T2W's death thread with deaths of newbies paramount ........................ only a portion of the Feb 12 - March 23rd segment has been taken. I believe only till Feb 24th. There is still an entire month of time for anyone to examine and dig up more evidence that will prove my point in spades and spades and spades. But its up to you. For me, I'm satisfied. The proof is overwhelming, the evidence complete.
What you are looking for:
Rank amateurs trading against the new turned TREND - they never saw it coming and keep staying on the wrong side for days and weeks after the turn. Small traders, small money, clearly $2k -10k account holders. That they just cannot go short is obvious, they can only play Long .............. in a ragin BEAR trend 🤣🤣 All get slaughtered and take hundred of newbies with them to the grave
Get a loan for extra margin.
The T2W member referred to as JJ III is John Jackson III, a thoroughly likeable fellow. Always welcome. He be called "Here's Johnny" by Fibo.
#92,372 ................... Feb 13
Just looking for support before grinding ever higher. (Dentalfloss never ever sees any turn and is always wrong)
Pg 6162 ..... john jackson III nails Dentalfloss for
NO REAL TRADES = just games or demo
#92,421 Feb 13, 2020 to #92,430, #92,431
#92,562 Pg 6171 ............... JJ III fcks Dentalflos for stupid lack of knowledge in ultra pattern basics.
#92,565 Pg 6171 JJ III puts his c**k again in Dentalfloss ass with again Dentalfloss going the wrong way having failed to see the top was already in place. But JJ II saw the top was in. He is the only one other than Fibo who knew the TOP was in Dow Jones, Feb 12, SPX, Nas Feb 19
There's a lot more but time is limited and in any event the message is clear. For those who like more, use the same technique I have used and spend the time reading carefully what these m********* say. Cott redhanded by Fibo!!!
Your Honor, I'm done with this scammer named Dentalfloss .
Dentalfloss\right-click\send to\ Iraq
Get a loan for extra margin.