Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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For Mike. (Mikey) some relevant advice ...............

Read Trendie's posts, get a feel for this guy. then do the opposite. Get out of the sissy zone, Man. You guys used to slaughter women and children and sleep like a baby 10 years ago, look how you behave now, politically correct and shooting yourselves in your foot with all the self-righteousness stupidity.

Wake up Mikey! go back to being a mother***** ............. this new Brit softness does not suit any of you, its too false and contrived.

Need help with your trading? I'm there for you, amigo. I like your style. 🙂 🙂

Your friend


Foe Mike. (Mikey)



Dig this! Following crowds will kill you quick. Following fibo will give you a hard c***k.

Case in point:

Beef & Pork and fish
is so polluted with antibiotics, steroids, hormones, mercury for fish, you're f***d. But the HERD like Trendie keeps buying. End result? After about 10 years of abuse the good bacteria in Gut has just about had it. Once you get a caca bum, you're finished. No power to the brain, no TRADING no more! All power stems from the gut when it is a problem. When it ceases to be a problem, then and only then does the Brain take the body into the upper reaches of aesthetics.

How to bypass the zunts? i.e. zunts = c**** with a zipper?

Go where the HERD is not looking or cannot easily afford!

Last horizon before the sh*t hits the fan? Live caught Alaskan Sockeye Salmon uncooked. Avoid all farmed salmon esp. from Atlantic. Norway can kiss my ass

Beef etc.? How dumbass can it get that one has to state grass-fed? F***k 'em, go Bison meat, nobody has decided to f***k this one up, so its still all free range and green grass as it always has been!!!!!!!!!!!! And look at the nutritional value, look at the Iron, look at the other stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!! It blows away all the other sh*t and gives you your meat boost when you need it!

For lunch today, I made some stir-fry bison with onion, 3 varieties of bell peppers, red onion, garlic, all sorts of spices including turmeric and ginger and garlic - knocked down with wild rice/brown/black rice - sprinkled with apple cider vinegar and pure olive oil .................. Okra and other veggies on the side to boot. Natto from Japan for a solid shot of fermented beans, the ultimate rocket blast for the genome

The whole time I was lunching, my c***k was on the table like a knife thru' butter waiting for the first drilling opportunity!.

After lunch I got up to open the door to someone who knocked and I pulled too hard and the whole friggin door came off the hinges. Luckily it was a guy at the other side of the door. He escaped being drilled! I don't roll that way!

Do NOT follow the crowd, Miguel-ito!

Go Miguel, go Miguel go, live for me, live for Fibo! 🙂 🙂

USDJPY: the plot thickens ...................... breakout above top trendline is a distinct possibility. If so, take it LONG and kick ass

Here's why: refer to my other previous scenario of the A-B-C. That's still valid. But this new twist might fly ......

look at the small waves up from 4/23/21 ...... you see 7 waves, right? That means corrective, right? But wait a minute Colonel, what if its 1-2-3-4-5 and the sequence is completed at 5/28/21. What follows thereafter is the required a-b-c correction with "b" going higher than "5"

Can you dig it?

Therefore if top tendline gets taken out, sell ranch and go LONG-issimo! If so, place STOP below wave low

Nobody said there would not be treachery. In fact, count on it. This is a devious game. Get it right you win big, get it wrong and the only way to stay alive is to kill the bad trade fast fast fast

USDJPY: the plot thickens ...................... breakout above top trendline is a distinct possibility. If so, take it LONG and kick ass

Here's why: refer to my other previous scenario of the A-B-C. That's still valid. But this new twist might fly ......

look at the small waves up from 4/23/21 ...... you see 7 waves, right? That means corrective, right? But wait a minute Colonel, what if its 1-2-3-4-5 and the sequence is completed at 5/28/21. What follows thereafter is the required a-b-c correction with "b" going higher than "5"

Can you dig it?

Therefore if top tendline gets taken out, sell ranch and go LONG-issimo! If so, place STOP below wave low

Nobody said there would not be treachery. In fact, count on it. This is a devious game. Get it right you win big, get it wrong and the only way to stay alive is to kill the bad trade fast fast fast

View attachment 301268

For historians ...................... USDJPY ............... see chart above in quote then this one ....................

the grey ellipse shows the a-b-c. If this depiction is correct then it means that a wave up from 4/23/21 has been completed on 5/28/21. Then followed the ellipse (a-b-c)

Keep your powder dry just in case this is right. It is incredibly devious and abstruse and loaded to the hilt with minefield venom. But that's when millions can be made = when the danger and treachery and trickery is YUGE

DXY ($ Index daily) keep eye on this cat. When he gets mad he has been known to to blast thru' steel doors with his middle leg like he did in March 2008 and sent sent new_trader to Hell instead of the Moon. It was sooooo bad for new_trader that was literally no place to hide as the strides of King Dollar were sheer vertical for that Wave 1 up. Nobody saw it coming. Only Big Joe know-ed it was highly likely.

new_trader's 2 daughters were terrified by the depression look on Mummy's face that they brought the phone over to her and commanded, "Call Fibo now"
United Kingdom Corona Virus chart feature that nobody sees. How can they? They don't know doodly.

UK hit a total low of zero on May 18th, 2021 ( just a few weeks ago). Now look at the Uk chart and count the waves from May 18. There are 5 going up. This is therefore already a sign that a MOTIVE wave is underway. It could correct right away now and cause Boris-cito to say, "thank God, we are safe again, let's lift restrictions" ................ or the wave could extend for the 5th portion. And all that would just be one tiny part of the new up wave sequence.

Its hard, I know. Boris-cito is doing the best he can. The real son of a gun is Dr. Fauci. Jail time and treason are not far-fetched for this cat. Boris-cito is a saint compared to Fauci.

But what is intriguing is that every single News Media station and all politicians use the term WAVE 🤣🤣🤣🤣

but they have no idea of the depth of what they speak of. Boris-cito says 3rd wave and I can't help it, I fall off the chair lafffing. I like Boris-cito, he's a good boy and means well. One lunch with him just one on one and I could enlighten him.

Notice how the 7-day moving average slope is shot up? Yeah baby! These are signs .........................
BEAR is killin us left and right, showing no mercy and he ain't even got started in earnest yet

BEAR market common stuff soon to show up in real volume ..........................

These dummies have no clue that they are dealing with the next Vice President of the United States

United States Corona virus:

Bullish engulfing on June 7th of 6th and 5th ++++++ sharp uptick in the 7-day average ++++ a higher low.

All that is needed now is a higher high (>22,542) and the drama gets underway again - this time in earnest as the Primary uptrend gets rejoined as we head to Nepal

Say what, Corona virus comes in waves? Hehehehe, if they can nail Fibo in 10 waves thus far, corona sure as heck can come in waves 🤣🤣🤣🤣
The TERROR gauge ....................... Vix

when the downtrendline on right edge is taken out northbound it means BEAR has let out a noxious blast from his nostrils. Expect gale force winds if/when this occurs.

The Mrs. of T2W elite members, Tomorton, Trendie & Timsk, who are constantly wearing out and injuring the REPORT BUTTON at T2W came to visit Fibo in California.

Fibo gave them his car and told them to take the day by themselves to enjoy Dinnnnnnnneeeee Land! So the 3 chickies took off after having loaded up with snacks and soft drinks American style.

They was on the I-5 freeway speeding like crazy toward DinnnneeLand when lo and behold they came upon a sign just 1 klick before Dinney that said in block letters .....

DisneyLand left

So they all started crying and turned around very disappointed & came back to my home to be consoled by Big Joe.

The snapshot of the hugging of big Joe was sent to the 3 T2W members by 1invest, a T2W member that lately has been following/spying on every move of Big Joe. 🙂

Their fury knew no bounds! The REPORT BUTTON exploded!


Trader333 got the reports and f****ed off to spain to avoid replying to such childish sh*t! 🤣🤣🤣

Timsk's blonde wife calls American Airline and asks, "How long are your flights from UK to America?"​

The woman on the other end of the phone says, "Just a minute…"

Timsk's wife says, "Thanks!" and hangs up the phone.
Alert, alert, alert ................ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Note how the UK govt. is using the WAVE terminology of Fibo ever more and more and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

They are now freely blurting out "3rd wave" 🤣🤣

Slam Dunk!!!!! 🙂 Fibo makes these Brit sons of b*tches look downright stupid, ditto for American dumbphucks (no discrimination)

You don't understand the wave nature of Life, you are just plain downright f***ed

Fibo's stellar masterpiece: just 1 trading day before the bottom of the greatest crash of all time EVER - Fibo nailed it with pres-cision, salted with pres-cience..

Remember the Corona worldwide crash of Feb 12/2020 (SPX crash Feb 19)???? Fibo called this mofo like a champ!!!!!

Post #621 on March 19, 2020, just one trading day before the actual printed bottom.

How f***in cool is that? Say what? Englishmen are our allies? 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Re-post in its entirety here:
TOP CALL on Corona Virus fury by Fibo at 9:37 PM California time, March 19, 2020.

Top tick of the Virus power and potency is IN anytime now. Postulate on its way drifting down thru' the filters to get to the Physical Realm right now. Arrival anytime within hours or 48 hours tops.

The darkest hour is just before DAWN. This darkest hour is 9:00 PM Thursday, March 19, 2020 California time.

We ought to have days and weeks of intense frivolous relief and joy from the pestilence known as Corona.

This will coincide with the Wave 1 low of the stock markets worldwide. Prepare for mind blowing rallies northbound.

Small businesses will be dancing in the streets from relief.

Nobody knows this yet. As usual Fibo calls it first.

Saddle up, boys
ChinkLand has been quiet, quiet, quiet, no above-paltry sign of Corona baby. Not even a pip squeak. Nada! Zilch! Nothing! Todo bien!!

The f****in graph looks like Mount Everest plateau X and then drops off a cliff to Sea Level in one fell swoop and then does this: flatlines at near ZERO

Look at it this way: ChinkLand was the first entrance point for the Galactic Confederation attack. It was the first Wave of assault. Thereafter, after launch, the Generals watched how and to what extent they succeeded in hammering the entire world and most importantly how much they succeeded in rocking America to its core.

The next battalions are now due to arrive - at any time

Fasten seatbelts, hide and watch - Corona is about to get a gigantic boost from the MAIN ENGINE = The ROOT

Reminder!!! Forgive my poor Timing, it needs work. Promise it will get way better!!!
Slam Dunk!!!! Fibo said back in 2020 that China was behind the whole thing with corona.

But did they engineer the trap to ensnare the USA and world? Don't know!

Thus far, now today, we now know that Dr. Fauci is guilty as Hell and was bott by the Ch**K govt. Ditto for the CDC. ditto for the major corporations. ditto for the USA now subjugated to dependent on the Chi**ks for manufacturijng. We lost it all baby. We gave up our mojo. Its going to be a hard road back. But are we shy of too late? I don't know.

Complacency over decades has cost us bigtime.

T2W oldtimer Tomorton used to be a barber when he first ran into Fibo. He worked long hours while his beautiful wife sat at home alone bored sh*tless dying for a Man to help her be all the woman she could be

This is how it went down .........

Fibo pokes his head into the barbershop and asks, "how long till my turn for a haircut?"
Tomorton replies, "2 hours"

Fibo leaves and does not come back.

This went on 6 more times over the course of 5 days, fibo would ask, "how much time?" and Tomorton would answer 1.5 hours or 2 hours or some such number"

Fibo would leave and never come back.

On the 7th instance Tomorton got suspicious and sent T2W's Timsk to follow Fibo to see where the f**k Fibo went after the barbershop

So Timsk followed Fibo, then returned to the barbershop where Tomorton demanded, "well, so wher ethe f**k did he go to?"

Timsk, trying his damndest to control his laffffter, replied, "your house"
June 8th, 2021, 7:50 PM Pacific, US Markets are closed, will open tomorrow

Short London FTSE 100 instantly & definitively once below the trendline

No analysis shown so things are kept simple with a simple message.

Millions to be made

When to close the SHORT? When you see a few Brits serving Tea to Indians in Londonistan!

Don't miss out on this gigantic opportunity of the entire British Empire and earlier from as far back as 1720 - this opportunity beats 'em all

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