Bear Market almost ready to resume ....... March 12, 2019 posted at ET

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The FIRE movement 👍👍

watch video in the article ................... and then consider fibo's thought ................. what if this married couple who went FIRE, had Fibo as a friend?

They would have already saved the 220k loss but turned it into a 400k gain already, a reversal of 660k ALREADY.

BEAR nailed another robot. Nobody HOME. Look at the eyes. No intention, no power. BEAR's latest slap pushed whatever is left of LIFE in this cat all the way to the back of the head. See for yourself. A being in control has straight intention oozing out right between the eyes, quarter inch behind the nose. Its unmistakable when you see it. If you don't, its not there. Its recessed

Richard Branson's 4 crisis handling rules:

(1) Get to the scene of the crisis as soon as possible

(2) Take control of the response

(3) Be yourself in the midst of a crisis

(4) Maintain your calm


For Trader333 ................ be prepared for requests to ban Fibo

BEAR is nailing them all
BEAR has a way of smoking out the phonies and he does it with aplomb.

The billionaire has come under heavy criticism recently after his airline, Virgin Atlantic, requested its staff take eight weeks unpaid leave during the coronavirus pandemic. At the same time, Virgin Atlantic, in which Branson owns a majority stake, also called for a 7.5-billion-pound (€8.6-billion, $9.4-billion) bailout for the airline industry as a whole. UK-based Virgin plans to ground up to 85% of its fleet at points in April.

Branson has the backing of Airbus, which makes Virgin's planes, and Rolls-Royce, which makes its jet engines, who have warned that if the airline collapsed it could drag them down too

To make matters worse for Branson's image, at the low point of the stock market rout in March, the billionaire reportedly shifted his $1.1 billion stake in Virgin Galactic Holdings from the US state of Delaware to the British Virgin Islands. US regulatory filings show the transfer was made on March 16, that day the Dow Jones Industrial Average saw its worst one-day drop in history.

For Trader333 ................ be prepared for requests to ban Fibo

Richard Branson offers private island as collateral for loans to save his airlines
Published: April 20, 2020 at 9:05 p.m. ET

“Over the five decades I have been in business, this is the most challenging time we have ever faced.”

— Richard Branson


BEAR got Richard Branson real good ................ - in a chokehold so deep that even the British govt. turned him down for a loan

Last month, Virgin Australia reportedly asked the Australian government for a $1.4 billion loan. And the Financial Times reported last week that Virgin Atlantic has been told to resubmit its £500-million loan application, which reportedly failed to impress the British government.

Branson said he will offer his most prized possession, Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands, as loan collateral. “As with other Virgin assets, our team will raise as much money against the island as possible to save as many jobs as possible around the group.”

In addition to being his family home, 74-acre Necker Island, which was heavily damaged by Hurricane Irma in 2017, is a luxury resort that employs 175 people.

Virgin Group, which in addition to the airlines includes Virgin Galactic SPCE, 0.00% , Virgin Mobile, Virgin Records and Virgin Care, among many other units, employs more than 70,000 people in 35 countries.

The harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all ............................

Fibo's Law #4: Bull market Icons become Bear Market trash/ridicule/reprobates/exposed

And this is only Wave 1 down over a span of 3 weeks .......................

and once again for the benefit of the retards ...........................

PRICE crashed first, then weeks later and still ongoing, FA is catching up to what PRICE foretold. But wait: Price foretold all this way back in January 2018 when it topped.



Fibo's hair is perfect!
For NVP ......................... wake up! 🙂

Great things never come from Comfort Zones

Be who you are, say what you mean because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind

Passionate kiss like spider's web, soon leads of undoing of fly

For NVP ......................... example of the best PRICELESS statement not only at T2W but anywhere in the Universe ............... by one of your own 🙂

Sent by fibo to Reader's digest for their contest of priceless sayings ....................... stay tuned for win prize or not or runner up

Who said this magnificent humor laden nugget that still has me lafffffin my ass off months later ................. ?
HINT: put in T2W search engine

I have decided to trade the Natural Gas futures and have made the decision to use Technical Analysis to trade it

God, do I love it so! Soooooooooooo much fun these days but it does not come cheap, took 8 shots thus far. Humor costs bigtime 🤣🤣🤣🤣
TRADING/INVESTING IN BOTH LONG & SHORT SIDE ............................

Investing in the SHORT side? who ever heard of such a thing? 🙂😎😗🤣

Picture this:

Doctors and nurses are exposed to the virus, work long hours, always on call, rarely go on vacations - nurses hit $50/hr and doctor on average can take gross of 200k - 750k. Now throw in the biggest drawdown STRESS .................. is it worth it? NO! Nurses have to deal with defecation and whatnot for $50/hr? Horrible! Yet, despite this its considered great pay and something to strive for.

Lawyers? Same sh*t. Lyin their asses off and whatnot .... 300k - 1 mil. on average. Worth it? NO! Hell is waiting for these sons of b*tches

Corporate officers? Elite slaves, long hours, can be axed anytime 500k+ Worth it? NO f***in way!

News Reporters: 300k to 23 mil. ................... = OK = acceptable except for huge drawdown = only react never predict = robots, one dumber than the next regardless level of income. Can be axed easily and replaced by the next rising star

Hi-level TRADERS: Work from anywhere in the world, alone and in comfort with a view of the ocean, mountains or whatever of choice - walk in the woods everyday if one wishes. Hours of work = light light light ........ occasion look and review of positions unless on hi leverage 1-min. or 5-min. occasionally. Totally 100% free of crime, criminality, cheating, lying, deceiving OTHERS. The only game that is totally without Original SIN and yet have high remuneration, so hi in fact that its truly staggering. There is no way to clash with ETHICS/GOD as a solo trader. The Money income? Preposterous!!!!!

Nurses $50/hr.
Doctors $200/hr + per operation
Lawyers $200/hr + reward if win
Financial consultant $200/hr

Hi-level Traders ..... $7k+++/hr ......... yes seven thousand dollars per hour +++ ............. no limit, everything depends on Capital placed at Risk. No ceiling. Unlimited.

GAME OF LIFE TO TRADERS ................... hands down

see quote for context ............... then see a big business that has been rocketing north for decades now crash and be worthless. And while this business cannot do well in a BEAR market and n fact will die as it is right now, the TRADING profession allows one to go SHORT for the rapidissimo gains EVER 🙂🙂

Look at the sh*t involved in this dumb buisness below. Destined to become billionaires' yachts 🤣🤣

423 such behemoths exist today. These dinosaurs are rotting as the 0-called hot-layup costs millions/mo. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣are killin 'em


Cost = 1.8 billion. Imagine a trader's capital of 1 billion
And all the megaships that are already in service are turning from a revenue-generating asset into an expensive-to-maintain nightmare in a BEAR market - but a TRADER kicks ass in a BEAR

Bailouts: Trader does not need one

but these cats even here shot thesselves in the foot by incorporating outside the USA and hiring mostly foreign workers. Therefore they do not qualify for bailouts under the Cares Act - US govt. tell 'em to bugger off.

423 dinosaurs currently sitting idly 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Buinessmen got to do things the super hard way. Imagine all those employees, all the stress, soooooooooo much staff and whatnot.

THE TRADER laffs at these buffoons
TRADING/INVESTING IN BOTH LONG & SHORT SIDE ............................

Investing in the SHORT side? who ever heard of such a thing? 🙂😎😗🤣

Picture this:

Doctors and nurses are exposed to the virus, work long hours, always on call, rarely go on vacations - nurses hit $50/hr and doctor on average can take gross of 200k - 750k. Now throw in the biggest drawdown STRESS .................. is it worth it? NO! Nurses have to deal with defecation and whatnot for $50/hr? Horrible! Yet, despite this its considered great pay and something to strive for.

Lawyers? Same sh*t. Lyin their asses off and whatnot .... 300k - 1 mil. on average. Worth it? NO! Hell is waiting for these sons of b*tches

Corporate officers? Elite slaves, long hours, can be axed anytime 500k+ Worth it? NO f***in way!

News Reporters: 300k to 23 mil. ................... = OK = acceptable except for huge drawdown = only react never predict = robots, one dumber than the next regardless level of income. Can be axed easily and replaced by the next rising star

Hi-level TRADERS: Work from anywhere in the world, alone and in comfort with a view of the ocean, mountains or whatever of choice - walk in the woods everyday if one wishes. Hours of work = light light light ........ occasion look and review of positions unless on hi leverage 1-min. or 5-min. occasionally. Totally 100% free of crime, criminality, cheating, lying, deceiving OTHERS. The only game that is totally without Original SIN and yet have high remuneration, so hi in fact that its truly staggering. There is no way to clash with ETHICS/GOD as a solo trader. The Money income? Preposterous!!!!!

Nurses $50/hr.
Doctors $200/hr + per operation
Lawyers $200/hr + reward if win
Financial consultant $200/hr

Hi-level Traders ..... $7k+++/hr ......... yes seven thousand dollars per hour +++ ............. no limit, everything depends on Capital placed at Risk. No ceiling. Unlimited.

GAME OF LIFE TO TRADERS ................... hands down

GAME OF LIFE TO TRADERS ................... hands down

Every product or service in existence has a built in grey area at the very least and most often an orange to red are of gross misrepresentation and out-ethics - SALES defined by Fibo is ............. taking a little piece of truth and embellishing it a trillionfold. The earnings for the Sales Closer are great ............... but at what cost to one's innerself? The constant grey area of operation take its toll over the years as deep down one knows its for the most part exaggeration of a product's worth.

Even the iphone 6 is way overpriced and has loads of bs misreps. So is Starbucks ........... loaded to the hilt with misreps and exaggerations to drawn in the high price

TRADING = clean as a whistle.

This is my reason for being grateful for having found this game of games, the throne of thrones, the kingdom of kingdoms.

Is there a 2nd place contender?

Lawyers vs Traders ........... we don't even need to go there its so obvious

Doctors vs Traders .............. in the arena of ETHICS

Teachers ............. great profession, good people for the most part ............. but there is no money. Why should one compromise? Money ain't EVIL.

Doctors are told by Insurance companies, "we want fast rounds, no excessive taking care of patients, talk
'em out of the expensive procedures, use substitutes. Doctors follow those guidelines and sooooooooooo often recommend expensive procedures that are not necessary at all. Sons of bi*tches get kickbacks from the drug companies for pushing their drugs on clients. There are more scams, way more scams, too many to get into here ..............

compare to TRADING:

Trading = clean as a whistle, and great money.
TRADING game will remain intact in my estimation for at least 1000+ years. Why? .....

Because it will take the scammers at least that long to figure out a way to fck up the OHLC (open, high, low, close) price raw data. They don't bother with scamming here becasue they know all technical traders are full of sh*t and lose like crazy so nobody feels threatened. Fundamental traders keep telling Technicians they are wrong so nobody bothers with fudging the OHLC. Technicians tell the former their balance sheets are full of lies. .................... So therefore the OHLC(vol) remains intact!! Everything can be derived from just this.

And the OHLC + Volume is all Fibo needs or ever will need. Throw in Sentiment readings, another area that scammers are not interested in, and fibo is in hog heaven.

Simple, simple, simple, simple like Air and Water
For Sharky ............................ have Trader333 help you with drawing the grid in case you have trouble

This is not the time to fall asleep or carry a gun ................. Waves of consequence are afoot 🙂

(1) Dow Jones weekly

Sharks, go to Insert/Fibo tool/Fibo projection or Fibo Expansion and draw the grid a shown starting at point A, then point B. The point C will be calculated automatically for you and as you can see its the GOLDEN RATIO ............... 161.8% hit.

But it gets better: Even though the move to the right edge is not related to this one, notice how 261.8% halts the recent all time greatest crash EVER.

This is the SERENDIPITOUS feature of Fibonacci grids that nobody knows about.

Don't worry, nobody knows this or has seen it yet.

For Sharky ............................ have Trader333 help you with drawing the grid in case you have trouble

This is not the time to fall asleep or carry a gun ................. Waves of consequence are afoot 🙂

(2) Dow Jones weekly (same chart)

but this time we take the ABC structure for the move at the right as shown ........................

As you can see there is not hit at the golden ratio or any significant multiple of it. I even plugged in a derivative of the golden ratio, 223.6%. Its close but no cigar. My point? If these two waves were related as the waves in the previous chart are related, we would get a hit at the golden ratio or multiple.

Therefore the odds are the drop from October 5th, 2018 and the current monster crash wave are not related.

this is my current thinking.

Why is this important? Because if the waves are related and we got a perfect hit, it would mean with certainty that the bull market is not over and that Dow Jones will continue to new stellar higher highs.


Re: the waves shown

in the 2nd chart, just for fck sake plug in the 223.6% and note that it is about 1/8th of a centimeter away from a perfect hit. Now BEAR could be messing with us by throwing this curveball but generally and in fact most of the time or close to all the time we do get a perfect hit of 100%, 161.8%, 261.8% or 423.6%. sometimes when the wave is weak all we will get is 61.8%.

Just so you know ............ this 223.6% close by ................. is bothering me and I cannot not-is it becasue it could jump up and bite me on the ass.

So as with everything in the markets, there is never any certainty of anything, you put your money take your best shot after looking at the odds and take the rewards or a kick in the ass. I'm here for either one but prefer the former.
Post #2026 repeated

11:31 AM Pacific Time, Thursday, April 9th, 2020 ...........

Nationwide TP on all LONGs in real time = right bloody now = bugger off to the beach and play with Corona.

No Shorts just yet.

Just TP, retreat to a cave and enjoy
see previous post right above (#2,237) especially the part about going to the beach .....................


8:27 AM Pacific, April 22nd, 2020

Get out of the water now
, walk up the beach, get dressed, then get in the car and get out of Dodge. Do not stop for grub while still in Dodge. Dyin ain't much of a livin!
NVP: (said) T2W is my HOME

For NVP, the one and only true international Brit here at T2W .......................... NVP can go head to head with an American because HE is an international man .............. he is qualified, the rest of the Brits here, no exceptions, are NOT

the rest are too socked into being Brit - all disqualified in the international realm and no contest for an American, the one true international entity as is obvious by the way they (Americans) integrate internationally whereas Brits stick together and shun even their host country nationals ..................... Fibo is a resident expert in this regard with considerable travel experience, so give it a f***in rest with counterarguments - I have the evidence in spades from several countries' living experience not just tourism experience.🙂

For NVP, the knife in the back .......... wound is healing nicely. It missed the vital organs but almost severed the spinal chord. God said to forgive NVP, that he is not the type who can withstand crowd pressure. He said, "give NVP a chance"

God is the only person Fibo listens to ......................

the NVP series follows .............. the rest can kiss my ass .................... like NVP correctly stated, Fibo couldn't care less about ANY 🙂🙂 (exceptions: Americans and international people of the 180 countries - they be friends of Fibo)


Fibo i have to say you are a true one off......never seen anyone like you before on T2win .......and ive been here a long time
keep the value coming......

NVP's response after asking me where my trade were located
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