Astrology Data Overlay


I have not "bought" Delta. I ordered it from my Library through an inter-library loan from the British Library.
They charge £2.50 for this service.

The package contains 3 books, and a video.
Book1: Delta Phenomenon by Welles Wilder.
Book2: Wisdom of the Ages
Book 3: Delta Phenomenon Study Guide
Video:Getting Started with Delta

It could well be that I am missing key aspects. But there is enough info here to judge whether its worth "signing up".
trendie said:

I have not "bought" Delta. I ordered it from my Library through an inter-library loan from the British Library.
They charge £2.50 for this service.

The package contains 3 books, and a video.
Book1: Delta Phenomenon by Welles Wilder.
Book2: Wisdom of the Ages
Book 3: Delta Phenomenon Study Guide
Video:Getting Started with Delta

It could well be that I am missing key aspects. But there is enough info here to judge whether its worth "signing up".

If something is available publicly thro the library service i can't see why it shouldn't be freely debateable without fear of repercussion.

The pack you have there sounds exactly like the stuff you get if going thro the delta site or the UK one. The video i remember of WW was generally encouraging you to buy the software to make life easier. From there you can become a member, and purchase various enhancements. To quote someone involved with it, "Delta has become a worldwide marketing machine"
Perhaps not everything is as it seems. Perhaps the definitions of mass, density and gravity in physics are not appropriate. There may be other dimensions to these things not considered.

(dsmodi, is this alright ?)

Perhaps the real universe is not the real universe, that time is not time and matter is not.

I am going to stop...better be prudent...

Yeah - go for it soccy.... in fact, "sock it to 'em, baby"! ..... indeed, it is fine, cos we are way into the thread, not just the third post.... mind u, this is my thinking, although others may not want you to sock it to anyone....

in fact, while on the subject, i'm surprised you and brambie have not ripped my post apart yet.... there must be LOADS of semantics you guys can play with, as well as double-entendre's you can reveal that no-one but you two can reveal... in fact, I really can't wait...go for it guys....

P.S. oh, and perhaps it should have been "whizz"dom? as opposed to what you wrote soccy... what you wrote (whizzdom) just doesn't look right - perhaps you yourself can think of variations (or semantics) to this word - perhaps that fellow old brambie can be of some assistance here....
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TheBramble said:
DS - do you actually post anything with original content? All I can find is instructions from you to other members on what, when and how they should be posting. You're probably responsible for more off-topic meandering than most. 😆

If you're in learn-mode (which I suspect you still are, having been a member for such a long time) please take my genuinely positive intent in suggesting you might learn more with your hands off the keyboard for a while. Just read...

brambie, matey - u r right.... actually, i had taken a break from coming to this site for almost a year - just very occasional appearances ( no doubt you'd like me to continue that way)... and "learning mode" is absolutely correct...hence i want to learn and not read off-the-cuff stuff third post into an interesting thread....

Also, semantically, u r correct that i haven't posted much else, but 2 of my posts have been very relevant in that they have deterred ( and i think successfully) meaningless postings from the "luminary fraternity" (flipping heck - to think u and soccy write like this quite naturally ALL the time)....and the others have been where i have actively encouraged further luminous discussion on this and the MM board... and thirdly, my posts have been jibes at you to which i am now relishing reading yours and soccy's replies... in fact, i can't wait to see you 2 rip them apart....i'd like you to otherwise my jolly hard work will not do all that i wanted it to, although no doubt it has done lots anyway....

Frughilde - re: Post 109.....

Nothing wrong with a bit of introspection bro' (or is you a sister today?) - be it from a mod, or not.

The thing is, the question I think you are asking and has been asked before, on this thread and elsewhere, is "If there is a direct or even indirect astrological/astronomical impact on the financial markets and if the same configuration of planetary matter leads to the same movement in a given commodity/stock/index, why wouldn't we all know about it already and merrily be trading it?".

As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time/money/effort involved in this issue and to some considerable depth, can I offer a few morsels for consideration?

1. Does anyone know just how long you'd need to wait for all the planets to be in exactly the same position they're in right now, at this very second?

2. Pluto - give me a break. It's SO small.....size of Texas. And So far from the Sun that the Sun appears no more than a bright star. Pack a sweater - even in the Summer. That's even when it's inside Neptune's orbit.

3. Where do you base you platform of observation? Earth? The Sun? Geocentric feels more comfortable because that's where we are. But everything is whizzing round the Sun - not us. The Heliocentric perspective also does away with those 'silly' retrograde motions as well.

4. Mercury. Pretty useful if you're short term. Gives far more trines, oppositions, sextiles etc than any other planet. But check it out. If the pattern were that obvious - we'd all have seen it.

5. The ancient civilisations were far more observant of and dependent upon the heavens/seasons etc than are we. If there was any significant correlationship between the heavens and what happens down here - it would have been documented. Somewhere. Secretly referred to and only known to those, well, in the know. 😆

6. Even if all of the above is complete bollostrados, and let's assume for a second someone either centuries ago or more recently has discovered the link between the heavens and us (and therefore today's markets) and further that it's not so obvious that your average man in the street is aware of it - do you think they're going to let everyone else know about it?

I'm not making any statement about the validity or not of Astrological/Astronomical impacts on the affairs of man generally. I simply don't know. But I also (along with a few others... 😎 ) feel it's useful to keep an open mind.

Having said all of that, and having taken an epic journey and adventure of mythical proportion to get where I got, I found myself looking at what had been right in front of me all the time.

And while Delta may hint with a degree of confidence at a TP within the next few days, as may Market Matrix etc and while Wheat may often dip when Neptune transits Aries, it still seems a lot easier to look at price and volume.

After all, if all news and fundamentals are already factored into the price we can take a guess that all/any astrological/astronomical influences on people/markets whatever, will also be factored into the price action.

OK if you have a 100% demonstrable and reproducible system based on the stars and planets that can predict to the second what's going to do what - count me in.

But until then, price and volume is about as good as it's going to get.

However, for all those on or about to start their Astro journey I hope you enjoy it as much as I have and did. It'll hopefully take you to quite unexpected places...which makes any journey a worthwhile endeavour.

OK Shep - round 'em up!!!
"If something is available publicly thro the library service i can't see why it shouldn't be freely debateable without fear of repercussion"...that would be correct..if the information you wish to exchange/discuss is in the public domain there is no issue....but, if memory serves me correctly the last time this issue arose relating to discussing Delta it was in the context of member(s) trying to discuss details that had been acquired by product purchase complete presumably with a non dsclosure clause and that is very different....

by the way looking back up the posts it was not a semantic difference of opinion at was clear one party was talking causation and the other party was stating categorically there was no causation mentioned in the literature as per posts ;

"My understanding is that the creator of Delta placed a lot of emphasis on the causal effects of these phenomena on human behaviour "
and rebutting from Bramble as per
"and is not (AFAIR) in any way hinted at as being a causal factor in the TPs themselves"...nope , that is not semantic at all...correlation and causation are not the same beast and science is full of sparkling examples supporting that statement.

I mention this because I think Bramble got some unfair treatment in this thread ...he replied to a discussion and simply asked if the other party had a factual basis for a different view then please post it..instead he got sarcasm passing for intelligence !

Bramble also types faster than I do ! Late to the party as usual !
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Some very kind words directed towards me, for which many thanks - Ivorm and trendie especially - and also some excellent posts flying out of the cosmos onto our pages. Good thread folks, keep it up and I might just make it editor's choice in the newsletter 🙂 Good points to ponder there, Bramble, too: thanks. Bequia? One day, perhaps! 🙂 Anyway I'd better get back to work ...
chump said:
"If something is available publicly thro the library service i can't see why it shouldn't be freely debateable without fear of repercussion"...that would be correct..if the information you wish to exchange/discuss is in the public domain there is no issue....but, if memory serves me correctly the last time this issue arose relating to discussing Delta it was in the context of member(s) trying to discuss details that had been acquired by product purchase complete presumably with a non dsclosure clause and that is very different....

by the way looking back up the posts it was not a semantic difference of opinion at was clear one party was talking causation and the other party was stating categorically there was no causation mentioned in the literature as per posts ;

"My understanding is that the creator of Delta placed a lot of emphasis on the causal effects of these phenomena on human behaviour "
and rebutting from Bramble as per
"and is not (AFAIR) in any way hinted at as being a causal factor in the TPs themselves"...nope , that is not semantic at all...correlation and causation are not the same beast and science is full of sparkling examples supporting that statement.

I mention this because I think Bramble got some unfair treatment in this thread ...he replied to a discussion and simply asked if the other party had a factual basis for a different view then please post it..instead he got sarcasm passing for intelligence !

Bramble also types faster than I do ! Late to the party as usual !

Hi Chump (presume you aren't actually the bramble in disguise of course 😆 ),

S'ok. Dispute has been resolved over a pint off-board.

Re your post on Delta, i believe from a previous post from Trendie that what he has obtained via the libarary service and the materials that are the subject of copyright / confidentiality are the same. Therefore it would appear the material is indeed now in the public domain. If so, members are presumably in a position to discuss that information as you say, therefore does the question of whether or not you have purchased that material from the patent or copyright owner, and with it the copyright issue, not arise any more?


Meanwhile, from a behavioural / astrological point of view, the theory appears to suggest that the lunar cycle is indeed highly influential on human behaviour. The function of the moon is evidently the indication of one's personality. The Sun's relationship with the moon is one of constant change, and unless harmonious, has a direct effect on personality & therefore behaviour. For example, if the moon is strong & the sun weak, the effect on ones biorhythms will be such that the person will not have the strength to follow through on ideas & convictions. Achievement of success will be more difficult. Under a full moon temperament is liable to be more functionally objective, whereas under a new moon it is liable to be more instinctive :| .

Wild stuff, but if you buy into it i guess it doesn't take too much of a leap to then see how markets could indeed be affected by such things 😱
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Coincidence or not?

The average of the period of the new moon cycle is is 28 days. The average period of the human menstrual cycle is 28 days.
I know it mentions patent pending in the Delta book but did WW ever get the patent? Over on Tactical Trader there was a threat of legal action by the person selling the Delta book in the UK but nothing seems to have happened. Or perhaps a230 is now posting from behind bars 😀
Bigbusiness said:
I know it mentions patent pending in the Delta book but did WW ever get the patent? Over on Tactical Trader there was a threat of legal action by the person selling the Delta book in the UK but nothing seems to have happened. Or perhaps a230 is now posting from behind bars 😀

😆 Yes he has been a bit quiet of late now you come to mention it.

From memory, i believe the patent pending extended to as yet unknown time cycles if ever discovered.

But i find it hard to see how if this is now available from the library i couldn't discuss it with you, whether i'd bought it or not
Tuffty said:
Coincidence or not?

The average of the period of the new moon cycle is is 28 days. The average period of the human menstrual cycle is 28 days.
I did wonder if anyone was going to bring that up...and it's often mentioned in the same breath that a human being comprises 80% water (just like good old Earth itself) is affected in a similar manner. Dunno about you lot, but I don't find myself crawling up the side of building on the High Spring Tide.

An equally interesting fact is that if a number of females spend their time working/living together over a number of months (forget the research data, but can look it up if any interest), they will regulate their cycles to be 'in tune' with each other.

Suggests an altogether different influence at work than old Mamma Luna.

On the same track, it's been shown the 'normal' human daily cycle is closer to 25 hours - not the sidereal 24. We are constantly brought back in line by Zeitgebers (such as the Sun). This also accounts for why it's easier to get over Jetlag flying East to West.
trendie said:
My preference is Short Term Delta.
trendie, unless it's a different book to the one I have, you're not going to get STD.

Even if you buy the s/w, you're not going to get the STD.

That particular goodie was reserved for directors of DSI only.
mofo said:
Meanwhile, from a behavioural / astrological point of view, the theory appears to suggest that the lunar cycle is indeed highly influential on human behaviour. The function of the moon is evidently the indication of one's personality.

Under a full moon temperament is liable to be more functionally objective, whereas under a new moon it is liable to be more instinctive :| .

hmmm - and i have been told hospitals generally keep more doctors on a full-moon as there are more emergencies etc on that day.... there has to be something in that, plus v.good point from brambie about women being together and getting their menstrual cycle in sync, but I don't think the cycle is related to the full-moon or new-moon, it seems to be just related to the fact that the moon and women have a cycle very similar in length. Personally, I think there is a relationship.
To Quote our friend Steve Copan...After our little misunderstanding on Tac :cheesy: :cheesy:
Delta said:
There is no law stating that you cannot sell the book on or even give it away even if Welles does not like it.
Also there is no law saying that you cannot talk about it to others who also have the book.
But the copyright law stands and when people blatantly copy extracts from the original book and post it on the Internet or on discussion forums then you are breaking the copyright law. Welles has a good reputation for taking people to court and winning
Whilst I have strong doubts about the relevance of Astrology to trading I have no doubts that people respond to the enviroment that surrounds them..not semantic 😉

For example...try excercising for 5 mins then switching on some music..after about a minute I can almost guarantee that your body will have adjusted it's tempo of excercise to the tempo of the music unless that is you make and sustain a conscious effort to avoid same. This is but one small example of how we respond at a subconscious level to the physical inputs (auditory)of our enviroment. Now for a visual example look at a chart that is confirming your perceptual bias 😉

🙂 and no I am not Bramble...he couldn't be that lucky 😉
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TheBramble said:
trendie, unless it's a different book to the one I have, you're not going to get STD.

Even if you buy the s/w, you're not going to get the STD.

That particular goodie was reserved for directors of DSI only.

Hi TheBramble,

the version I have is the 1991 version. ( "Copyright 1991 The Delta Society Intnl")

"Part VIII = Short Term Delta" starts on Page 160, for 20 pages.

Although no actual points are given, "Part X = Solving for Delta" gives the technique for identifying the Points, etc.
The book uses Gold as its sample for explaining Delta.
It does refer to aspects only Delta Directors are given. However, two chapters appear to disclose ideas that once were exclusively for Directors. ( Delta members manual )
These are:
Part 3 = ITD, it describes "Classification of Turning Points", and
Part 9 = "Trading the Delta Turning Points", where Points, Flag-poles and Trading the Inversion are described.

hope this helps.
mofo said:
Re your post on Delta, i believe from a previous post from Trendie that what he has obtained via the libarary service and the materials that are the subject of copyright / confidentiality are the same. Therefore it would appear the material is indeed now in the public domain. If so, members are presumably in a position to discuss that information as you say, therefore does the question of whether or not you have purchased that material from the patent or copyright owner, and with it the copyright issue, not arise any more?

________________________________________________________________ 😱
chump said:
Whilst I have strong doubts about the relevance of Astrology to trading I have no doubts that people respond to the enviroment that surrounds them..not semantic 😉

For example...try excercising for 5 mins then switching on some music..after about a minute I can almost guarantee that your body will have adjusted it's tempo of excercise to the tempo of the music unless that is you make and sustain a conscious effort to avoid same. This is but one small example of how we respond at a subconscious level to the physical inputs (auditory)of our enviroment. Now for a visual example look at a chart that is confirming your perceptual bias 😉

🙂 and no I am not Bramble...he couldn't be that lucky 😉

A Quip, sir, nothing more or less.