Astrology Data Overlay


part of the reason for this thread was to explore astrology and determine whether conventional rules worked, or not, were reliable or not.
but, as you so rightly said, which moon, half, quarter, etc.

But another aspect of this thread was to have no preconceptions, and just mark off highs and lows, and try to find patterns. Wherever they may be.

This way, you can build up your own analysis, of correlations, etc.
This approach allows you to discover your own patterns, and see if there is any significance.
example: if you just try to see if conventional full-moons result in highs/lows, all you do is repeat existing analysis.
If you look at full-moons, and see if highs/lows appear 1-day, 2-day, 3-day after, etc, you at least are breaking new ground, by building up a database of probabilities.
explore off-sets to key astrological events.

be original.
the full-moon, mars/jupiter trine, etc, may be the end-result of an earlier important event.
example: the birth-day is the 9-month end-result of a conception-day.
(with the exception of divinely inspired pregnancies, apt in current season!)

Trendie, let me apologise for not being original and for being off tangent. I have deleted all my posts.
Wave 59 I used for approximately 3 years using the panetary alignment, gann squares and what could be an incredible piece had it not had so many inversions. It was called the natal forecast. It was amazing at times.
Otherwise Timing solution also has planetary overlays, as does the gann suite by GannAnalyst
I will leave my opinions out, however I have tried all of them, and have researched this area for some time.
Good luck in this regard
Sorry 'malaguti' but it sounds like a frustration 🙁
Pls believe me, there is no reason for such feelings.
Sometimes it's just a matter of time You sit and dig.
but dont say "it doesnt work, it's inrelevant" etc

But I found something that can help You:
As You know, Gann was working on Time and for him Time was a factor.
" WD Gann said that the year begins on the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring. We took Gann at his word and applied one aspect of our mathematical application of the Square of Nine to his concept. You can see from our experiment with the SP500 that the results were "interesting."

So maybe the problem is not WHAT planets to look, but WHEN to start observing and calculating.
WD Gann Master Time Calculator

Sometimes people get off from train just before arrival to station.
Be one who stays and have faith. In Yourself.

Trendie, let me apologise for not being original and for being off tangent. I have deleted all my posts.
Wave 59 I used for approximately 3 years using the panetary alignment, gann squares and what could be an incredible piece had it not had so many inversions. It was called the natal forecast. It was amazing at times.
Otherwise Timing solution also has planetary overlays, as does the gann suite by GannAnalyst
I will leave my opinions out, however I have tried all of them, and have researched this area for some time.
Good luck in this regard
This is not exactly what you are looking for but might be on interest: the following site has a free download of what is called an Astro Clock. It is basically a chart showing the position of the planets; it is updated every minute and shows any planet or aspect that is hitting the angles.

I have not used this to trade but it would certainly be interesting to observe any action on a pit traded contract. You can set it to show any location. For instance you can program the data for Chicago (I have tried this but I don't sit in front of a screen all day so have not used it) and see if there is any correspondence between planets hitting the angles of the chart and momentum, etc.

You need a bit of astrological knowledge otherwise you won't know what the hell you are looking for.

Obviously, most people will rubbish anything like this - just as most lose money by following the same worn paths (and no claims for myself here). Here's the link:


Hi Beach Runner
I wonder if you are still a member ,eight years later.
The Astoclock looks very interesting
Thank you

does anyone know of any package that shows astrological data overlaying finance data ?

such as showing new zodiacal signs on a timeframes, or where the planets are on any given day, overlaying the price data of a chart.


PS: I am serious about this.

you can try Swiss Ephemeris for Astro Trading. Transits. Today's Aspects. Declinations. Astrolog Software. Today's Moon Aspects. Astrological Chart. Trine. Square. Conjunction. Daily Aspect. Planets. Full Moon. Heliocentric. Geocentric., it gives you all planets and moon transits of the day. pretty neat tool

does anyone know of any package that shows astrological data overlaying finance data ?

such as showing new zodiacal signs on a timeframes, or where the planets are on any given day, overlaying the price data of a chart.


PS: I am serious about this.

i use this financial astrology site, they have pretty good program for timing solutions
Ok, here is the question: if there are announced advancements in astronomy, physics (higgs, dark matter etc) or new exoplanet, white-dwarf or new moon of jupiter is discovered - do you change your forecasts and current formulas of calculations?

So in general: do you use more technical (what was known about stars before) approach or skew to fundamental (news about advancements in physics, discoveries of new planets in astronomy)? 😎
Ok, here is the question: if there are announced advancements in astronomy, physics (higgs, dark matter etc) or new exoplanet, white-dwarf or new moon of jupiter is discovered - do you change your forecasts and current formulas of calculations?

So in general: do you use more technical (what was known about stars before) approach or skew to fundamental (news about advancements in physics, discoveries of new planets in astronomy)? 😎

advancements in physics doesn't change the position of the stars, so its never a question of fundamentals
advancements in physics doesn't change the position of the stars, so its never a question of fundamentals

Advancement in physics can give us new look at the stars. Why they are the way they are, more accurate prediction where new stars will be born, more correct date of stars death or when a new comet will come by and change gravitational field of other space body.. So it does matter.
Advancement in physics can give us new look at the stars. Why they are the way they are, more accurate prediction where new stars will be born, more correct date of stars death or when a new comet will come by and change gravitational field of other space body.. So it does matter.

still hasn't changed the position of them
still hasn't changed the position of them

But changed our knowledge about them. If you make an error in a mathematical equation you DO have another answer, no matter what is the correct X or Y for these equation.

Same goes to pseudo-knowledge of astrology (if we imagine that it is real), if you have another parameter you should receive another final answer, or how else will you calculate how far and what gravitation (and thus impact) will it have?

As I remember you must take into account planet position and this position can give you telescopes and calculations.

You argument is invalid. Period.
As I remember you must take into account planet position and this position can give you telescopes and calculations.

You argument is invalid. Period.

what the hell are you talking about? Its the telescope and calculations that give us the position..the position that has already been calculated.
Only if the position changes, should your technical analysis change
You dont change your technical analysis because you have a shiny new PC do you?
You similarly dont change your analysis UNTIL that position has changed. The advent of a telescope does not mean the position has changed
Your argument is pretty damn stupid 😆

clearly you don't use astrology and clearly you have no concept of natal charts to be making such idiotic claims. So there is little point in discussing this with you.
I thought there might be an informed opinion, clearly I was wrong
I've lost track of the thread of the past few posts.
It was going well, then it got lulzy.
what the hell are you talking about? Its the telescope and calculations that give us the position..the position that has already been calculated.
Only if the position changes, should your technical analysis change
You dont change your technical analysis because you have a shiny new PC do you?
You similarly dont change your analysis UNTIL that position has changed. The advent of a telescope does not mean the position has changed
Your argument is pretty damn stupid 😆

clearly you don't use astrology and clearly you have no concept of natal charts to be making such idiotic claims. So there is little point in discussing this with you.
I thought there might be an informed opinion, clearly I was wrong

So if new knowledge and news give us a correction to our previously wrong calculations - it doesn't change our technical analysis? Yes, you are right, this is not the place to search for an informed opinion.