Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

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Experts again!

There are so many experts around these days that by the law of averages, some (not so expert) are bound to end up in positions of real power and influence. This is what we are currently experiencing with Covid19, where Govts are being duped into making the wrong decisions based on crap science.

This explosion of experts is as a direct result of opening up university education to complete plebs, who at the end of the process firmly believe that their newfound status entitles them to respect and by extension, deference from Joe public.
Competing mediocre experts leads to mediocre Governance.

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Well here's an interesting move.

Well here's an interesting move.

Well here's a wheeze.

We could all chip in and announce the death of democracy in the Times. 🤭

What are the chances that the UK will meet the 60% take-up rate for a tracking app. Very high, I would say, given the lack of understanding of personal privacy and the risks of data leakage prevalent in the online world.

What are the chances that the UK will meet the 60% take-up rate for a tracking app. Very high, I would say, given the lack of understanding of personal privacy and the risks of data leakage prevalent in the online world.

Why should I be concerned if peeps want to know about my movement as long as my freedoms are not restricted?

Also, we have technology to help us live better lives. If an application can help with tracing infection or spread of viruses whey should it not be applied?

I also feel we should all carry ID cards.

These kinds of consideration are valid but I'd say usually in totalitarian regimes that wish to protect themselves and feel they are under threat of losing power. I do not feel they are a threat to my personal freedom in the UK.

I may be naïve here in not seeing the dangers but thinking about it once the pandemic is over (assuming it exists) I can always remove the app.
Why should I be concerned if peeps want to know about my movement as long as my freedoms are not restricted?

Also, we have technology to help us live better lives. If an application can help with tracing infection or spread of viruses whey should it not be applied?

I also feel we should all carry ID cards.

These kinds of consideration are valid but I'd say usually in totalitarian regimes that wish to protect themselves and feel they are under threat of losing power. I do not feel they are a threat to my personal freedom in the UK.

I may be naïve here in not seeing the dangers but thinking about it once the pandemic is over (assuming it exists) I can always remove the app.

Att, you prove my point.

If you are not aware of the dangers of online privacy already, then I suggest you read around. Never mind that you need to keep bluetooth switched on at all times with it's own associated security risks and excess battery drain.

If you think for a minute that the app won't be used to curtail your freedoms at some point in the future then yes, you are naiive. The data will be shared with whomever asks for it, just as our data is now shared with every tom, dick and harry public department that wants to see it. This thing will track you, every person you have been near, it will gather all sorts of other data such as who you are spending the most time with, then who those people go to meet, spend time with etc.

It's worse than facebook for tracking your location and building a network of connections for people you are associated with plus their connections and their connections and so on.

Notice the line "will only be shared with NHS personnel" do you know how many data breaches there are each year related to public servants unlawfully accessing data? There are thousands, with resulting fines applied to the public bodies responsible (mostly local councils).

All for what, a similar situation to the spread of flu and the resulting equivalent dangers?
Why should I be concerned if peeps want to know about my movement as long as my freedoms are not restricted?

Where were you at 3am this morning?
Where are you at 11 am every day?

Can you post the gps coordinates on this thread please.
Where were you at 3am this morning?
Where are you at 11 am every day?

Can you post the gps coordinates on this thread please.

And I want the telephone numbers and email addresses of every person you came into contact with plus those you 'hung out' with for more than 5 minutes.

I want that into a searchable database with a nice front end to show me all your contacts, on a map, don't forget when travel restrictions are eased I want to know when and where you went on holiday, where you work, where you shop, which pubs and restaurants you frequent, whose bed(s) you are lying in (5G will help here as it has pinpoint accuracy). Then I will correlate that with your spending habits to ensure my profile of you tells me more about you than you know about yourself. I will also correlate it with other data such as what other apps your are using, which apps are therefore the biggest leakers and I could target if I wanted, I'll then correlate that with your music listening habits, do you use Siri or Alexa? Aha there is some voice for me to listen too, also I can correlate your movements to CCTV, what? your phone was there but some other's face is looking at it? how did that happen? Then I'll also just check out your Ringo videos and then I will check out your trading accounts and finally banking, ooooh lovely banking and crypto...

Then I want to know when you've been vaccinated, otherwise......
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Looks like Big Brother is tightening his grip on all of us.
Good catching the criminals but bad for the rest of us imho
Where were you at 3am this morning?
Where are you at 11 am every day?

Can you post the gps coordinates on this thread please.


1. In bed. 😴😴

2. Usually at a desk somewhere by the sea in West Sussex. Not sure about weekends depends on external forces.

Watching paint dry. 🤣
And I want the telephone numbers and email addresses of every person you came into contact with plus those you 'hung out' with for more than 5 minutes.

I want that into a searchable database with a nice front end to show me all your contacts, on a map, don't forget when travel restrictions are eased I want to know when and where you went on holiday, where you work, where you shop, which pubs and restaurants you frequent, whose bed(s) you are lying in (5G will help here as it has pinpoint accuracy). Then I will correlate that with your spending habits to ensure my profile of you tells me more about you than you know about yourself. I will also correlate it with other data such as what other apps your are using, which apps are therefore the biggest leakers and I could target if I wanted, I'll then correlate that with your music listening habits, do you use Siri or Alexa? Aha there is some voice for me to listen too, also I can correlate your movements to CCTV, what? your phone was there but some other's face is looking at it? how did that happen? Then I'll also just check out your Ringo videos and then I will check out your trading accounts and finally banking, ooooh lovely banking and crypto...

Then I want to know when you've been vaccinated, otherwise......

You are verging on to rogue territory there, braking quite a few GDPR rules.

Running ahead with your self. GDPR and DPIAs thanks to EU rules are strictly applied these days - doncha ya know? This isn't a US state is it. Might become one soon though with Brexit then you really should be concerned.