Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

How to drain the lungs of corona patients
orth Korean style ?
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Hey Sig and Counter

No eggs at the local supermarkets all week.

Are you guys importing them all into the UK.
You'd have thought they wouldn't be allowed to be Heads of State, Monarchs, Senior Civil Servants, Cabinet Ministers, Owners of Estates & Vast Tracts of Land, CEO's, Control our Corporations or Avoid all and any Taxes.

But, yes, you've guessed it, they've always done all of these things, so you might as well resign yourself to that just being the way things are, because they certainly aren't going to change any time soon.


I'm trying to think, who was it that ordained these people with the rights to rule our lives?

It was God, wasn't it? Well I have news, there is no God! And in my mind anyone that thinks that a God of any sort gave them rights to tell me what to say and do is a delusioned fool.

What part of my physical entity or virtual soul do they think they possess? Well actually none of it, in reality. So what the f*ck do they think they are doing now attempting to control me?
I'm sure as I was passing a radio with the news on yesterday that UKGov dropped a bombshell, which fits neatly with everything said [predicted] so far....."you will be able to return to work if you are free from the virus"

What does this actually mean in reality? Testing obviously, the tracking app (I hope not), an entry on your NHS record (shared with private insurance and A.N.Y.Other they provide with the right to access)?

Next will be the control to enter supermarkets, or go to the pub, or events, or a flight or.........
Does anyone have any data / stats for the percentage of those that have died with the virus who are known to have comorbidity? In other words, what percentage of the 27,000+ people in the U.K. had underlying health conditions?
Does anyone have any data / stats for the percentage of those that have died with the virus who are known to have comorbidity? In other words, what percentage of the 27,000+ people in the U.K. had underlying health conditions?

Doesn’t matter. What you can never establish is how much (if at all) corvid contributed to the fatal failure of the underlying condition. It has been established that when the immune system goes into overdrive (global storm or called something like that) to tackle corvid it has an detrimental effect in other areas, particularly underlying conditions.

People with corvid die mostly from chronic pneumonia so you could equally argue that they didn’t die from corvid.
If only our " dear world leaders " had invested our money on health etc. and not wasted it on more powerful weapons.
... you can never establish is how much (if at all) corvid contributed to the fatal failure of the underlying condition. tackle corvid it has an detrimental effect in other areas, particularly underlying conditions. People with corvid die mostly from chronic pneumonia so you could equally argue that they didn’t die from corvid.
As has been pointed out already, cause of death is usually listed as the immediate cause and lists complications extant. If one dies of/with a heart attack whilst also suffering from pneumonia then one gets the ticket listing the ticker problem in first place and pneumonia as an also ran.

BTW: I do like the crow/raven motif. Much better that the birds get you than a nasty old virus... nasty young virus, maybe.
If only our " dear world leaders " had invested our money on health etc. and not wasted it on more powerful weapons.

Investing in powerful weapons has kept Europe safe from Soviet invasion and keeps Putin's Russia at bay. A positive (unintended) side-effect of the Cold War arms race was the economic deterioration of the USSR and its bloc, and this played a part in the collapse of Soviet communist system and the liberation of Russian and eastern European citizens from Soviet autocracy.

The arms produced by the west has also enabled us to bolster the west's allies in various regions of the world to enable them to maintain their safety and freedom from aggressive and particularly totalitarian neighbouring regimes.
If only our " dear world leaders " had invested our money on health etc. and not wasted it on more powerful weapons.

What would be the point? More wastage on management and beaurocracy? Bigger bonuses and pay for the CEO's and private partners? The NHS needs a complete overhaul to remove the bloat.
As has been pointed out already, cause of death is usually listed as the immediate cause and lists complications extant. If one dies of/with a heart attack whilst also suffering from pneumonia then one gets the ticket listing the ticker problem in first place and pneumonia as an also ran.

BTW: I do like the crow/raven motif. Much better that the birds get you than a nasty old virus... nasty young virus, maybe.

So there are very few dying of Covid, but many more dying from lockdown.
Banks using cryptocurrency for Covid relief?

Doesn’t matter. What you can never establish is how much (if at all) corvid contributed to the fatal failure of the underlying condition. It has been established that when the immune system goes into overdrive (global storm or called something like that) to tackle corvid it has an detrimental effect in other areas, particularly underlying conditions.

People with corvid die mostly from chronic pneumonia so you could equally argue that they didn’t die from corvid.
Hi Jon,
I take your points, but I think my question is worth knowing the answer to (anyone???) so that we we can determine the likelihood of someone who has no underlying health issues dying of the disease. I appreciate we'd also need to know the breakdown by age group and sex to be able to put forward meaningful statistics. My thinking is that on the radio the morning, the results of a some survey (sorry, can't remember who or what etc.) concluded that it's the 18 - 24 age group who are most afraid of the lock down ending and setting foot outside their front doors. This suggests to me that they are completely gripped by MSM fear porn and don't realise that their chances of dying from the disease are probably no higher than slipping on a banana skin and breaking their necks. Okay, I just made that up - but you see what I'm driving at, I hope!
Doesn’t matter. What you can never establish is how much (if at all) corvid contributed to the fatal failure of the underlying condition. It has been established that when the immune system goes into overdrive (global storm or called something like that) to tackle corvid it has an detrimental effect in other areas, particularly underlying conditions.

People with corvid die mostly from chronic pneumonia so you could equally argue that they didn’t die from corvid.

Accuracy absolutely matters because as things stand Covid19 figures are being inflated as a means to justify continuance of bad policy. There isn't a Govt in the world prepared to change their standpoint based on real world facts. Instead they are far more inclined (guided by the wrong experts) to double down and continue along the same path.

I very much doubt that they are consulting wider real expert opinion.

Consider this.

Throughout time, every pandemic was brought under control by isolating the sick and vulnerable whilst the healthy majority went about their normal day to day business, catching and recovering from the virus which over time allowed herd immunity to be built.

So why are we all now following the wrong policy?