Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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Hey guys ..................... fathom this if you can ....................

Postie has been around since 2005, probably been trading since 1995, and all he and Dentalfloss do in this thread is blow each other with LIKES. Never once did Postie suspect this was a no-trader but a kid in an arcade eating cookies and farting up a storm.

What does that say about Postie? head so far up his ass that he can't see the light of day.. Such a guy gong up against the Dow JOnes? Give me a friggin break, clowns!!!

T2W ................... 8 newbies online, zero oldtimers ............................. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Remember guys, a heavy locomotive cannot reverse on a dime, it must come to agradual halt all the way to zero velocity and only then can it reverse. So expect this to take time.

The viruses are leaving one by one.

The and only then can T2W become a beautiful town. 🙂 We will then name it, "Sweetwater"

Important things to note about Sweetwater:

Its a lovely hotel resort. Its got nice rooms, a nice coffee shop and even a restaurant or two. But it erred wildly by giving access to the homeless of TRADING. These homeless belong on Venice Beach, California where the restaurants feed them with left over foods on a daily basis and they sleep on the beach therefore not needing to pay rent or utilities.

Key thing to note about Sweetwater is that there is no water within 50 miles of it and them steam engines cannot roll without water. Therefore the station known as Sweetwater can grow exponentially. But there is one short clause in the documents that all seem to be in order .................. "the owner and all heirs lose all claims if the station ain't built by the time the railroad tracks reach Sweetwater"

The meek and the humble of T2W beseech Fibo, "what are we supposed to do, Fibo?"

Fibo bellows thru' a megaphone, "build a f***in station for cryin out loud!"
T2W = budding Sweetwater

Seen in other countries but in America can be seen in spades and it sure as heck is one beautiful sight .................. at lunch on any given day to see Americans, europeans, asians, africans, islanders, Latinos, eskimos, red indians, Indians, Pakistanis, Itranians, north koreans, and MUSLIMS all having lunch and having a good time. Then an American woman of substance goes by and they all share the look - same language = universal, no words are necessary

Hey guys ................... a treat for you .............. of the order of magnitude of finding a criminal with his c**k in the cookiejar

op is quite a nice guy offering a system. Works or not, who cares. Point is he brought it to the table. Postman then tears him a new ass*****


If Trader333 was half the man he should be he would have put this cocs***er in a choke hold and stuck him in an electronic fortress - locked for good. End of virus

Postman hammers a newbie who offered a trading system - hammered him constantly for 200 posts

See post #123 .................. postman hammers the op with "Dow is going to rip 600 points higher" As usual wrong, and as usual he nver saw the turn coming. Same disease as I have already pointed out. Different thread, different day different year but exact same disease.

Others should go thru' the 200 posts of abuse of this nice op called batsonar to see other priceless stuff by the mistimer of mistimers known as Postman

Go to search engine, type in postman for member, then select this thread then search and come up with the 200 posts of postman in the batsonar thread.

At ET this cocs**** would be slaughtered left and right.

No wonder UK is a fckup to the nth. What's needed here is a Los Angeles cop

here's the same bad call on the Dow Jones that I mentioned. There are many more.

T2W has many such crosses to bear. No wonder the site is eating sh*t and people are deserting.

And they want to compare to ET!!!!!

Circular motion with the right hand


That nice fella, batsonar has now blown Dodge!
He guys ................... here it is again ..................... postman's signature .................

Markets melting upwards and @fibo_trader is short. LMAO.



Too much fun for one day 🙂
Hey guys .................... as the celebrations continue for Fibo ..................... try to have a heart and show some consideration for Trader333 by not bombarding him with complaints about Fibo. Give the man some peace. 🙂

Celebrations continue during the yet another GREAT CALL of 75 million years for the GREAT BEAR thread title call. Sure there are some timing deficiencies, but hey, take the number of months and divide by 75 million years for the margin of error = 0.000000000000001%

Captured 78.726% of entire 11-yr Trend from 2009 start .................. see chart .......... proof to whoever shows up live for a c**K size contest at Sharky's .................. Trader333 must be present to measure size 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Will try to beat that capture rate for the drive to the bottom in 2022+. Shooting for 88.3%, a Fibo ratio.

View attachment 287278

re-post #5731 ..................... chart shows the thread performance CALL.

Your Honor, please send in the next idiot Brit
Hey guys ....................... things to note about this thread's KEY CALL ........................... see chart below .........................

Market went sideways for 21 months after my To Call printed. 21 months = almost 2 years. Twice severely crashed below my Top Call line (yellow). Then finally got above it.

With all this smell of BEND IN THE TREND why would any investor take a chance after such a lovely run up for 9 years?

Especially when the high odds opportunity of going round-trip to the origin (March 2009) bellows high odds of happening!!

For 2 years Fibo hunkered down and waited and waited (made a mistake and was lucky to not get burned). Waited for what? For the railroad to pass thru' this point on my property. There is no water for 50 miles around and them steam engines can't roll without water. The rail lines are almost complete now. The first trip was from Pacific to the Atlantic. The return trip back to the Pacific can begin now anytime now

They say its a Casino. I agree. But I go in with an Edge and take my chances. Death is always close at hand

For Newbies ONLY ........................ the disease aka Cancer identified and confirmed across all markets and Life ....................
how and why the HERD led by Postie and T2W is always wrong at major turns, ie. at major tops and bottoms

See chart of SPX daily:

yellow rectangles
show where Postie would be still LONG, LONG, LONG from top of the rectangle to the very bottom. Then finally after getting killed 5 times and blowing 10 accounts and his parent's inheritance, he would start going Short around about at the bottom of the yellow rectangles

red rectangles denote the opposite ................. Postie would be Short all the way from the March 2009 bottom all the way to around the top of the red rectangle and blow 20 more accounts and die 6 times and kill the rest of his family financially. Then and only then would he wake up to the likelihood that he should start going LONG. So he does.

Same exact thing happens in 2018 and this year 2020. He just cannot get out of the LONG impulse within him and gets slaughtered. He just simply cannot cure himself of this cancer.

Therefore during the crash this year from February 12 (19) to March 23 .................. Postie was LONG, LONG, LONG and stayed Long well after the March 23rd low after 6 blown accounts.

Now he is at it again. Just cannot get out of the CANCER. Just cannot turn on a dime. Just cannot reverse course until a considerable thrashing is endured and DEATH several times

Why can't Postie reverse at turns? For one thing, he has no education, lacks smarts, lacks insight, lacks 6th sense and very importantly his view is so short-term that he only sees pubic hair, never the face - the face is too far into a higher timeframe.

But what the fck is more basic than even this?

The HERD and its members like postie, counter-violent, new_trader, timsk, tomorton, cantagril, Nowler, Dowser, Trendie and every single mother's sone her at T2W including Sharky and Trader333 .................. except for John Jackson III ............... extrapolate an extant trend to infinity and the further the trend goes the more solidly they become entrenched in it and therefore locked in and freeze when they have to reverse course - but they can only reverse course very very very late after considerable losses.

I have calculated that Postie types reduce and reverse and get it into their thick skulls that something is amiss around the 40% retracement level of the trend. ie. they will have lost big by the time they wake up and smell the coffee

THEY have been doing this for millions of years of evolution. Their brains are hardwired to this system of survival. It is very hard to change, very very very very hard.

This then is the reason for the much touted 95% failure rate

Investors give up 38.2% of every trend they have been on since God created Earth. And to get in at the start of the trend they gave up 38,2% to get in. This is the reason that Professor Charles Bassetti of GGU says that the best the Herd can do is accomplish a 33% net profit of the entire trend move. Still good and way better than nothing but a far cry from the real juice.

EVERY SINGLE T2W OLDTIMER IS A MONEY LOSER - CONSISTENT MONEY LOSER WHO CANNOT WALK AWAY FROM THE GAME ...................... so they go t forums to play, just to be part of the game that they are hooked on.



The lack of education, knowledge and absolute stupidity and unawareness of RISK = member of FOMO (Dumb Money) will now be demonstrated because NEWBIES finally have had a chance to see the video that I gifted them with with my blessing as the best system on the Planet bar none. I am not the owner. The owner is Oliver Velez. Go back to video a few pages back and watch.

counter-violent wants me to play LONG QQQ (Nasdaq 100) because its going up sheer vertical. What he has failed to mention is that he should be sucking my d**k for being soooo smart as to not to succumb to such foolishness that is a screaming TRAP of TRAPS

How so?

PRICE always rubber-bands back to the 20 and 200 at lightning speed. Always. Question is from where? How far can it stretch? I am working on this feature nowadays and will help Oliver when I have the answer.

Question is therefore: How far can the rubber-band stretch before the inevitable caave i and rocket ride back to the 200?

See video several posts back

and see chart below ................ and observe other times this has happened and how it fcked everyone, especially everyone at T2W. But not fibo

The green ema is the 200, the blue the 20

Hey guys ......................... Nobody online at T2W ....................... Fibo the only one keeping this place alive 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hey guys .......................... Postie has me on high alert 24hrs and responds within 2 minutes of my posts even while he sleep at nite.

But no sign of him lately.

Come back, Postie, "why you don't call me anymore?" 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

You used to call me in the morning
You used to call me late at nite
Now you don't call me anymore
Talk all nite long on the telephone but now you don't call me anymore
You used to call me daddy but now you don't call me anymore

Captured 78.726% of entire 11-yr Trend from 2009 start
Oh dear, Fibo exposed as a liar, here on T2W

lets see Fibo, shall we. lets do some maths together
the lowest possible value of 2009, of the beginning of the trend is 666

chart for girlfriend

Fibo the little liar.JPG

Highest possible value of the trend that was just recorded 2nd September...3588.1..still ongoing but this is entire bull run you're claiming. your words..
so thats 2922 points..with me so far, genius? 3588 less 666.
get a calculator if you need help. we know you can't count past 2

OK, so if you made 78.726% that's 2295 points. 78% of 2922 = thats what you are claiming to have made...
Captured 78.726% of entire 11-yr Trend from 2009 start

something smells a bit fishy see. because you topped at 2872. highest possible value when you claimed the top was in, even though it went higher and higher and higher..
here's your own chart..
your words dumphuk.JPG

so if we take 2872 and take off 78.726% (2295 points) of the trend that means you must have entered at 577...yet the S&P never got there @fibo_trader
i don't know about anybody else around here..but i think you're telling some pretty big porkies here girlfriend
I'm certainly not taking anything other than your own words, im not manipulating numbers, they is fact


well, i dont know if we can trust ANYTHING you possibly say now @fibo_trader
you been cott red handed here, sister


  • Fibo the little liar.JPG
    Fibo the little liar.JPG
    103.1 KB · Views: 53
Hey guys ....................... are we havin a good time? .................... you better get started cause I'm partying daily .............. just waiting for the chinese bank runs to start, then I'll take the partying up a notch ................... 🙂🙂

T2W lostnessness shown again ..... and we are only at March 5th, 2020 of the Corona virus crash. The crash went on to March 23rd. Stay tuned for how lost these cats were and for precisely when their brains turned to recognize that instead of being Long they should go to Short. And then as the crash went down down down and ended they were at the other extreme yelling end of the world and trying to go short when they should have turned around and gone Long. Its really quite insane.

These are Sharky's boys who have gone undetected for 20 years.
Trader333 kept protecting them and as a result these 10 cent stocks shot up to a fake value of $300/share like the Nasdaq stocks of the bubble with zero earnings. Then when the turn came, they went like lightning speed to zero.

This time around these T2W stocks will go to zero by the time Fibo is done with them.

Its called saving newbie lives.

Every single one of them will now be torn a new one as Fibo crawls up every orifice and with a blow torch 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hey guys ......................... the focus for the next several days and days will be the very same thread shown above and we have isolated the entire greatest crash in History, namely the corona virus induced BEAR crash from

Feb 12 - Mar 23

During this 1.5 month crash you wll see the bare souls of Charky's engine when they were off guard but poured out their real emotions and actions and thoughts ............... elsewhere they pretend and pose but here during times of great distress they betray all their shenanigans and prove to Fibo he was right about them all from day 1


Behold the sheep, the fodder for the brokers and the rich and the Smart Money. This is how the 95% losers became common knowledge. But for the very first time in History, Fibo is showing exactly how and why this is so.

Enjoy!!!! This all falls into the arena of SENTIMENT TRADING aka PSYCHOLOGY ................. waaaaaaay more important than TA and/or FA and/or Elliottwave or whatever.!!!


Earlier pages already done, so continuing from page #6229

See Page 6229 ................. full page but start from post #93421 by counter-violent on March 5/2020 when the corona virus crash was ongoing for 15 trading days already. Trendline were busted galore, lower lows u[p the yazoo, lower highs up the yin yang but these dumbphuuuuucks were still LONG biased and complaining 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Read the full page 6229 and keep your Dow JOnes daily chart open for reference. Have a good look at your high priced, overpriced stocks. Have a good look. Fibo is going to take all the air out of their tires and they are going to slim down a whole lot with no dieting. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
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