TRADING/INVESTING IN BOTH LONG & SHORT SIDE ............................
Investing in the SHORT side? who ever heard of such a thing? 🙂😎😗🤣
Picture this:
Doctors and nurses are exposed to the virus, work long hours, always on call, rarely go on vacations - nurses hit $50/hr and doctor on average can take gross of 200k - 750k. Now throw in the biggest drawdown STRESS .................. is it worth it? NO! Nurses have to deal with defecation and whatnot for $50/hr? Horrible! Yet, despite this its considered great pay and something to strive for.
Lawyers? Same sh*t. Lyin their asses off and whatnot .... 300k - 1 mil. on average. Worth it? NO! Hell is waiting for these sons of b*tches
Corporate officers? Elite slaves, long hours, can be axed anytime 500k+ Worth it? NO f***in way!
News Reporters: 300k to 23 mil. ................... = OK = acceptable except for huge drawdown = only react never predict = robots, one dumber than the next regardless level of income. Can be axed easily and replaced by the next rising star
Hi-level TRADERS: Work from anywhere in the world, alone and in comfort with a view of the ocean, mountains or whatever of choice - walk in the woods everyday if one wishes. Hours of work = light light light ........ occasion look and review of positions unless on hi leverage 1-min. or 5-min. occasionally. Totally 100% free of crime, criminality, cheating, lying, deceiving OTHERS. The only game that is totally without Original SIN and yet have high remuneration, so hi in fact that its truly staggering. There is no way to clash with ETHICS/GOD as a solo trader. The Money income? Preposterous!!!!!
Nurses $50/hr.
Doctors $200/hr + per operation
Lawyers $200/hr + reward if win
Financial consultant $200/hr
Hi-level Traders ..... $7k+++/hr ......... yes seven thousand dollars per hour +++ ............. no limit, everything depends on Capital placed at Risk. No ceiling. Unlimited.
GAME OF LIFE TO TRADERS ................... hands down