Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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post #5,675 ................ reminder ................ Fibo nonpareil 🤣🤣🤣

Hey guys .......................... UK market jut opened with a green bar. Now dig this. For the BEAR to get underway I would like to see FTSE 100 go back up to the underside of the neckline shown in chart above and KISS IT and then bolt = flee south. This is my technical preference. If she can break above the neckline then everything gets postponed.

Pray motherf******s, pray, pray pray she goes back up and buys a reprieve. UK is leaning over an abyss that is gong to wipe out the entire Colonial Empire remnants and drive the current crop of deadbeats to the 4th world like Sri Lanka, where Nowler wants to go to give service to the poor.


Slam Dunk!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Done, done, done Q.E.D. Call successful thus far, the FTSE 100 KISS on the underside of the neckline was first class right on the money and precise touch & reverse and then flee south

QQQ: shortissimo, shortellissimo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

The bread keeps pouring in
and we ain't even gotten started in earnest. So was the WAITING with hands under bum = pay-shunce worth it and the right thing to do? YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! In spades. Another way to put it = often, the best course of action is to do NOTHING while everyone else is losing their heads as in the thread below

(nickname for thread = DEATH CAMP = guaranteed death of the innocents, incompetents, amateurs = Newbie burial ground)

check out the Macd histogram trendline with current bar breaking thru' attempt. If it does break down the galloping of profits with shoot up like a friggin rocket. (daily timeframe, but nobody here can see this timeframe its toooooooo long-term)

For 2 full months, Fibo waited and waited with no trades, no f***in money coming in. Why the fck would he do something so diametrically opposed to T2W's premature ejaculators who pour cream n tart 50 times a day? Because he was saving the last dance for HER


Hey guys ......................... are we havin a good time? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .............. job losses all over the place, every damn place but what about for Traders? Well, if you stuck to your guns and went with your original dream of big bucks, the JOBLESSNESS does not bother you one damn bit.

Enjoy, enjoy enjoy

BEAR reveals to Fibo the methodology as he now is attacking the "better-quality-jobs" in a 2nd wave of layoffs ....................... HE be progressing up.

Fasten seatbelts.

I already told you many times that when Wave 2 terminates, all Hell is going to break loose.

Keep eye on the Macd histogram bar on the QQQ histogram trendline. If it breaks as already stated the trade sort will deliver massive massive amounts of dough

Big big big money to be made
Hey guys ......................... are we havin a good time? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 .............. job losses all over the place, every damn place but what about for Traders? Well, if you stuck to your guns and went with your original dream of big bucks, the JOBLESSNESS does not bother you one damn bit.

Enjoy, enjoy enjoy

BEAR reveals to Fibo the methodology as he now is attacking the "better-quality-jobs" in a 2nd wave of layoffs ....................... HE be progressing up.

Fasten seatbelts.

I already told you many times that when Wave 2 terminates, all Hell is going to break loose.

Keep eye on the Macd histogram bar on the QQQ histogram trendline. If it breaks as already stated the trade sort will deliver massive massive amounts of dough

Big big big money to be made

Get your share of what's yours because remember this, "while the markets were tearing upwards in unrealistic siturations with economy plunging, only the wise ones knew as they always do, that when the turn came-s, the MOB of estupidos would be slaughtered like they always suffer at every such instance in HISTORY.

The harder they came the harder they fall, ONE & ALL

Some names for the hardest fallers and sufferers at T2W are the following:

swissy, wallstreetwarior (several LONG trades in a ragin downtrend no doubt lost several accounts), medallion way, luckyvictor, inzimam, Dowser (incompetent but a confirmed scammer), counter-violent, barjon, Dentalfloss (videogame arcade, not real trades), postman (blown at least 5 accounts, proof coming up soon)

The harder they bellowed thru' a megaphone LONG LONG LONG, the harder they fell now - wiped out - AGAIN

Follow them at your own peril. They all reside here. A Newbie demolishing and beheading thread.

T2W oldtimer old lions massacred again September 2020 .............. (previous massacres Feb 12, 2020 & Feb 19, 2020, October 2007, March 2009, January 2018)

Evidence technique:

T2W search engine NEVER lies. Its a stunning resource center. A great friend of Fibo.

Keeping SPX daily chart open, isolate the dates Feb 12/2020 to March 23rd/2020. Why? Because that isolates the CRASH and by reading the posts of the thread participants you KNOW without a shadow of doubt their inclination whether LONG and how much their zeal is to be LONG and how cocksure they are that the market cannot turn. Then for further proof, notce that when the market turned by looking at your chart, they were still trying to trade LONG and getting burned and doing this again and again and again repeatedly.

ALL were killed at least 5 times over with at least 5 blown accounts from Feb 12 - March 23.

When you are finished with this exercise, repeat the process for the October 2007 top, the March 2009 bottom and the January 2018 top. You will see the same consistent pattern - always wrong at major turns

The takeaway from the exercise is: T2W old timers are always on the wrong side of the major market turns and cause more Newbie deaths than one can imagine. But not a single one goes to jail. Imagine what a class action lawsuit would do to this place if the truth ever got out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T2W goldmine for Newbies ...............................

In one shot, by reading this thread Feb 12 - Mar 23 this year, you will see in one shot all the losers who are totally goners, dead, dead, dead. Eliminate all of them in one fell swoop and save yourselves and your families.

Short of actual trading records which of course none will proffer up, this is the best way to ferret out the loser. All the evidence is right in the thread with the date and time stamp of T2W. Would Sharky and Trader333 go in there to edit and change stuff to disguise these losers? Heck NO! They will protect the chickens from fibo but they will NOT stoop so low as to be criminal

There's a lot at stake for Newbies. Get strted on the right footing for a change right out the starting gate by isolating LOSERS first, not by hearsay, rather by strong EVIDENCE.

Coming up next ................. the evidence 🙂🙂🙂🙂 Fibo's got 'em all by the kahunas with hand on the chain ready to flush ................. but wait, for Fibo they are fun., sheer fun, but not for Newbies. For newbies they are poison and can kill. But for Fibo, they are exquisite sheer pleasure of the nth kind.

Ready, set, go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
T2W's death thread with deaths of newbies paramount ........................ only a portion of the Feb 12 - March 23rd segment has been taken. I believe only till Feb 24th. There is still an entire month of time for anyone to examine and dig up more evidence that will prove my point in spades and spades and spades. But its up to you. For me, I'm satisfied. The proof is overwhelming, the evidence complete.

What you are looking for:

Rank amateurs trading against the new turned TREND - they never saw it coming and keep staying on the wrong side for days and weeks after the turn. Small traders, small money, clearly $2k -10k account holders. That they just cannot go short is obvious, they can only play Long .............. in a ragin BEAR trend 🤣🤣 All get slaughtered and take hundred of newbies with them to the grave


The T2W member referred to as JJ III is John Jackson III, a thoroughly likeable fellow. Always welcome. He be called "Here's Johnny" by Fibo.

#92,372 ................... Feb 13
Just looking for support before grinding ever higher. (Dentalfloss never ever sees any turn and is always wrong)

Pg 6162 ..... john jackson III nails Dentalfloss for NO REAL TRADES = just games or demo
#92,421 Feb 13, 2020 to #92,430, #92,431

#92,562 Pg 6171 ............... JJ III fcks Dentalflos for stupid lack of knowledge in ultra pattern basics.

#92,565 Pg 6171 JJ III puts his c**k again in Dentalfloss ass with again Dentalfloss going the wrong way having failed to see the top was already in place. But JJ II saw the top was in. He is the only one other than Fibo who knew the TOP was in Dow Jones, Feb 12, SPX, Nas Feb 19

There's a lot more but time is limited and in any event the message is clear. For those who like more, use the same technique I have used and spend the time reading carefully what these m********* say. Cott redhanded by Fibo!!!

Your Honor, I'm done with this scammer named Dentalfloss .

Dentalfloss\right-click\send to\ Iraq 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

T2W's death thread with deaths of newbies paramount ........................ only a portion of the Feb 12 - March 23rd segment has been taken. I believe only till Feb 24th. There is still an entire month of time for anyone to examine and dig up more evidence that will prove my point in spades and spades and spades. But its up to you. For me, I'm satisfied. The proof is overwhelming, the evidence complete.

What you are looking for:

Rank amateurs trading against the new turned TREND - they never saw it coming and keep staying on the wrong side for days and weeks after the turn. Small traders, small money, clearly $2k -10k account holders. That they just cannot go short is obvious, they can only play Long .............. in a ragin BEAR trend 🤣🤣 All get slaughtered and take hundred of newbies with them to the grave


The T2W member referred to as JJ III is John Jackson III, a thoroughly likeable fellow. Always welcome. He be called "Here's Johnny" by Fibo.

#92,372 ................... Feb 13
Just looking for support before grinding ever higher. (Dentalfloss never ever sees any turn and is always wrong)

Pg 6162 ..... john jackson III nails Dentalfloss for NO REAL TRADES = just games or demo
#92,421 Feb 13, 2020 to #92,430, #92,431

#92,562 Pg 6171 ............... JJ III fcks Dentalflos for stupid lack of knowledge in ultra pattern basics.

#92,565 Pg 6171 JJ III puts his c**k again in Dentalfloss ass with again Dentalfloss going the wrong way having failed to see the top was already in place. But JJ II saw the top was in. He is the only one other than Fibo who knew the TOP was in Dow Jones, Feb 12, SPX, Nas Feb 19

There's a lot more but time is limited and in any event the message is clear. For those who like more, use the same technique I have used and spend the time reading carefully what these m********* say. Cott redhanded by Fibo!!!

Your Honor, I'm done with this scammer named Dentalfloss .

Dentalfloss\right-click\send to\ Iraq 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



#92,610 Pg 6174 ...................... read and see that Violet had no idea that a top had occurred. Not only that! He was encouraging everyone to continue to be LONG. Then he named his favorite winners who are always on the wrong side, namely postman, barjon, Dentalfloss .................... ROFLMAO ............. help me, I've fallen and cannot gt back up again from lafffter.

#92,840 Pg 6190 Violet looking to go LONG n a raging BEAR

# 92,847, #92850 Pg 6190 Violet declaring LONG to infinity on Nasdaq in raging bear. Got wiped out account blown. Ghost here now

Your Honor, I'm done with this scammer named counter-violent .

counter-violent\right-click\send to\ Guatemala 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣



#92,610 Pg 6174 ...................... read and see that Violet had no idea that a top had occurred. Not only that! He was encouraging everyone to continue to be LONG. Then he named his favorite winners who are always on the wrong side, namely postman, barjon, Dentalfloss .................... ROFLMAO ............. help me, I've fallen and cannot gt back up again from lafffter.

#92,840 Pg 6190 Violet looking to go LONG n a raging BEAR

# 92,847, #92850 Pg 6190 Violet declaring LONG to infinity on Nasdaq in raging bear. Got wiped out account blown. Ghost here now

Your Honor, I'm done with this scammer named counter-violent .

counter-violent\right-click\send to\ Guatemala 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


#92,686 ............. amateru, never saw nothng comin and can't handle high volatility. #clownshoes!!!! Short is the direction of the river but he's fightng to go LONG! Welcome to T2W = Retard Central's old lions who should have been barbecued a long time ago. 20 year and they've taken this place to a sewage dump. Now they call it HOME!! Go figure!

#92,706 Pg 6181 .............. takingit in the ass in a confirmed short. Never saw the top coming is his DISEASE = T2W disease that all have in common.

#92,759 total stupidity, still has no clue. Shooot this 90-yr old loser for cryin out loud

#93176 still LOng bias, lost lost lost, retarded
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