Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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A real disconnect b/w the markets here & the economy. ...irrational exuberance X10 😗

Amen! Call it the disconnect of ALL TIME!!! 🙂

How big of a disconnect? Too big to enumerate but a try is in the cards 🙂

Feb 12, 2020 crash made the 2008 crash look like a wimp + buggered the Great Depression 1st wave crash + made the 1987 crash look like a butler. But then, dig this, after the most deadly bear market in existence, it reversed and wnrt into a NW BULL without any capitulation whatsoever at the March 23 rd crash low, where, get this, the general crowd of Dumb Money was still quite optimistic.

For millions of years the one thing that accompanies all BEAR marekts of high degree is total surrender, total capitulation, total disgust, almost nobody left to watch, then the nibblers come in and slooooooooowly the buying begins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There's mkore but this ought ot cover how disconnected the whole sh*thouse has become 🙂
The Madness of crowds is soooooooo evident in the rally its a terrific opportunity to learn psychology. And f they keep winning for a few weeks, they will surely go even more overboard and sell all their remaining property, assets, gold, silver and their mother and go LONG. Then BEAR will step in and reverse and in one or 2 days bankrupt them and send them to the Salvation Army for a couple decades.

Dumb Money is the fuel for the rally. And there is no telling how far the Dumb Money will go. Madness of crowds like bigger than the Tulip Mania? Hey, I wasn't around then, but it sure as heck would not surprise me 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Now applying the Fibo principle to my last 3 posts about the disconnect between the market and the economy .............

Its what happens in a WAVE 2 rally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂

A wave 2 rally is supposed to mimic the previous 10 yr bull market and then some. Has it done this? Yep, its done it in spades and now dig this ................. its done it so well that it could and should go down as the greatest rally in HISTORY.

That my friends is how great this WAVE 2 recovery rally is.

Very impressive performance by BEAR to set the trap to pull them all in for maximum slaughter!

Measure the trendline by angle for a full WOW of BEAR's magnifico WAVE 2 rally.
Now dig this ............................ 🙂🙂🙂🙂 Fibo called this too!!!!!!!!!!

See post # 3226 here on page 216 in this thread right above

Called way in advance, just one day before the bottom of the crash
We ought to have days and weeks of intense frivolous relief and joy from the pestilence known as Corona.

This will coincide with the Wave 1 low of the stock markets worldwide.
Prepare for mind blowing rallies northbound.

Any of T2W detectives disagreee with this call, come to Fibo in real life and I will spank you like your Pappy should have a long time ago! Bloody disgraceful sons of b*tches! Still have not understood that an Empire of such magnificence as the British Empire of the past does NOT just verschwinden by fluke - it takes active participation and a DEATH -Wish to bring it to its knees. Such death-wish is clearly demonstrated by the incompetence at T2W.


Appropriate song for the British Empire ........... see lyrics, so appropriate, staggeringly appropriate

The logic of counter-violent and Rufus_Leakey ............................

Bill smith was before the parole board for exceptional recent behavior in prison, doing his chores, helpng people and delivering sermons on the pulpit on Sunday. The Dumb Money was so impressed they begged and begged for him to be released and pardoned for life and given full rights

But they did not once look at the chart to the left .....................

47 murders, rapes, guillotines, burning alive and whatnot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such is the wisdom of T2W's HERD = same as the public dumb Money Herd in the markets

Here's just ONE solution .....................

98% Americans banned for a presence at T2W of only 0.00002% = worse fate than the American Blacks. Reverse this, clowns. Let the Americans back in. This place is doomed without some real firepower. A dying Empire is not going to cut the mustard! It cannot.!!

Free the prisoners

its over, bear market is right

i just ate free sausage & eggs, freeze packs marked USDA :|

i luv America

I do too! 🙂🙂

Now, 40% of the people of america do not want to go back to work no more due to the astounding fact that the Unemployment pays better than their job by a wide margin. The reigning dominant prayer TODAY among 40% of America, that nobody will admit readily, is that they want Corona wave 2 to start now for the following reasons:

More new stimuls money approved already at $2k/month for every citizen and greencard holder
$600//week pandemic auto assistance direct deposited into the bank account of everyone
$167/wk minimum unemployment even for independent contractors
Food stamps for the full 40% of the lower rung of America income-wise
Free Medical for all

The work ethic is no more. Adios! Its a new era 🙂🙂🙂
i got freeze dried sausage on the grill right now!

Try Chorizo next time. Wash down with Negra Modelo. Then knock down some Mexican p***y.



Not Spanish but she'll do 🙂

oh, ya like they don't get enough

i celebrate math quants..

Military might have to be brought in if/when

next corona wave hits or banking system or other crash that cuases a stop in stimulus money = R EV O L U T I O N

Santa Monica destruction a few days ago during the riots has already exceeded history.

Now dig this, Rodeo Drive is totally boarded up
And counter-violent and Rufus_Leakey want to go LONG in a new bull market. Brave fellas 🙂

Military might have to be brought in if/when

next corona wave hits or banking system or other crash that cuases a stop in stimulus money = R EV O L U T I O N

Santa Monica destruction a few days ago during the riots has already exceeded history.

Now dig this, Rodeo Drive is totally boarded up
And counter-violent and Rufus_Leakey want to go LONG in a new bull market. Brave fellas 🙂

i'm not seeing anything but BMW's and Starbucks...??
Brace, brace, brace ....... tomorrow, april 1st ............. $100 billion in RENTS & $100 billion in Interests payments coming up

Hide & watch how there are Asks and No Bids

The Great BEAR that Fibo called is living up to its reputation and its only the beginning, aka 1st Wave down with a recovery wave .

Another magnificent call by Fibo. What's the shocker? Fibo did not get even one bj for this stunning call. How stunning? Mount Everest type stunning. Hey, never mind the bj, didn't even get a LIKE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

RENT factor is killing, killing, killing worse than WAR. And Fibo called it!!!

i'm not seeing anything but BMW's and Starbucks...??

Yeah and its even more dramatic in the beach cities. They became so fed up with being couped up, the restaurants are packed and nobody has a mask on 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Manhattan Beach Pier ...................... Lambo circus galore
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