Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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For Sharky, ruler of Australia ......................... nobody at ET can do stuff like this. Nobody! YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one race-car driver.

Even ignoring all the other calls and stuff of Big Joe, there is nobody at ET who can come anywhere close to calling correctly the reversal of Corona virus trend on England - see chart below. Fibo called it one day in advance of the TURN when Boris was still planning the reopening as scheduled ........................

A f***in masterpiece it is

For Sharky, ruler of Australia ......................... nobody at ET can do stuff like this. Nobody! YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one race-car driver.

Even ignoring all the other calls and stuff of Big Joe, there is nobody at ET who can come anywhere close to calling correctly the reversal of Corona virus trend on England - see chart below. Fibo called it one day in advance of the TURN when Boris was still planning the reopening as scheduled ........................

A f***in masterpiece it is

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>>> YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one race-car driver. <<<

For Sharky, ruler of Australia ......................... nobody at ET can do stuff like this. Nobody! YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one race-car driver.

Even ignoring all the other calls and stuff of Big Joe, there is nobody at ET who can come anywhere close to calling correctly the reversal of Corona virus trend on England - see chart below. Fibo called it one day in advance of the TURN when Boris was still planning the reopening as scheduled ........................

A f***in masterpiece it is

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>>> YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one STRIKER <<<


The 3 FANLINES are now in place. Break that 3rd Fan Line and your ass is grass, Miss SPX. I'll be all over your ass like a fiend and bat out of Hell!!! I will not bother with kissing! I'm going straight for humma-humma

The American people are one beautiful people. There is no other way to describe my good fortune. The safest place to be when the 3rd wave of corona hits .... is of course the mighty USA. And the best-est location within the United States other than mountain regions where you are on your own in total isolation - also quite good - is of course Los Angeles, CA

A twofer strike by Big Joe

American benevolence? Legendary!!! No other empire in history had this level of benevolence. Kamala Harris criticized for going to guatemala and not Mexico first but she done the right thing, got to go to the ROOT first and stem the tide there.

Black and Indian? I don't give a f****k. I'm liking this gal. she can easily take over from sleepy Joe.

Yeah, now all we gots to do is put away China for good and close the lid on that entire episode!

The American people are one beautiful people. There is no other way to describe my good fortune. The safest place to be when the 3rd wave of corona hits .... is of course the mighty USA. And the best-est location within the United States other than mountain regions where you are on your own in total isolation - also quite good - is of course Los Angeles, CA

A twofer strike by Big Joe

American benevolence? Legendary!!! No other empire in history had this level of benevolence. Kamala Harris criticized for going to guatemala and not Mexico first but she done the right thing, got to go to the ROOT first and stem the tide there.

Black and Indian? I don't give a f****k. I'm liking this gal. she can easily take over from sleepy Joe.

Yeah, now all we gots to do is put away China for good and close the lid on that entire episode!

Bur you know Big Joe well. Truth is America is in a correction of epic proportions since my Top Call of this thread Jan 26th, 2018. Yes, as far back as 2018 despite the higher Dow Jones today in 2021. Everything stated falling apart in earnest with cracks in the concrete in early 2018

So is the video correct in its description of America? YES! We are truly in deep sh*t! Struggling? You don't know nothin! WE is hurting bigtime. Its a Primary Wave correction, not a Minor or Intermediate Wave correction.

Such Primary Wave corrections tear one a new one. This is what's going on for us.

As bad as it it is, the best place to begin is to acknowledge the true state of affairs.

One word does just that!

Slam Dunk!! on Unemployment Rate that I called on very much early pages of this thread back in mid 2019 when I first came to this desert of miserable Brits 🤣🤣🤣

The 35% minimum hit called by Big Joe is now confirmed and accomplished in spades!!!!

My next CALL was for a likely rise to 50%. We wait and see if this CALL comes thru'

The best website to watch for accurate and unmassaged numbers for such DATA is by Johnny Williams .................. the best of the best ............... at

Back to support at 25%. Next liftoff will have 5h3 5-subwaves that make up the 5th and final wave. then and only then after completion of the 5th will the pain be over and we get reborn anew and start from scratch with either a new superpower or the same one as before

Fasten the bum belts real firmly, its gonna get mean

GOLD bounces off Fibo's RSI trendline support!!! YAWN!!! so predictable!!! Can we get more bounce? sure we can! Its possible.

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New_trader has soy-tenly missed this nuance. See quote above esp. the mention of bounce from Fibo's RSI trendline. Now look at the updated chart at the RSI trendline.


More on this next week


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For Sharky, ruler of Australia ......................... nobody at ET can do stuff like this. Nobody! YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one race-car driver.

Even ignoring all the other calls and stuff of Big Joe, there is nobody at ET who can come anywhere close to calling correctly the reversal of Corona virus trend on England - see chart below. Fibo called it one day in advance of the TURN when Boris was still planning the reopening as scheduled ........................

A f***in masterpiece it is

View attachment 301476
For Sharky, ruler of Australia ......................... nobody at ET can do stuff like this. Nobody! YOU can make History now as YOU overtake the greatest forum on Earth, ET with just one race-car driver.

The striker. crème de la crème does it yet again - nailed England and now with the United states of America, the greatest nation that ever lived, that in comparison with the colonial Empire of the British that controlled 25% of Earth, the only comparison that works is ................. British empire vs US Empire = frog's p****y vs Panama Canal

Nailed the United States too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nailed 'em both

USA, June 11th new virus cases 26,076 ................ versus previous sub-wave high 22,608

Here it is Sharky!!! You've made History now. Two years have gone by since Fibo came to visit this desolate place you call Home. Shot and jailed 10 times and threatened with ex-communication come el Popo, YOU are now the proud winner of the giant perennial race of stock market/trading forums ............... all accomplished with just one striker/slam dunker

Message sent this morning to Magna, the chief cop at ET who had the hots for me. The mes-age was clear ............. "hey amigo, your best boys are emailing me left and right and flooding with page views. I told him that soon., at this rate, the ELITE at Elitetraders who know the score would depart and move over to Trade2Win.

Sent to Baron, too!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

The message to Baron was loud and clear, one that he understands all too well, "F***ed 'em all and didn't even come once"

Baron's reading my thread? You're damn straight, he is!!!

But you know big Joe likes Baron!

Next time in Florida, Big Joe will barge in on Magna and Baron and take both out to lunch and party. Maybe even get that uptight, tight-ass cop Magna get laid for a change!

Sharky slam dunks ET with verve and poise and power and overtakes ET with just one striker, Fibo, versus ET's 300+ strikers!!! Shocking!!!! Shocking!!! Baron, owner of ET in depression mode, trying his best-est to adjust!

Only to be found in Native format in and around Caracas. The ultra-soft, ultra-feminine demeanor, the full lips, the deep, distant eyes, the mellifluous voice.

Mario had said to me when we first met, "Joe, I promise you with total certainty that once you are with a Venezuelan beauty, you will not be happy returning to the previous trend UNLESS you have and maintain BOTH.

3 days later at a party, Mario looked over at me and nodded the knowing smile, "you're in now, boy, there be no turning back, you be smitten like the rest of us - there be no escape! and even if there was escape, it would be, 'to where?' "

Mario nailed it 100% right. Changed Big Joe's life for good!!!!

Aye ya ya aye yo yo!

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See quote first ................. then remember this: the ultimate reward for trading skills and independence of the stupid HERD Life of working for $11/hr, busting your b***s, killing your psyche, placing your family in perennial danger of homelessness or govt. subsidies ................ the ultimate reward is

F R E E D O M from S T R U G G L E


D E L I C I O U S P***Y

and D E L I C I O U S healthy FOOD


A H A N D F U L L of friends who really count!!!


26 emails from ET members in the last 36 hours warning that Baron has alerted the elite to ignore Fibo's thread at T2W.

Most enjoyable is the fellow who said, "Fibo is a train wreck" on page 1, is now a firm believer and friend . He has been forgiven, he never stabbed me in the back like NVP if T2W did but he did insult me and is now Man enough to clean it up with me.

Yeah, baby, ET was where I had the most -est fun but dirty cops were always after my ass as they could not would not allow anybody to just speak their mind - even though knowing that Fibo is no virus, no threat to the site, no ulterior motive and defo NO TROLL. But just because somebody is different, the auto response is "he is a troll"

Circular motion with the right hand

When the Dow JOnes registers and prints a Top and we defo enter a PRICE Bear market (we already have an economic BEAR of epic degree so fibo has already scored big), Baron will spit tears of blood and sh*tcan Magna for reading me wrong, even though Baron knew all along that I was a cool guy and he loved my jokes and taunting of the chicks on his site. He dug it so much he got into discussion with me about women quality by bringing up pictures of his ex-girlfriends and wife

Make no mistake, Fibo loves Baron and wishes him the best of luck. He deserves success as he put in the work and created a great site for all to enjoy and learn including fibo!!!! ET is #1 but without fibo they got nothin no more!

Fibo lifts them to the higher plateau

Baron loved this so much, he told ET cop, Magna, "lay off this boy, leave him be"

Page 1, post #36 onwards
For Sharky ................... ruler of New Caledonia ................

Just a week ago the United States was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo complacent!!!!!!!!!!!! Virus was diminishing dropping dropping and vanishing off the horizon. Peoplesssss was opening up to the NEW LIFE

But not Fibo!!! Fibo is on the job 24/7.

You see, Sharky, Clint Eastwood said, "we as actors are fortunate to have such a terrific gig in LIfe" ............... but Fibo leaves him in the dust. How so? Movies, though great for Fibo, a Fibo thorough enjoyment of epic proportions and a strong love for Clint, nevertheless all of the stardom pales in comparison to the WAVES OF THE UNIVERSE - a Fibo forte that is reality levels up way higher than that of Clint!

But, you know Fibo. Fibo is a Hollywood lover, a movie buff, a very satisfied person to be in the company of such creative individuals in the entertainment industry, an industry that is massively in line with Fibo's #1 premise ................


ep Fibo's life enjoyable. God, do I love it so!!!! 👍🙂😉😎👍

God bless Hollywood! May they live forever! May BEAR not kill 'em! Let them live, live for me, live for Fibo!!!

If you have a good meal, a good movie and good p***y after the movie, is there anything better than this? No way, Jose!!!!
Goddamn these Brits are in a daze!!!! After 20 years of boring, boring, boring, soporific, maudlin stories and comments on TRADING, the type of stuff you'd see on newborns s***in on a t*t in a hospital in the ICU, they now come upon a fella who can deliver the mustard in spades - and they are stumped, they don't know what to make of it!

Best this I recommend for their own peace of mind is to call it what poster Mike. (Mikey) calls it

F A K E T R A D E R!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I accept the honors!!!! I'll drink to that!!!!

By the way, guys, the beer I pointed out to you guys a few days ago from Belgium called WESTMALLE TRAPPIST TRIPEL .............. is still the reigning champ for me.

Rochefort 10 Trappist Ale is up there too but only once a week for me due to the higher alcohol kick

But both are fermented beers of the ultra kind - and for you guys who don't know, fermented beers date back to the Galactic Confederation of 76 planets of 75 million years ago. fermentation was a big thing as it was on Teejeeack (Earth) for the last 500 years until Britain and US f***ed it up and went artificial,. processed, fake foods.

Fake foods in America nowadays is what's killing us all

Nobody ever thought to just go back to the basics .........................

whole foods the way they are found in Nature - no processing reqd. as top stage. Minimal processing is stage 2 = a;sp OK.

Anything further = kiss my ass

Wild Salmon + steamed veggies + legumes + fermented vegies + fermented soybeans = Big c**K Of course nobody in England is interested in a big, hard c**k! they'd rather be politically correct after killing 2050 million people in their halcyon days.

Go figure! 🤣🤣🤣

Bring back moderator, Lightning McQueen asap. YOU guys drop 655 by not having him here. He is a Sean Connery type cop, a fellow of no ego, does not trade, knows nothing about trading, but has a heart of gold.

Bring him back, NOW

Hey guys, some trivia in the life of Fibo ......................... last week ..................

received a letter from the city Council stating that a formal complaint had been filed against me by a woman neighbor 450 yards away for disturbing the night PEACE & QUIET in the canyons by growling super loud low frequency bursts spaced every 15 minutes nearing 10 PM nite.

The request by the council was that no laws were broken since it was all prior to 10 PM but to please show some consideration as such low frequency sounds can carry in the canyons for 5 miles or more.

I sent a nice reply, "I'll try to accommodate you, one and all but around 9:45 PM is when I let it rip with growls down to 5 Hz. Its very therapeutic for me. And you will acknowledge from the high taxes I am paying that I am primarily paying for privacy in the vast spaces of Nature in the Canyons. Nobody asks recipients of my largesse and mating Calls to be out on their balcony or porches to receive such an onslaught. Only those who are ready and willing
and predisposed to receive are welcome. Others should close their doors and watch TV instead like everyone else"

Reply from City council was: "Thank you Joe. We understand and since it is prior to 10 PM as the complaint states, you are excused from further explanations. Pls forgive our intrusion!"


The best way to solve such sh*t is with direct confrontation. So at 9 PM one night I knocked on her door and when she opened, I let out the same growl. She screamed in terror and bolted into the back terrace. I continues standing outside, not venturing inside and she screamed, "what do you want, Joe>" I replied, "I want to invite you to a drink with me at my house! Make yourself respectable & worthy, put on some good perfume, brush your teeth, mouth odor turns me off, then come on over and let me show you the time of your life of your dreams that your ex-husband never ever could or did or ever will do! ............. Ball's in your court, baby, I'll expect you in 45 minutes!"

She came and stayed. I recorded the entire episode and sent it to the city Council as a recording.

My bet is that I will never ever ever ever see another complaint of low frequency growls and mating calls EVER again! All live-alone-b*tches are fair game!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Expected side-outcome: the City council woman (not a bad looker) will stop by sooner or later for some action of the 3rd kind!

Welcome to Heaven aka California aka Calpurnia aka Julius Caesar's Wife

Just another day at the Canyons of glory
For THE Sharky ................... ruler of Mexico & Caribbean ......................

Sharky, see at 0:31 for my type, might be different from yours but hey, in the final anal-ysis they is all good 🙂


Behold Fibo, the only one out of the medical community, a total non-scientist, a reprobate, a bum of epic proportions but with just a pencil and ruler blasted all scientists in the United States to smithereens with this call of the reversal of the corona virus in the united states ..................

Slam dunk!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

New U.S. COVID-19 cases and deaths jump to two weeks highs​

Last Updated: June 12, 2021 at 9:41 a.m. ETFirst Published: June 12, 2021 at 9:32 a.m. ET

Oh oh oh oh my my my oh my, look at the barely imperceptible turn in the downtrend in the United States had the entire govt. thinking, "the pestilence is over and we can go back to normal" Fibo cott that imperceptible turn like a goddamn champ.

Oh yo yoo yo yo yo , Madre Mia, que buenissimo, que fantastico, que Fibo-issimo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For Sharky ........................ just in case he did not get it .......................

Fibo's style, of no importance to anyone but hey .................. its a taste

extreme right but left of singer at 0:13

extreme right 0 ;25

extreme right 0:30

extreme right 0:43

Can you dig it, Sharky!? 🤣🤣🤣

Just Fibo wishing you were not bound by these dumbhucks you are obligated to serve her at T2W! These useless bums should be tested with a $15/month contribution to continue to post here" They'd all be gone in a jiffy. Only Fibo would be left, Sharky!!!!

I'm with you, Sharky, always was, always will be. Like your style!

I pray you will succeed!

Fibo! 🙂


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Fibo's keen eye ........................ can walk into a club or P****yHaven and within 1-5 seconds pick out the target from which Fibo will not sway or compromise. anything less is 2nd or 3rd best and is not acceptable to Fibo!!! If she can't be had after numerous attempts, Fibo goes home alone regardless ho offers themselves to compensate!!!

This above scenario has happened quite a few times but it has not shaken my resolve from going for the best of the best!

For Sharky ....................... kill me now, Sharky ................... 🙂 . welcome to Heaven in Havana, Cuba, been there done that and more.

One thing I learned about women in general was learned in Cuba and came on instinct automatically was that the greatest beauty was hardened to the fact that she was just a prize for the one who was willing to pay the most for the nite but she know-ed there was no value in anything unless a long-term basis. And for the fellas like Big Joe, we know that only when a female opens up her long-term basis do the real goods of value pour out in a life stream that blasts the floodgates open and drown the recipient in largesse.

To circumvent all this bs, if big Joe really likes the girl, no words are necessary, no closing arguments, no stupid sh*t, I just place my hand on her face and envelop her right cheek and jaw and whisper, "take me home, baby" Never fails because it is real its is genuine, she can see thru' it and knows its the real thing, a real guy - the long-term type, the one who sees value!!!

Never fails! Never can fail! Why? Security is all they is after!!! Nothing else matters to 'em - really - longevity scores big!

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