Frughilde - re: Post 109.....
Nothing wrong with a bit of introspection bro' (or is you a sister today?) - be it from a mod, or not.
The thing is, the question I think you are asking and has been asked before, on this thread and elsewhere, is "If there is a direct or even indirect astrological/astronomical impact on the financial markets and if the same configuration of planetary matter leads to the same movement in a given commodity/stock/index, why wouldn't we all know about it already and merrily be trading it?".
As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time/money/effort involved in this issue and to some considerable depth, can I offer a few morsels for consideration?
1. Does anyone know just how long you'd need to wait for all the planets to be in exactly the same position they're in right now, at this very second?
2. Pluto - give me a break. It's SO small.....size of Texas. And So far from the Sun that the Sun appears no more than a bright star. Pack a sweater - even in the Summer. That's even when it's inside Neptune's orbit.
3. Where do you base you platform of observation? Earth? The Sun? Geocentric feels more comfortable because that's where we are. But everything is whizzing round the Sun - not us. The Heliocentric perspective also does away with those 'silly' retrograde motions as well.
4. Mercury. Pretty useful if you're short term. Gives far more trines, oppositions, sextiles etc than any other planet. But check it out. If the pattern were that obvious - we'd all have seen it.
5. The ancient civilisations were far more observant of and dependent upon the heavens/seasons etc than are we. If there was any significant correlationship between the heavens and what happens down here - it would have been documented. Somewhere. Secretly referred to and only known to those, well, in the know. 😆
6. Even if all of the above is complete bollostrados, and let's assume for a second someone either centuries ago or more recently has discovered the link between the heavens and us (and therefore today's markets) and further that it's not so obvious that your average man in the street is aware of it - do you think they're going to let everyone else know about it?
I'm not making any statement about the validity or not of Astrological/Astronomical impacts on the affairs of man generally. I simply don't know. But I also (along with a few others... 😎 ) feel it's useful to keep an open mind.
Having said all of that, and having taken an epic journey and adventure of mythical proportion to get where I got, I found myself looking at what had been right in front of me all the time.
And while Delta may hint with a degree of confidence at a TP within the next few days, as may Market Matrix etc and while Wheat may often dip when Neptune transits Aries, it still seems a lot easier to look at price and volume.
After all, if all news and fundamentals are already factored into the price we can take a guess that all/any astrological/astronomical influences on people/markets whatever, will also be factored into the price action.
OK if you have a 100% demonstrable and reproducible system based on the stars and planets that can predict to the second what's going to do what - count me in.
But until then, price and volume is about as good as it's going to get.
However, for all those on or about to start their Astro journey I hope you enjoy it as much as I have and did. It'll hopefully take you to quite unexpected places...which makes any journey a worthwhile endeavour.
OK Shep - round 'em up!!!