Banned Members

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Not open for further replies. we doin a curry then?......your smilies are becoming quite endearing.... 😎 ..think john lennon man...merry Christmas....was is over...we can karaoke it together...i have only love for you man...too many buds tonight me thinks.
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mr.marcus said:
ok FS....its christmas ..season of good will and all that....were having a west london meet next week,...everyone is more than welcome...bit of a curry bash...time to move forward.....this other stuff is not what t2w is really about.....what say you.come on down...hey if you manage to eat a hotter curry than me then the beers and curry are on me for the night.cheers mark j
I kept going up .. vindaloo, tindaloo, phal.
But I've dropped back to madras. So ok you're ahead me in the hot curry stakes.
Merry Christmas.
:cheesy: strictly a korma and chips man......never heard of a phal 😉 ...merry christmas too :cheesy: ....
Well to share my experience too about receiving a PM attack, I only ever received one and you'll never guess who it came from. Well a little while back it came from Mr Marcus himself ..

Cripes, you call that an attack? I fear you may have overlooked a decimal point somewhere in your custom scale of harmless/offensive. I tell you what, fudgestain, you're nothing but a cuddly fluffy kitten that mews a lot. Now there's a savage attack worth posting in public. 🙂

You also find the inconsequential mistakes that someone makes while typing fast with sore hands amusing? Simple pleasures, ah, I almost envy you. To really push the boundaries of your comedic experience, why not gorge on a pile of local newspapers for more hilariously misplaced letters, while licking an unexpectedly cold window. Some magnolia Dulux (mixed with scumble glaze, so it dries that bit more slowly) on the wall in front of you could really take it to another level. Anyway, I mean no harm ... happy Christmas to the pair of you - this bonhomie is infectious. 🙂
frugi said:
Cripes, you call that an attack? I fear you may have overlooked a decimal point somewhere in your custom scale of harmless/offensive. I tell you what, fudgestain, you're nothing but a cuddly fluffy kitten that mews a lot. Now there's a savage attack worth posting in public. 🙂

You also find the inconsequential mistakes that someone makes while typing fast with sore hands amusing? Simple pleasures, ah, I almost envy you. To really push the boundaries of your comedic experience, why not gorge on a pile of local newspapers for more hilariously misplaced letters, while licking an unexpectedly cold window. Some magnolia Dulux (mixed with scumble glaze, so it dries that bit more slowly) on the wall in front of you could really take it to another level. Anyway, I mean no harm ... happy Christmas to the pair of you - this bonhomie is infectious. 🙂
Such a nice man. And as it happens I like putty tats too.
Now you're no longer a Mod, you are allowing your frivolous side to show, Frugi.
Merry Christmas.
fudgestain said:
Only because this thread had already quoted PM attacks did I also quote the one I experienced.

For the record, I didn't quote anything, nor did I provide the ex-member's name.
Posts, PMs and e mail have all been mentioned but what about comments that are made in respect of members' posts? There is a tendency for some to leave nasty, ridiculous and insulting remarks and these are sometimes unacceptable. The worst I have had so far is ... "Idiot and a busy body".

Quite frankly, they all fall into the same category of 'Unacceptable behaviour' and those that make such comments should be asked to retract them.

Thats a compliment in comparism to the PM i once received from a member, now banned I see, but not as a result of his PM to me.
I agree with mofo, Mr. Lion (and with you, obviously).
I too used to receive some unpleasant PMs from a certain very well known member, (now banned for his attacks on someone else). That particular individual also sent some nasty PMs to other members and I remember when one of the recipients posted the PM openly on a thread, it was deleted by a mod on the basis that revealing it was a breach of confidence................
I would suggest that the admin of the site allows publication of abusive PMs and the identification of the sender.
That would cut the thing dead.
Is it possible to remove the right to send PM's? When an abusive PM has been sent and reported, I don't see why the person should be allowed to use the facility again. The publication of abusive PM's seems like a good idea but I would rather just remove the members right to send PM's than have to publish their abuse.
Publishing PMs would likely have consequences that, in the end, you wouldn't like. But one can always opt out of the PM system, or just not open PMs from those who you think are weird.

Mod's Note:Edited for Content.
This thread title and the progression of the posts are somewhat ironic. Suggested collective noun for a group of traders - an abuse.


Mr. Charts said:
.........That particular individual also sent some nasty PMs to other members and I remember when one of the recipients posted the PM openly on a thread, it was deleted by a mod on the basis that revealing it was a breach of confidence................

Mr Charts,

Surely the member that posted the PM in question did so in order to expose the dreadful behaviour of the individual concerned. Where was the so called breach of confidence that justified the Mod removing the post? Naming and shaming whilst at the same time providing proof to back up accusations is a step in the right direction and may well make some pause for thought before penning their nasty PMs.

As you and others have constantly said, it is time to get tough and throw out the garbage.
LION63 said:
Mr Charts,

Surely the member that posted the PM in question did so in order to expose the dreadful behaviour of the individual concerned. Where was the so called breach of confidence that justified the Mod removing the post? Naming and shaming whilst at the same time providing proof to back up accusations is a step in the right direction and may well make some pause for thought before penning their nasty PMs.

As you and others have constantly said, it is time to get tough and throw out the garbage.

I wouldn't have called it a breach of confidence either, Lion.
However, some decisions I find VERY difficult to understand, but, hey, that's no big deal.
But the garbage is not only blatant, there is plenty of provocative material which is designed to inflame, and also the snide, sniping innuendo from the sad and the ignorant who think they are so smart hiding like cowards behind their handles.
I must say that sort of sheer bitchiness doesn't bother me, it just looks so pathetic and merely reflects on the writer. It makes me wonder why they don't have anything better to do in their lives.
We'll just have to wait and see if admin is going to be active - reactive or pro-active.
It almost makes you think some extra-ordinary rendition and even some extra-judicial termination would be quite nice............. ;-)
Anyway, that's my 5 min break from the market over - time to get back to the real business - trading to make money.
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Moving back a bit more onto topic,
which I think we'll all agree is a distinctly unusual event when I'm posting - well done Paul for a sensible attempt to formulate a workable policy, report PM sounds a very sensible idea, and I like the requirement for apology and acceptance. Admittedly you might have a bloody minded recipient, so perhaps you might like to retain some degree of control over that to ensure that heartfelt apology does result in reinstatement, but apart from that it looks good so far and I wish you luck with it.

As has been mentioned earlier, sometimes members are rather derogatory about others, 'winding them up' until the recipient snaps, replies abusively, and is promptly banned - I appreciate you can't legislate for a wide raft of situations, I would hope that the slight policy change and attempt to nail a workable policy down will include an understanding of this.... goading language in posts should, in think, be 'yellow carded' - other than that, well done for addressing the issues.
I've closed the thread for obvious reasons. The purpose was to inform and discuss the new policy over banned members - it was certainly not to discuss individual cases. May I remind you all that banning of members is the last resort - if a member banned it is for good reason - and in the majority of cases only after sufficient warning. Decisions over banning taken by the moderators are not for discussion on the public forums. If you have an opinion to voice over the decision to ban a member, then please email or msg me directly instead.
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