#92,686 ............. amateru, never saw nothng comin and can't handle high volatility. #clownshoes!!!! Short is the direction of the river but he's fightng to go LONG! Welcome to T2W = Retard Central's old lions who should have been barbecued a long time ago. 20 year and they've taken this place to a sewage dump. Now they call it HOME!! Go figure!
#92,706 Pg 6181 .............. takingit in the ass in a confirmed short. Never saw the top coming is his DISEASE = T2W disease that all have in common.
#92,759 total stupidity, still has no clue. Shooot this 90-yr old loser for cryin out loud
#93176 still LOng bias, lost lost lost, retarded
Postman (lovingly called Postie by others and Fibo)
Pg 6165 ............. Feb 14, 2020 post # 92,461
John Jackson II fcks Postie for bad call. Sooooo many bad calls by Postie, shocking. Staggering. Same shit, different page of the thread. Then Oscar Reed attacks JJ II for calling postie's scam
Read further to see that Postie never ever woke up to the fact that Dow Jones had topped on Feb 12. He not only never saw it coming, he never saw it happening even days and days after all the way down. Any normal trader would be several accounts blown. But Postie with a 10k account would be history in 1 day and homeless without a family. NO wonder he does not want to meet me face to face in London for a showdown.
More proof that Postie is a giant fckup from Kingdom come and came-d? see post # 92,471 Feb 17, 2020............ I'm Long and holding ................. hahahahaha ................ he's Long and holding in a new BEAR market. Missed the turn, never saw it coming just like fibo stated nobody at T2W can. they never see nothing coming. All fckin liars and cheats.
No wonder they won't show up for a showdown.
Postie's lack of understanding of his own Index, FTSE 100. So basic, so elementary, staggering .............................. #92,520 Feb 19, 2020 (FYI the day of the SPX, Nas Top
🙂 🙂 )
ROFLMAO #92,591 Pg 6173 Taken a long on the dow .............. he does ths in a BEAR that's droping like a stone he goes long. RETARD!!!
Postie # 92,593 Got fcked by a giant blackie. Killed baby killed there is no recovery from this. More accounts blown. Pg 6173
#92,596 cott with his c**k in a lie. Nailed. But Brits are a fused bunch. At ET he would be slaughterered for lying. Credibility therefore would be ZERO
Postie was fcked so much on Feb 24, he fcked off from posting 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Postie came back on Feb 25th and tried shortinghe FTSE 100 #92,692 Pg 6180 ............... onwards ...................... amateur nonpareil. Such gross and colossal stupidity. Shocking! He got 40 points from such a stellar short that he could have just held onto as the river was flowing bigtime down down down. Such f***in retrads. I've not seen anything like this stupidity. No wonder they won't duel with me in London face to face with trading records
#92,795 see how Postie admits he got f***ed. Again it all boils doen to "T2W never sees the turn coming and can never go with the river short. Never!!!.
#92,796 Postie still planning a dow long ...................... in a confirmed crash .......... what an idiot!
#92,806 Pg 6188 Postie f***ed on the Nikkei too.
#92,810 Pg 6188 Postie lost lost lost, still had no clue that we are in a major downdraft, still focussed LONG. Idiot.
#92915 Postie hammered again. Retard still going long in a waterfall decline
#92,949 Postie still Long-ing n a ragin waterfall decline. Gets f***ed again
#92,960 Postie says finally, "its not looking good for Longs" ROFLMAO
#92,961 Postie is still holding his longs ROFLMAO
#92,963 Postie lost, lost lot with , "how many down days in a row can we get?"
#92,991 Postie still LONG bias, still has no clue what's going on> Welcome to T2W. Q.E.D.
#93,004 Postie asking whether 25,000 will hold or perhaps 24,900? ........... the Dow went down afurther whopper after this to Hell
#93,150 Its the Dow - there's always more upside .............. Postie still Long bias in a raging crash the worst in 75 million years
#93,169 Postie ssaid, "no one ever lost money holding the Dow, the charts will show you that. ................ By dd he not see this waterfall decline coming and istherefore still Long biased. Idiot! This son of a gun might be a spinner and screamer. ROFLMAO
#93,180 Still Long this time FTSE .................. this time made +167 ............. but look at the insanity of Long in a raging waterfall decline = going against the river = only amateurs do this
#93374 Postie totally exposes his bum ............ I mean totally exposes his stupidity here. The drop is hardly underway and he calls it ended. Such an amateur, lost lost lot. And Dentalfloss congrats him.
our Honor, I'm done with this scammer named Postman
🙂 but I want him to stay, keep me from getting bored in this graveyard
postman\right-click\send to\ Venezuela
Get a loan for extra margin.