Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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9:43 AM, Friday June 5, 2020 ................. Los Angeles, CA

Fibo announces the impending onset of WAVE 3 down anytime from this moment onward - the stage is set - Wave 2 is complete


Slam Dunk!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Lord have mercy!!! One slam dunk after another!!!!! 🙂🙂
Reminder: Wave 3 down = killer tsunami wave ............ CALL

9:43 AM, Friday June 5, 2020 ................. Los Angeles, CA

Fibo announces the impending onset of WAVE 3 down anytime from this moment onward - the stage is set - Wave 2 is complete

Buckle up, boys

If you smell the surf its already to late to bolt for the hills. Speed is 600 m.p.h. far offshore but once landfall hits, it drops to 300 then 200. But by then you've already dropped your body. 🙂🙂🙂🙂

Slam Dunk!!!! ... 1st announcement of killer wave was 1 trading day before the top. 2nd announcement was dead on within hours of the big collapse day.

Holy Mother of God, these Brits are getting bamboozled by Fibo left and right. Proof that they are fickle? Not a single LIKE (there BETA game of blowing each other) for eventhe best calls they have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Worse than Divorce Court where the Judge asks the wife, "do you see even 1 good quality in your husband?" Wife answers, "NO"

Confidence in oneself first, doingness follows, doingness to the utmost follows then, if the wall is unbreakable, the friendship credit can be drawn on ................. the trades go north like a rocket!

Massive discovery today in advanced Fibonacci skills - so massive that its just downright stunning. Persistence, persistence, persistence and the floodgates open sooner than later.

Its now become a sacred game. I try and try and try with new techniques and often run into plateau walls that cannot be bested. Fire off the request for help and sit back with full confidence in knowing the answer will come when HE deems I'm ready to receive it.

Brits shot themselves in the foot by not having this facility. Block out God and in walks Lucifer with ease - he actually glides right in. Total disaster follows.


It might take them a month to notice bearish engulfing pattern on SPX weekly (broad sense definition applied here). Just something every trader should know.

Where would they be without Fibo? The Chink tanks would roll in and devour them in one afternoon 🙂 🙂 🙂
Slam Dunk!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂 Lord have mercy!!! One slam dunk after another!!!!! 🙂🙂
No NOT one slam dunk after another, just you posting the same thing again and again and again thinking in your happy clappy la la land they count separately.

It might take them a month to notice bearish engulfing pattern on SPX weekly (broad sense definition applied here). Just something every trader should know.

Where would they be without Fibo? The Chink tanks would roll in and devour them in one afternoon 🙂 🙂 🙂
Which one of the 10 separate Chinese countries is controlling these tanks? You know, the 10 separate Chinese countries that you declared was a firm call. I'm just waiting for THAT slam dunk! 😆 😆
NVP said, "Fibo, you have about as much chance of Sharky making you a moderator here as becoming the next president of the USA" 🙂🙂

But we all know my mantra is, "nothing is impossible" 🙂


Therefore, what if Sharky did make me moderator? Here's how it would go down with Fibo addressing the core 30 T2W members, i.e. the old decrepit lions that NATURE has to oust anyway, a catharsis - on opening day announcement of ...........

TRADING competition ................... 1st prize = Cadillac ......... 2nd prize = a set of steak knives

T2W defined: T2W does the exact same thing every single time there is a major top

If DATA went further back than 2001 we would have even more evidence of the uniformity of behavior of T2W at TOPS. What do I mean? OK, let's say there is a TOP. Of course T2W does not have any clue there is a TOP formed. Then comes the huge drop in the market. This rattles them but in their minds the TREND has already been extrapolated to Infinity. So they pray and pray the Bull will continue and that the Top will be exceeded.

So, after the first drop, when the market starts advancing in a huge rally, they exclaim, "see we told you so, the bull will run forever" ............... but wait, there is more in their thinking ............ you see, the drop scared the daylights out of them, so much that their bums were sore and the whole time during the drop, deep in their psyche they had this gnawing persistent thought, "what if this is the end of the bull/world?"

So, therefore in the rally, they heave a huge sigh of relief and go overboard on their optimism and relief and complacency with this one major overriding thought concept ................


From this Herd behavior comes the paragraph that Fibo has plugged into this thread at least 30 times in this one year .......

It came with a surrealistic slowness ... so gradually that on the one hand it was possible to live through a good part of it without realizing that it was happening and on the other hand, it was possible to believe one had experienced and survived it when in fact it had no more than just begun.

Slam Dunk!!! 🙂🙂🙂

Read, read read the quote for the psychology concept - burn it in your brain! The HERD has it = Small Traders = Little guys = T2W (10 contracts and under) = all have it in spades and display it at every single top. EVERY DAMN TIME. No exceptions .......................... tomorton, postman, Timsk, counter-violent, and the rest of the core 30 old lions of T2W.

Newbies, do not develop this nasty habit, it will destroy you, your life and your family and condemn you to a life of lower rung mediocrity.

Its a terrible thing to not see danger coming, to not exercise caution when the fellas around you in the crowd are going mad and displaying stupidity/greed.

This one strength alone will take you head and shoulders above anybody at T2W by 5 skyscrapers.

If you really want Fibo to bang this concept in hard into your skull with an insult, then here it is ..................... this behaviour of all T2W consistently the same at every top is as if they have the same mother and father and are just ONE PERSON = no individuality.

Cure it now, cut the cancer now and you will shine thereafter.

The greatest thrill is not to follow the crowd/peers/gurus/sheep/Herd

Slam Dunk!!! 🙂🙂🙂
Read, read read the quote for the psychology concept - burn it in your brain! The HERD has it = Small Traders = Little guys = T2W (10 contracts and under) = all have it in spades and display it at every single top. EVERY DAMN TIME. No exceptions .......................... tomorton, postman, Timsk, counter-violent, and the rest of the core 30 old lions of T2W.
The greatest thrill is not to follow the crowd/peers/gurus/sheep/Herd

View attachment 281738 View attachment 281739

@fibo_trader follows his role model.

Fibo's TRADING RECORD BOOK ....................... chapter 3a ....... UK

Top Call of the United Kingdom by Fibo continues to hold firm = correct!!!!!!

Slam Dunk!!!! Dunking an entire Empire!!!!!!!!!! My kind of basketball!!!!!

Top Call of the United Kingdom by Fibo continues to hold firm = correct!!!!!!

Fibo's TRADING RECORD BOOK ....................... chapter 3a .......

Fibo's UK Call of Calls: Acceleration into 3rd world status when wave 3 gets underway and March 23rd lows are taken out in the London FTSE 100

As they dive lower and lower into oblivion the pervading thought will be, "America, our ally, help us, please"

It will be too late!

The drowning Britain will do a last ditch effort to take America to the bottom of the ocean by instigating wars - this is what losing empires do!

They will not succeed.

America will openly announce getting rid of the millstone around its neck - permanently!

That's my CALL

Peculiar thing to observe, only a few market savvy historians have noted this interesting outpoint ................... UK has been descending into 3rd world status for decades taking one defeat after another ..................... but the stock market is still at or near a top. Now we know that the Stock Market is a solidly good representative of "social mood of the people"

Imagine the acceleration to the 3rd world when the BEAR truly gets underway in earnest in Wave 3 down.

Oh my oh my oh my, the speed of deterioration will be mind numbing to watch.

CNBC/CNN will be remarking on a regular basis, "Jesus H Christ, can you see the total collapse of the UK before our very eyes? - its not a subtle collapse no more!"
Fibo's TRADING RECORD BOOK ....................... chapter 3b ....... UK

GBP trades/analysis/observations/essays/LT-Calls/every-damn-thing ............. its all here. Get your Phd. here. Trades, trades, trades galore, too numerous to start listing again. Those who take the trouble to study it as a University treatise will take their trading to a new level of proficiency. Of course I expect only one or at the most 2 fellas to take the trouble - such fellas will be the Fibo type - motherf***ker trader who show no mercy in trading and are so hungry for knowledge that they make massive sacrifices if necessary.

This link will be stumbled upon and into by a trader(s) now or someday AFTER he landed in the gutter beaten, broken and defeated by the demons of trading - on the verge of dying, he throws up his last and only final distress CALL. The call will be intercepted by Divinity because it has Fibo's request to help him buried in it, and he will stumble into this thread serendipitously, will not know why but will be compelled to devour it with relish!

Then he will proceed to make his millions and take his family to the top of Mammon's world, all the while knowing that you have to get to the top of Mammon's world to know that its not worth doodly squat. But its the only road.

There's Gold in them GBP trades .....................
Fibo's TRADING RECORD BOOK ....................... chapter 3c ....... UK

Fibo is a master of masters at seeing and recognizing TURNING POINTS. Everybody else more or less says its impossible. But I don't give a fck! Its impossible for them, not for me!

see paragraph 2

Suez Canal and its aftermath marks the decisive turning-point in British history when her leaders abandoned hope that Britain could have a future as a power in her own right, and instead sought to exercise global 'influence' by proxy through America.

Even Britain' policies towards Europe and the Commonwealth, even their attempts to arrest Britain's industrial decline, were to be inspired by a single purpose: to become a powerful and equal partner in the Atlantic alliance.

What a hope!!!!!!!!! given the overwhelming scale of America's population, wealth, and military strength!

Thus, hardly had the British governing elite's old illusion of national grandeur been blown away at Suez than they succumbed to a new illusion that would shield them from the reality of Britain's diminished weight in the world.

And so, with the one exception of Harold Wilson who, in 1966, refused to join in the catastrophic American adventure in Vietnam, all British Prime Ministers since Suez have considered it the paramount British interest to cultivate 'the special relationship' — and none more obsequiously than Tony Blair, who has led Britain into two American wars, in Afghanistan and Iraq, each far more disastrous in their ramifying consequences than Suez.

The BEAR Market will meter out justice commensurate with the crimes against humanity. that's just the way it is! GOD does not ever have to fire a single shot. Why? Because everybody is made in his image and when they go bad, they cannot nullify that which they truly are in essence, so their only road is to meter out justice against thessselves far far far far greater than any court would.

BEAR will wipe out all the sins. Then the shit will resume and happen again 70 years from now.

One fck up after another.
Slam Dunk!!!! Dunking an entire Empire!!!!!!!!!! My kind of basketball!!!!!

Top Call of the United Kingdom by Fibo continues to hold firm = correct!!!!!!

Fibo's TRADING RECORD BOOK ....................... chapter 3a .......

Fibo's UK Call of Calls: Acceleration into 3rd world status when wave 3 gets underway and March 23rd lows are taken out in the London FTSE 100

As they dive lower and lower into oblivion the pervading thought will be, "America, our ally, help us, please"

It will be too late!

The drowning Britain will do a last ditch effort to take America to the bottom of the ocean by instigating wars - this is what losing empires do!

They will not succeed.

America will openly announce getting rid of the millstone around its neck - permanently!

That's my CALL

Peculiar thing to observe, only a few market savvy historians have noted this interesting outpoint ................... UK has been descending into 3rd world status for decades taking one defeat after another ..................... but the stock market is still at or near a top. Now we know that the Stock Market is a solidly good representative of "social mood of the people"

Imagine the acceleration to the 3rd world when the BEAR truly gets underway in earnest in Wave 3 down.

Oh my oh my oh my, the speed of deterioration will be mind numbing to watch.

CNBC/CNN will be remarking on a regular basis, "Jesus H Christ, can you see the total collapse of the UK before our very eyes? - its not a subtle collapse no more!"
"The drowning Britain will do a last ditch effort to take America to the bottom of the ocean by instigating wars - this is what losing empires do!
They will not succeed.
America will openly announce getting rid of the millstone around its neck - permanently!

That's my CALL"
Is that before or after your call that China will split into 10 separate countries?

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
You're a lunatic.
The fukwit pretending to have postie on ignore.

Well i'm not on "take that"

No Violet, not pretending at all. 🙂 🙂🙂🙂 He is on ignore but is trying all kinds of tricks to HAVE ME SEE HIM by fidgeting with the Signature software and whatnot so that when I log in, I see the bottom of his post rectangle but not the contents. The Ignore button as you are now finding out, dear Violet has limitations. I don't see any of the content of the post but I see the bum. that's how I know postman has ribbons and balloons on his bum.

I remarked about this feature because its not totally unusual for Beta Males to flash their bums at me. It happens quite a bit but I don't roll that way. Once they are hooked on Fibo they do all sorts of stuff to get his attention. that's just the way it is, Violet. 🙂🙂🙂
The fukwit pretending to have postie on ignore.

Well i'm not on "take that"

YOU on Ignore? No way, Jose. I'll tell you why. You're not like postman. Postman is a liar, you are not. That puts you in a different class, a much higher class.

Worse still is that I like you despite you hating and disliking me with a passion 🙂🙂🙂🙂

I am trying to see how long you can go breaking NATURE'S LAW which says that nobody can dislike /hate someone who likes him for too long. YOU sir, have broken all records by continuing to hate me with a passion despite me looking on in dismay. 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 That's how much I like you, Violet.

But Violet, here's the clincher, your post #3378 ............. "Exactly. Case closed. Belongs in a sanitarium with all the other fruit loops. " 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I already told you you're a very funny guy, the way you talk you would be an instant hit here stateside.

I SEE YOU when I saw this guy on TV .................. keep it up buddy, you're making my day every damn day - lafffter is in short supply here

Hey cv ask him what I lied about?

"YOU on Ignore? No way, Jose. I'll tell you why. You're not like postman. Postman is a liar, you are not. That puts you in a different class, a much higher class. "

He never has any facts to back up his posts so when you question him about it he will put YOU on ignore too.
No Violet, not pretending at all. 🙂 🙂🙂🙂 He is on ignore but is trying all kinds of tricks to HAVE ME SEE HIM by fidgeting with the Signature software and whatnot so that when I log in, I see the bottom of his post rectangle but not the contents. The Ignore button as you are now finding out, dear Violet has limitations. I don't see any of the content of the post but I see the bum. that's how I know postman has ribbons and balloons on his bum.

I remarked about this feature because its not totally unusual for Beta Males to flash their bums at me. It happens quite a bit but I don't roll that way. Once they are hooked on Fibo they do all sorts of stuff to get his attention. that's just the way it is, Violet. 🙂🙂🙂

Oh we can soon fix this problem. Allow me to assist.

No NOT one slam dunk after another, just you posting the same thing again and again and again thinking in your happy clappy la la land they count separately.
Which one of the 10 separate Chinese countries is controlling these tanks? You know, the 10 separate Chinese countries that you declared was a firm call. I'm just waiting for THAT slam dunk! 😆 😆
"The drowning Britain will do a last ditch effort to take America to the bottom of the ocean by instigating wars - this is what losing empires do!
They will not succeed.
America will openly announce getting rid of the millstone around its neck - permanently!

That's my CALL"
Is that before or after your call that China will split into 10 separate countries?

😆 😆 😆 😆 😆
You're a lunatic.
The fukwit pretending to have postie on ignore.

Well i'm not on "take that"

One more thing, Violet. When I pull up T2W page I notice right away that the latest post in my thread is from postman because it says, "ignored member" ............... this is elementary stuff, Violet, wtf have you been doing here for 20 years not understanding these simple software issues/limitations?

I am enjoying this advance discussion on TRADING at TRADE2WIN. Keep it coming 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
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