H-Bomb type of conflagration!

Fasten and festoon and fumigate the seatbelts!

Best chances to survive this onslaught is obvious for us at T2W! Seek out new_trader and stay in his house.

YEARLY TIMEFRAME ............. a timeframe so preposterous that to give some perspective, not more than 1% of Americans in the USA have never had the pleasure of tasting the real Olive Oil, real honey, so adulterated and buggered up in larceny are these things. Similar trendline confirmed by Big Joe for the exquisite cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano from Eye-taly that is all fake and poisonous in America (wherever there is top quality there is a lust for shenanigans to profit)

The H-bomb was placed atop each of the major volcanoes 75 million years ago and thus started Incident II ................. from which we have never recovered and never will unless we put our attention to solving it instead of stupid sh*t like buying stuff like boats and planes and whatnot and going further away from HOME!

We are at the threshold of that same H-Bomb igniting in terms of health, finances but all the power comes from the root, the H-B of 75 m years ago, the effects of which are plastered within us all.

Get ready!

The H-Bomb's first target down is the previous 4th wave of one lesser degree, so that will make the target the same as March 2009, the start of the bull market. We are going there first with of course sther stops along the way but at that stop we will have a significant rally.

I believe we will then continue down to the top tick of the 1987 Top.

More on such targets later. Let's get to the March 2009 train station first. there will be a nice Hotel there and 5-star service with good grub and p***y - then the suffering begins anew!

Its going to get mean, boys. Saddle up!

Your best weaponry is not new_traders bulky gold that nobody will or can accept or change into cash. No sir, your best-est weaponry is nickels, dimes, quarters, $1 bills. Keep the $100 bills in reserve for in cases you want to buy a spaceship to bugger off from here for good. But spaceships cost big bucks, right? NO sir, in a deflation you can get one for 200 bucks. Bentley for 10 bucks, Rolls-Royce for 14 bucks, Porsches for 4 bucks.

P***y will be FREE

Tomorton, Trendie, Timsk & 1nvest & 8 other T2W old timers were so shattered by the economic plunge in 2020 due to corona virus that they all took up jobs as pizza delivery boys for the same large pizza outfit that serviced London proper.

For their lunch break they sat together at one table and enjoyed their spare time until one day when Fibo called Tomorton and asked him to put the call on the speaker phone as it was for all of them and from upper management. Tomorton did not know it was Fibo

Then the voice on the phone said, "w.r.t. good customer service what is the dilemma that pizza delivery boys share that is identical to that of a gynecologist?"

None could come up with an answer.

They were then told by the voice on the speaker phone, "would you like to know the only one person at T2W who answered the question correctly?"

"Yes, yes, yes" they all stated.

The voice said, "pizza delivery boys and gynecologists have same dilemma, they can smell it but can't eat it!"

The T2W members at the table shrieked in agony, some even shouted, "Mummy" and yelled "its Fibo" ............. and buggered off back to work.

All quit the next day and blasted the REPORT button at T2W.
When the upwave crosses the social mood of the Herd threshold and swings to nett negative, then and only then will the reversal occur. It will be seen on the chart but also there will be an EVENT, a trigger.

Watch for it! When trigger hits, the new downwave "fires"
When the upwave crosses the social mood of the Herd threshold and swings to nett negative, then and only then will the reversal occur. It will be seen on the chart but also there will be an EVENT, a trigger.

Watch for it! When trigger hits, the new downwave "fires"

The trigger? What could it possibly be? On this scale of 2-4 degrees of TREND how hard would it be to predict? Impossible? That's what even WAVERS would say! But not fibo! You see, if you don't even show up for the fight, you killed yourself and eliminated yourself right at the starting gate.

All "impossible" does is makes Big Joe hard!!! Can you imagine how great it is to take down a foe 1000s of time your size? Can you imagine the folly of even going up against a formidable foe such as this? Hehehehehehe, such stuff defines Big Joe.

The trigger? What could it possibly be? On this scale of 2-4 degrees of TREND how hard would it be to predict? Impossible? That's what even WAVERS would say! But not fibo! You see, if you don't even show up for the fight, you killed yourself and eliminated yourself right at the starting gate.

All "impossible" does is makes Big Joe hard!!! Can you imagine how great it is to take down a foe 1000s of time your size? Can you imagine the folly of even going up against a formidable foe such as this? Hehehehehehe, such stuff defines Big Joe.

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So, what could the trigger for Wave 3 be?

China? Taiwan? Filli? Nam?
UK invading the USA?
Banking fiasco like that in 2008?
Extraterrestrials landing?
New stain starts killing off both 2-shot and 1-shot vaccinated folk by the millions per week?

My money is on the last one.

All dressed up and going nowhere fast but always in a hurry to get there to earn peanuts and then get blasted on the weekend by TV commercials to unload those peanuts and go into deeper debt! Sounds like Jail to me!


The solution? There has always ever been only just one solution and it don't involve vitamins or health food or exercise or family or any such thing ...................... all it takes is ...............

Trendie, new_trader, Timsk & counter-violent think Londonistan is bad news. Hehehehehe, wait till they get a whiff of Chinatowns USA, where the IQ can easily dip below -200

I took these 4 T2W cats to dinner in downtown LA right in the heart of Chinatown, a good, well-known restaurant, terrific food, the fly lice was always stupendous, hot sauce out of this world

I know Chinese people in LA quite well, their abilities, disabilities and way of thought-ing etc., so I planned this line of approach in advance.

I set Trendie up with, "hey Man, why are there no Jews in china?" Trendie was floored and so were the others. They had no idea.

So I suggested we ask the waiter! "Hey Yung Fu, do you have any Chinese Jews?"

Waiter: No, no Chinese Jews
Fibo: Are you sure?
Waiter: I go ask the boss, OK? ..... comes back a few later and replies, "solly, no Chinese Jews"
Fibo: Come on Fu Man chu, that's impossible, you gots to have Chinese Jews"
Waiter: (exasperated) "OK I go ask boss again!"

Waiter returns after a few and addresses Fibo ..............

Waiter: No, no Chinese Jews only Orange Jews, Pineapple Jews , Prune Jews
Behold what Ray Manzarak of the doors could never ever do! He could do a lot but not this! This black boy floored it, nailed it but his destiny was to be black and die, just like Morgan freeman said lately, "I don't got to do nothin except be black and die!"

And the best part of this artist was that without knowing the theory he frequently dished out 4th wave coils and then the final thrusts in Wave 5 when he poured on the coal and blasted Big Joe into outer space with a stunning perfect hit at 61.8% Golden Ratio, flatlined the level and then with sheer brilliance did not push his luck any further but ended the song just as a 5th wave does in real life in Finance and elsewhere!!!!

OH OH OH its too stunning!!!!!

5- min. mark ...... then notice the pumps in the background, these are the coils of the 4th wave, and then all of a sudden the monstrous breakout in the 5th wave into stellar aesthetics ..... that's the golden ratio in action in music .............. Ray could never do stuff like this ..............


The TRADER Zoo = BitCoin

Elon Musk did this, said this, Bitcoin dances to his tune. Then this bank said this, this govt. did that and thousands and thoussands of variables that would be impossible to compute.

I need nothing, none of that stuff

All I need is this in monthly/weekly/daily and I trade, trade, trade, never invest in such sh*t. Trading it is good.

How nicely SHE follows my script and grids!!!!!!!!!!!!! See for yourselves!!!

Bounce on 61.8%, bounce on 100%, and now bounced off Sharky's forbidden zone of 161.8%.

If bounce fails, then next stop is 261.8% to meet up with Tomorton and do the Johannesburg Township Jive at a disco and pick up some black chicks. Tomorton has the right to make a profit too and try out the blackies 🙂


Look in lower panel for how nicely RSI is breaking out from the trendline resistance. Fake breakout? Hide and watch

God, do I love it so!!!!


I could put Tomorton on the dance floor with a black stunner and change his whole latitude!!!!! 🙂

Bitcoin: commenting only now a few times, don't intend to post any Coin trades, only USDJPY focus.

But as an aside, look how eeeeeezeee ............... if it goes up and crosses the 100% level marked ti can go take out the top and blow everyone's mind. Not mine, but everyone else's

If it breaks 161.8%, then it will go to 261.8%. If that happens I will make 4.3 mil on the trade.

That's how sweet it is

Keep eye on 27,252 if the current 161.8% support breaks. Why $27,252? Because that's Sharky's worst nightmare. Its the 61.8% Fibo. This number keeps coming up like a rash all over T2W and gives Sharky some huge headaches. Trader333 is no fan neither and hates this number with a passion

See the white dashed line in the chart? that's it. If Bitcoin goes there and rebounds, Sharky will sell T2W and join a monastery



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1:44 AM, June 10, 2021 ................... early morning after midnite hours the Media is still asleep 🙂🙂🙂

But when they wake up they will see Fibo's call and howl in agony and blast the airways with Fibo's CALL

UNITED STATES has just entered the Corona Virus 3rd Wave as of midnite, June 9th, 2021

See my earlier post on 22,598 new cases, once crossed would confirm the re-awakening of the corona wave. But after the low of May 31st, there was only a higher low on June 6th. So now with some movement north, albeit small, the higher low could be the ticket that busts the downtrend relief rally of the last months and roll into reversal

22,314 at this moment snapshot. We gots to cross 22,598 for TREND confirmation

My my my the mighty United States is about to embark on a vicious journey that will last for months and months. I pray for my brothers and sisters to survive although I know that even I, one prepared, will take it in the yazoo.
1:44 AM, June 10, 2021 ................... early morning after midnite hours the Media is still asleep 🙂🙂🙂

But when they wake up they will see Fibo's call and howl in agony and blast the airways with Fibo's CALL

UNITED STATES has just entered the Corona Virus 3rd Wave as of midnite, June 9th, 2021

See my earlier post on 22,598 new cases, once crossed would confirm the re-awakening of the corona wave. But after the low of May 31st, there was only a higher low on June 6th. So now with some movement north, albeit small, the higher low could be the ticket that busts the downtrend relief rally of the last months and roll into reversal

22,314 at this moment snapshot. We gots to cross 22,598 for TREND confirmation

My my my the mighty United States is about to embark on a vicious journey that will last for months and months. I pray for my brothers and sisters to survive although I know that even I, one prepared, will take it in the yazoo.
The brashness of the Chinese Communist Party suggests quite clearly that they really do feel they can take out the United States ................. OR ................ that the US is so weakening on a monthly basis due to having surrendered soooooooooooooo many economic advantages like manufacturing and so on plus the fact that Joe Biden's reign is the best time for them to strike .................. if they wait too long they have to deal with Donald again .............. they ain't willingly having none of that.

The street gangs have gotten together - and are going up against the greatest empire of all time. A benevolent empire. If we lose this, its going to be Hell on Earth.

I don't know about you guys but I am praying for America to come out victorious!
Don't forget my Axiom that has stood the test of time:

Bull market icons become Bear market pariahs .................... Dr. Fauci is leading the charge ..............

but the rest of them like Bezos, Gates et al will all be there, all joining the pariah circle as the BEAR gets underway. And lastly thru' a hogshead of real fire. In this way BEAR will challenge the world.

This tune was already sung by ........................

United States
Every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps

How dopey is Dr Fauci? I'll tell you how dopey ..................

He has a 7-day simple moving average on his charts. He could plug in just one more moving average, like the "5" for example and change the "7" to "8" ................. thereby getting in on BEAR's wavelength which is the Fibo sequence.

Then all he needed to do was sit back and wait for the cross on both the above and on the Macd. Boom! He would beat the Media and be areal hero.

But no, he wants to do this by SCIENCE .................. failing to see that what Big Joe is doing is ultra-pure NATIVE Science of the UNIVERSE

Had Dr. Fauci taken it a step further and placed a 200-day moving average on his Corona charts he would also see that the Galactic confederation is above the 200. Bullish for the corona. However the time is too short for the 200 to be visible as its only been a year+

So drop the mother down to 4H and then 1H.

As soon as the 5x8 crosses the 200 + Macd > 0-line, Fauci could come on the airwaves and proclaim himself GOD and CNN and CNBC would buy it 100% and worship him

Fibo born in the wrong century in the wrong galaxy
The similarity between the Financial Media and T2W veterans:

Both have been in the game for 20-30 years and both know doodly

The former gets paid a million dollar salary for ignorance, the latter gets a kick in the ass and a ruined family and destitution

Welcome to Teejeeack!!!!

note to new_trader: 20 years trading and the best you can do is be in a 10-yr drawdown on your life savings and just barely get to within striking distance of breakeven during this year? Is this worth the time and effort? Do what everyone else is doing now: get unemployment and/or disability. When the govt. asks for proof of disability, just show them your Gold nest egg investment drawdown. They will double your disability. I would! Wake up, Cherie!
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