
The sun is around 5,300,000,000 times brighter than mars at the surface of the earth when mars is at it's brightest due to orbital proximity.

The sun is around 449,000 times brighter than the moon at full moon.

The mass of the sun is ~2,900,000 times the mass of Mars.

Do I really have to spell it out any further?

If you want to disclaim rudimentary physics, much of which has been known since the time of Newton, then go ahead. There is really no need whatsoever to "do the experiment yourself" because many others have already done "it" and established a basis of knowledge upon which deductions can be reliably made.

OK, and how does what you have posted prove that the planets don't have a quantifiable effect on earth/people/markets?
Quoting the numbers that you have does not go a single inch for proof against astrology.
Asking my above question does nothing to "rudimentary physics".

According to your own words you find that there is no need to test results on your own, just take other people at their word. And you do so simply because "many" others have done the work. So you base your own deductions on other peoples work.
Now if you feel that's all you need to do then who am I to tell you other wise.
I will still continue to point out that your number quoting does nothing.

If you want to put astrology down then again that's not any concern to me but don't give data as proof that does nothing for your case.

And once again please don't feel as I am putting you down as a person or trader because I'm not.👍
What connection? The gravitational fields are far too week and totally swamped by more powerful fields. Reflected EM radiation - likewise. Calendars based on planetary orbits? No. Any effect on climate or weather - vanishingly small at most. Influence on cosmic radiation - no. Influence on solar radiation - no.

Extraordinary claims that have no known physical basis require extraordinary evidence.

Hmmm .... Richard Dawkins made a remark along the lines that it is possible to be so open minded that your brain falls out. As I observed above, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. In the absence of such evidence, rejecting such claims has got nothing to do with having a closed mind. It's called being rational.

Please don't take this the wrong way...actually on reflection I don't give a flying whether or not you do tbh..but, given the evidence you posted up on what became your personal mission (and obsession) that was the climate change thread, this thread would be better off without your participation. You'll simply ruin it and attempt to de-rail it with your prejudices and pre-conceptions...🙂
Please don't take this the wrong way...actually on reflection I don't give a flying whether or not you do tbh..but, given the evidence you posted up on what became your personal mission (and obsession) that was the climate change thread, this thread would be better off without your participation. You'll simply ruin it and attempt to de-rail it with your prejudices and pre-conceptions...🙂

An anti science climate change denier aligning with astrology. How surprising.
As for sunspots, solar winds and other factors, you casually say they don't belong to astrological effects. This is your own interpretation, not mine, and since it is not clear what affects or causes all of these, the potential that they are caused by other stars and/or planets is very real.

Solar winds and sunspots are the subject of solar physics. It is one hell of a big nuclear reactor after all.

Nobody disputes that solar activity has an affect on earth's weather. Just what does this have to do with astrology?
You know I was thinking that it might be a good idea to explain how I see astrology because I am quite sure most people see it differently one from another.

I do not worship astrology or the stars as did the ancients.
They did and I do also, in the areas that I have studied, notice how certain things here on earth can be timed by the planets.

So in a nut shell to me astrology is a method of forecasting future events of many different kinds with the planets, and stars, and moon.

The things I have personally studied in regards to the planets being able to time events are:

The markets
United States floods
United States droughts
United States "years of plenty" i.e. not too hot and not too cold and just the right amount of rain.
Hurricanes in the Atlantic Ocean.
Wars in United States history

And I can say, that to my complete satisfaction, I have proven to myself that astrology can be used to time the items in the above list.

Now at the moment the planets them selves are the best reason I can come up with for their being able to forecast so well.
This is simply because of my own personal ignorance of things that can not be directly observed. There could be reasons greater than the planets them selves but I have not found any clues yet that work for me.

I find it funny that someone can say that the sun and moon do have an effect on the planet earth and its weather but the planets don't.
One might wish to keep in mind that the current best way to detect planets around stars other than our sun is because of the "wobble" that the planets gravitational fields create. That means that the planets in other solar systems move the stars enough to be observed TRILLIONS of miles and more away. So to say the planets in our solar system do not have an effect that amounts to anything is simply one being ignorant of scientific fact.
IF the sun does have an effect on weather, and weather has an effect on the price of wheat, and the planets gravitational fields have enough of an effect on the sun to move the star around...
Then it is not at all a stretch to say that it could be possible for the planets to have an effect on the price of wheat.

The confidence and creativity of the Sun synergizes well with the courage and boldness of Aries to birth new initiatives. On Tuesday NASA’s Space Weather Enterprise Forum will hold a meeting at the National Press Club to discuss how an expected increase in solar activity necessitates the urgency for better space weather forecasting at a time when the world has become totally dependent on technology. The National Academy of Sciences warned in a report two years ago that a intense solar storm could cause twenty times more economic damage than Hurricane Katrina.

As Richard Fisher, the head of NASA’s Heliophysics Division states: "I believe we're on the threshold of a new era in which space weather can be as influential in our daily lives as ordinary terrestrial weather." By accurately predicting when a solar storm could have an adverse impact on Earth’s communications and power systems, preparations could be made to put satellites in 'safe mode' and disconnect transformers to protect them from damaging electrical surges.