Banned Members - Noticeboard

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Banned member: orion69
Duration: permanent
Reason: multinicks (bulldozer)
Banned member: Dr.Price
Duration: permanent
Reason: multinicks (darkwanderer, rudeboy)
Banned member: The Truth
Duration: permanent
Reason: multinicks (darkwanderer, Dr Price)
Banned member: felix1
Duration: permanent
Reason: multinicks ( rudeboy - again... :sigh: )
Banned member: CYOF
Duration: 5 days
Reason: persistently ignoring guidelines and warnings
Banned member: yaniv301
Duration: 10 days
Reason: persistently ignoring warnings re url links
Banned members: cyof, socrates
Duration: 5 days
Reason: ignoring warning
Banned: credo
Duration: permanent
Reason: multinicks (cyof) .... hopefully he will get bored before long :sigh: 😛ointless:
member banned: connie brown
reason: multiple nicks (TheBramble)
duration: permanent
member banned: pssonice
duration: 24 hours from 2.15pm today
reason: ignoring warnings to tone down his posts; constant reported posts with him as the subject.
banned: paddy murphy
reason: multinicks (sorry it took so long to act on...)
duration: for ever and ever and ever
Member banned: Socrates
Reason: constant flaming, snide, insulting remarks and ignoring countless warnings.
Duration: permanent, thank god. Please do not come back under another bloody alias.
banned member: New_Trader
reason: insults, continual rudeness
duration: 24 hrs

If he carries on in this manner the ban will be made permanent
Banned Member New_Trader
Reason continual stream of insults and rudeness
Duration 5 days

Pretty much a final warning before ban is made permanent
Banned Member: New_Trader
Reason: Unprovoked insults, and nothing but unprovoked insults.
Duration 7 days

The next ban will be permanent.
member banned: wallstreettrading (jayjay121)

reason: Spammed members via the PM system selling his (grey1's) code

duration: permanent
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